
Showing posts with the label FAMILY & PARENTING

How To Get Rid Of A Hickey Overnight - 8 Tips You Need To Know

How To Get Rid Of A Hickey Overnight How to get rid of a hickey? Some people are sometimes engrossed in kissing until they leave a kiss mark on their partner’s body. Kissing becomes a fun activity for most couples. A romantic way of kissing can be done on the lips, cheeks, face, neck, to your partner’s body. Some people who are too engrossed in kissing, not the least, leave hickey marks on their partner’s body. This of course can interfere with appearance and reduce self-confidence. So, how do you easily get rid of hickey marks? What can cause a hickey like bruise ? Kiss marks or what is known as a hickey are red, dark purple, or blue marks caused by prolonged and vigorous kissing. These characteristics usually appear in the neck area, but do not rule out other areas of the body. When your partner sucks and bites your skin, the pressure can break the tiny blood vessels under the skin’s surface. The blood vessels that burst will release small spots of blood called petechiae. The blood s

11 Effective Ways How To Get Rid Of Ants Naturally

How to get rid of ants naturally. Photo by  prasanthdas ds  from  Pexels How to get rid of ants naturally Ants are the most common insects in the house. Although their existence is sometimes useful, such as cleaning up crumbs of food that have been scattered on the floor or repelling termites, ants are a lot of annoyance. A troupe of ants who appeared out of nowhere liked to come suddenly. Especially if there is sweet food, it doesn’t take long for the ants to immediately invade the source of the sweet taste. You may be tempted to use chemicals that contain pesticides to get rid of ants immediately. However, pesticides themselves are harmful to humans and the environment. Well, here are some easy tricks to eradicate the ants to their nests, of course, without harmful chemicals. 11 Effective Ways How To Get Rid Of Ants Naturally 1. Using a solution of water and soap How to get rid of ants naturally with a solution of water and soap. Photo by  cottonbro  from  Pexels A solution of water

How To Sleep Faster At Night - 12 Most Effective Ways

How To Sleep Faster At Night – 12 Most Effective Ways How to sleep faster at night – try to set a bedtime so that you are always at the same bedtime every night. Do you have trouble sleeping or falling asleep at night? You may have tried several ways to fall asleep quickly, but nothing worked. Well, besides taking medication from a doctor, you can try various ways to quickly sleep naturally. A quick way to sleep at night that is easy to do If you find it difficult to sleep at night, it will make you not energized and not excited about doing activities the next day. In fact, adequate and quality sleep also plays an important role in maintaining health. Therefore, you can do the following habits as a quick way to sleep at night. 1. Set to sleep at the same time every night One of the main fast ways to sleep is to set a bedtime so it’s always at the same time every night. For example, if you always sleep every 9 at night, then you will wake up at 5 or 6 in the morning. If this fast sleep

How To Get Rid Of Anxiety Fast - 9 Tips You Need To Know

How To Get Rid Of Anxiety Fast How to get rid of anxiety fast? Anxiety is one of the emotions that often arises when someone is stressed. Experiencing stress every now and then is actually a common and normal thing. In fact, it is often experienced by everyone. However, if the level of anxiety experienced is excessive, the situation can turn into a health problem and anxiety. Anxiety disorder is a mental health disease, the symptoms of this disorder are nervousness, anxiety, worry, and excessive fear. This condition will change the emotions and behavior of the sufferer. In addition, this condition will change the emotions and behavior of the sufferer. In fact, the symptoms of this disorder can develop into physical symptoms and interfere with daily life. Anxiety Disorders Causes and Symptoms There are various trigger factors that cause anxiety disorders. The causes of this anxiety disorder include environmental conditions, for example, such as experiencing difficulties at work, stress

How To Get Rid Of Negative Thoughts - 10 Tips Will Make You A Better Person

How To Get Rid Of Negative Thoughts How to get rid of negative thoughts? Most people have experienced depression, such as feelings of hopelessness, anger, suffering, unhappiness, tiredness, failure, and sadness. Depression is a normal reaction, when we feel disappointed in life which leads to negative thoughts. Negative thoughts will make us believe that the problem exists, even though it is not. Negative thoughts will stop us from moving forward. When you feel it now, stop immediately. How To Get Rid Of Negative Thoughts – 10 Tips 1. Associating or Making Friends with Positive Thinking People Hanging out with friends who have positive thoughts will make it easier for us to eliminate negative thoughts. According to research, college students are more likely to imitate their roommate’s negative behavior, such as excessive worry and taking things too seriously. This is called rumination. Therefore, choosing the right friends to hang out with and avoiding negative behavior from friends as

Tips To Conceive Fast - 5 Ways How To Get Pregnant Faster You Need To Know

Tips To Conceive Fast Tips to conceive fast If you and your partner just got married, having children is always coveted. There are several ways to get pregnant quickly after marriage that you and your partner can try to do. Thus, your chances of getting a baby will be even greater. The chance for each woman to get pregnant after having sex without contraception is about 15-25% each month. The chances of pregnancy will be even greater if the woman has sex during the fertile period, which is the time when the ovaries release eggs into the uterus. If you have a normal menstrual cycle of 28 days, the fertile or ovulation period can occur around 14 days after the first day of your period. However, if your menstrual cycle is irregular, the ovulation period can occur around 12-14 days before the first day of your next period. Tips to conceive fast – how to get pregnant quickly after marriage There are several ways you can do to increase fertility so that pregnancy can occur quickly. 1. Have s

18 Creative Gifts Ideas For Boyfriend To Make Him Happy

Gifts Ideas for Boyfriend. Photo by  Amy T  from  Pexels Gifts Ideas for Boyfriend Is your partner having a birthday soon? Are you two going to celebrate special annual moments like anniversaries or Christmas? To warm and enliven these special moments, usually, you will exchange gifts. So, what kind of gift you should give to your guy? Maybe your guy is not a picky person. He will still be happy, no matter what you give him. But if you give him anything he will be happy, especially if you give him something he likes? So, curious about what items are suitable and useful for him? Try to dig from his hobby. Based on this hobby, here are 18 gifts ideas for boyfriend that you can give to him. Heed carefully, okay! 18 Creative Gifts Ideas For Boyfriend To Make Him Happy 1. Drinking bottles Drinking bottles Gifts ideas for boyfriend for a guy who likes outdoor activities, drinking bottles can be the most important item he needs. There’s nothing wrong with you trying to give a drinking bottle.