Christmas Gift Ideas For Kids - Parents Love To Try

Christmas Gift Ideas For Kids
Christmas Gift Ideas For Kids

Christmas gift ideas for kids – usually children have already made a wish list for their Christmas gifts, but if your little one hasn’t made it yet, you can try our recommended Christmas gift ideas.

For children, Christmas is synonymous with stories of Santa Claus who give dream gifts to children. In fact, it is you who must replace the role of Santa Claus for their joy at Christmas.

That’s why I will help you with 10 Christmas gift ideas for your kids. Christmas is synonymous with the Christmas tree.

Not only Christmas trees, children really love Christmas gifts. Therefore, giving Christmas gifts can be the most appropriate way to introduce Christmas to children.

Christmas Gift Ideas For Kids – 4 Tips

What are the tips for choosing Christmas gifts for children?

The following are complete tips so that children can be more cheerful celebrating Christmas with their gifts.

1. Adjust to age

The first tip is to adjust the gift according to the child’s age. This is important so that the gifts given can please the children.

For example, for a three year old who gets bored quickly, you can give him a lego toy or a puzzle that twists their brains a little to play with.

2. Distinguish gifts from year to year

Next is to differentiate the gifts given from year to year. Your child celebrates Christmas every year, so the gifts must be different every year.

For this, you can give different types of gifts each year. For example, reading books for this year, then toys for the next year and so on.

3. Support his/her hobbies and passions

Not only a variety of gifts, another thing that is no less important is supporting his hobby at Christmas.

You can support your child’s hobbies at Christmas by giving gifts in the form of tools that they can use for their hobbies.

With this, children will not only be happy because they get a present, but will also feel supported by their family to continue their hobby.

4 Prioritize safety and comfort

The final tip is to prioritize children’s safety and comfort in choosing gifts. You must first check the safety of the gifts that will be given.

Will it be safe for children to play or use? Choosing a safe gift will not take long, just like mothers check the expiration date listed on the food.

Besides being safe, comfort must also be considered. Don’t let parents choose a gift according to their taste, but it’s actually not a comfortable gift for children to use!

Christmas Gift Ideas For Kids – 11 Tips

After knowing the various important tips in choosing Christmas gifts for children, here are recommendations for Christmas gift ideas that are suitable for children.

1. Slime

The first recommended Christmas gift is slime. Lime is a modern toy that kids love. Shaped like jelly, this slime can also be made at home.

The ingredients needed to make slime frosting, a type of slime, include glue, lotion, eye drops, water, liquid soap using a container and a spoon.

The method is quite easy because you just have to stir all the ingredients in the container until the slime frosting forms.

More complete, you can find the tutorial on Youtube. If you are lazy to make, you can simply buy various colored slimes that are sold online.

2. Doll

The next gift that suits all situations is a doll. Not only suitable in all situations, dolls are also liked by all children, girls and boys. When buying a doll, it’s a good idea to pay attention to several factors such as the material of the doll, the softness of the doll and the shape of the doll itself.

3. Hotwheels

Most young children love cars. If your child likes car toys, maybe you can make Hotwheels a Christmas gift for children this year.

Buying a Hotwheels children’s collection, it’s good if you pay attention to special care for this one toy. You can also buy a shelf made from acrylic to store hotwheels so that the toys don’t get dirty.

4. Christmas candy

Candy is also an inseparable part of Christmas. If you want to gift candy to complement Christmas, then a Christmas edition of lollipops is the best choice. This lollipop is different from regular candy, because it is a Christmas tree or a Santa wand with a red and white outline.

5. Cute raincoats

Not only cute gifts, you can also give useful Christmas gifts such as children’s raincoats.

Raincoats are useful, of course, to protect children from rain, so they avoid illnesses such as flu or fever.

Currently, many children’s raincoats are sold with a wide selection of cute cartoon motifs.

One thing that must be considered when buying a raincoat for children is to ensure that the materials purchased are of the best quality, such as PVC which holds water well.

6. Drawing tools

One of the favorite hobbies of children is drawing. For Christmas gifts, you can also buy children drawing tools to complement their drawing supplies.

7. Vacation together

If you want to give your children another atmosphere to celebrate Christmas, you can replace gifts with holidays together. Vacation together is certainly fun because it involves all family members.

8. Cute Christmas costumes

Cute Christmas costumes can add to the festivity of Christmas celebrations. These Christmas costumes are available in various sizes and are also available for both girls and boys.

9. Shoes

The next Christmas present is shoes. For children, it is better to choose shoes made from flexible and non-slippery materials.

10. Educational toys

The last Christmas gift recommendation from is Playpad. This playpad not only functions as a toy, but also educates language for children.

Sharing Christmas experiences at the orphanage

Apart from giving gifts and holidays, you can also invite your children to celebrate Christmas by visiting the orphanage.

By taking the children to an orphanage, they will become more aware that not all children of their age get the same facilities and love that their parents give.

You can also share activities at orphanages such as social services, fun games to futsal.

Christmas gift ideas for kids

There are many options to celebrate Christmas with children. If you want to have a different Christmas each year, you can do different things each year with your child and family.

The trick is to combine all the tips and idea recommendations listed above. For example, this year you share gifts at home, next you share at an orphanage and then on vacation.
