How To Do Natural Fruit Facial At Home - 5 Steps To Better Your Look

How To Do Natural Fruit Facial At Home
How To Do Natural Fruit Facial At Home

How To Do Natural Fruit Facial At Home

Dense daily activities often prevent you from doing facial treatments at beauty clinics. So that it makes the skin look dull and unkempt. In fact, you can actually do facials at home.

And this facial at home can be done for all skin types, including those of you who have acne problems. Especially for acne prone skin, doing facials at home using fruits is very good.

As we know, fruits have many benefits, one of which is very beneficial for the skin, so that your skin looks radiant and hydrated.

Fruit is also a natural skincare ingredient that offers a lot of goodness to the skin, including ways to stay young.

If you want to do facial treatments at home using fruit, follow the steps below.

How To Do Natural Fruit Facial At Home

1. Start by cleaning your face

Cleaning your face is the main thing you should do before doing facials at home. Washing the face aims to clean all the oil and dirt that sticks.

If you previously used make-up, then you should clean your face with makeup cleansing soap.

Because usually the rest of the make up cannot be removed just by washing your face. After that, start washing your face by rinsing your face with warm water.

Make sure you don’t use hot water, because it will only damage the blood vessels in the face area.

Meanwhile, using cold water can open facial pores. Next, pour just enough facial cleansing soap into the palms of your hands.

Then, use it to the surface of the face while massaging it in a circular motion from top to bottom, so that all oil and dirt can be removed perfectly.

This step aims to exfoliate the skin and increase blood flow so that the pores on the face can be opened and cleaned. And finally, rinse your face using warm water. Then, dry your face with a soft towel.

2. Prepare the fruit to be used

If you have cleaned your face perfectly, then the next step is to prepare the ingredients. What are the ingredients needed?

Only two ingredients, namely strawberries and one teaspoon of sugar. You need to mix the two ingredients into one container, then grind them.

If so, do a thorough exfoliation to get rid of all the dead skin cells and dirt that may stick to the pores. Why should you choose strawberries?

Because the fruit with a sweet and sour taste contains vitamin C and antioxidants that can cleanse the face, while sugar helps exfoliate the skin properly.

The good news, this fruit can also delay the aging process.

3. Perform facial steaming

This method of facial at home can not only remove the remaining dirt. But it also opens the pores so that the goodness from the next masking process is absorbed thoroughly.

Take a bowl of hot water then add 2 to 3 teaspoons of lemon to it. Use a towel to cover your head and let the steam on your face for 10 minutes.

4. Continue with a face mask

After the steam process is complete, then continue using a face mask. The mask you want to use should be made of natural ingredients too. Here you can choose bananas and honey to make a mask.

Start by mashing one banana and mixing it with two teaspoons of honey and one teaspoon of orange juice. If so, apply the fruit mask on your face and leave it for about 10 minutes.

Wash off with cold water. Bananas are great for moisturizing the skin and when mixed with honey, you can imagine how hydrated your skin is.

Orange juice, on the other hand, is a great source of vitamin C which helps you get that natural glow.

5. Finally, use a facial toner and moisturizer

After doing a series of facial methods at home, comes the final stage of facial treatment. You can wipe a cotton ball soaked in facial toner all over your face.

Toners can help remove residual dirt on the face, lock facial pores, and keep skin well hydrated. If you have used toner, you can apply moisturizer to your face in a circular motion from top to bottom.

In addition to moisturizing, moisturizer can help nourish the skin, hydrate the skin, and prevent damage to the skin.

In order for facial skin to be properly cared for, make sure you use a toner and facial moisturizer according to your skin type.

How To Do Natural Fruit Facial At Home – Things You Need To Know When Doing This

Even though this method is safe and easy, you still have to pay attention to the following things:

  • After doing facials, try not to use make up, let your face “breathe” for a few moments.
  • For satisfying results, do a facial at home once a week.
  • Create a calm and conducive room. This method is effective for relieving stress and maximizing the facial process at home like facial at beauty clinics.
  • If you experience certain side effects while doing facials at home, you should immediately rinse and clean your face.
