
Showing posts with the label HEALTH AND FITNESS TIPS

How To Do Natural Fruit Facial At Home - 5 Steps To Better Your Look

How To Do Natural Fruit Facial At Home How To Do Natural Fruit Facial At Home Dense daily activities often prevent you from doing facial treatments at beauty clinics. So that it makes the skin look dull and unkempt. In fact, you can actually do facials at home. And this facial at home can be done for all skin types, including those of you who have acne problems. Especially for acne prone skin, doing facials at home using fruits is very good. As we know, fruits have many benefits, one of which is very beneficial for the skin, so that your skin looks radiant and hydrated. Fruit is also a natural skincare ingredient that offers a lot of goodness to the skin, including ways to stay young. If you want to do facial treatments at home using fruit, follow the steps below. How To Do Natural Fruit Facial At Home 1. Start by cleaning your face Cleaning your face is the main thing you should do before doing facials at home. Washing the face aims to clean all the oil and dirt that sticks. If you pr

How To Quit Smoking Cigarettes - 7 Best Smoking Cessation Tips

Tips To Quit Smoking Cigarettes How To Quit Smoking Cigarettes ? Not a few active smokers find it difficult to quit smoking. If you are one of them, there are several effective ways to quit smoking that you can try. Besides being bad for your health, smoking can also be bad for the health of those around you. Quitting smoking is not something that is easy to do. Some people even fail to do this. However, your commitment to quit smoking and have a healthier body, will greatly help efforts to quit the habit. Not only armed with a strong determination to take various effective ways to quit smoking, you also need the help of a doctor and the support of those closest to you when you want to stop this unhealthy habit. H ow To Quit Smoking Cigarettes There are three important steps that must be applied when you decide to quit smoking, namely preparation for quitting smoking, quitting, and still quitting smoking. To achieve these three steps, there are various effective ways to quit smoking th

How To Cure Bad Breath - Here Are 7 Trivial Habits You Need To Avoid

How To Cure Bad Breath . Image from How To Cure Bad Breath Bad breath is often insecure in a lot of people. Every time you want to chat or be close to other people, you will be worried about the “scent” coming out of your mouth. The problem is not only making the situation super awkward or your interlocutor feels, but bad breath is also usually an indication of a more serious health problem in your body. But one thing to remember, the causes of bad breath cannot be generalized, aka different. Rarely is it known, you need to identify the 7 causes of bad breath. After knowing the cause, you can find ways to cure of bad breath forever. How To Cure Bad Breath 7 Trivial Habits You Need To Avoid  1. Not many people know, sleeping with your mouth open or snoring can cause bad breath . Relaxed woman lying with eyes closed in bed. Image from Sleeping with your mouth open allows bacteria to grow and reproduce. Also, snoring can trigger bad breath. Because breathing thro

9 Bad Effects You Need To Know Why You Should Not Sleep With Lights On?

Why You Should Not Sleep With Lights On? Let’s get used to sleeping in dark conditions. Photo by  cottonbro  from  Pexels Each person has their favorite sleep mood. Some like to sleep on the floor, the grounds are cooler and more comfortable. Others prefer to sleep on a warm and soft mattress. Some others prefer to sleep in the dark, but there are also those whose lights must be on. But did you know that sleeping with the lights on is not good? If you don’t know, follow the review below! Why You Should Not Sleep With Lights On? 9 Bad Effects You Need To Know 1. Insomnia Sleeping woman in front of turned on table lamp beside books. Photo by  Kha Ruxury  on  Pexels Because the production of the hormone melatonin in the brain is disturbed, your sleep can be hindered by insomnia. So it’s not good to sleep. The hormone melatonin – the sleep control hormone – induces sleepiness and works best in dark situations. So, it’s only natural that bright lights make it difficult for you to sleep. Wit

6 Different Causes of Headaches You Need To Know Guaranteed For Proper Medication

Young woman with serious sinusitis.  Causes of Headaches . Image from Causes of Headaches Headache is called cephalgia which means pain inside the head. Often complained by many people, headaches are divided into two, namely the left and right sides of the head. The right and left headaches cannot be equated with you. Not infrequently people feel headaches to the right of the eye. Meanwhile, some people experience headaches to the left that reach the eyes and ears. The symptoms of the two diseases are not the same because the causes are different. Due to different causes, how to deal with headaches on the right and left are not the same. As a result, the right and left headache medications are also different. So, so that you don’t think wrong, it’s good to pay attention to the difference between the following left and right headaches. Causes of Headaches Left headaches and right headaches has different causes. You need to know how to recognize the symptoms so you do not ge

Important Symptoms of Typhus You Need To Know Before It Become More Dangerous

Mother checking fever of her daughter in bedroom. Image from Symptoms of Typhus Some people often ignore the symptoms of typhus because it looks like a common cold. The disease caused by Salmonella Typhi bacterial infection makes our bodies feel uncomfortable. In general, the typhus signs in each person do look almost the same and the differences are very slight. However, if investigated further, the signs of typhus in children turned out to have several differences from the signs of typhus in adults. The signs of typhoid itself do not refer to a situation in which a person is truly considered typhus, but things that happened before leading to this indication. The causes of typhoid symptoms also have various sources, ranging from weather to diet which according to medical science is considered incorrect. To recognize the typhus signs as quickly as possible so that it doesn’t get worse, it’s a good idea to see the reviews below. Symptoms of Typhus Important Typhus Signs Yo

10 Urgent Signs You Need To See a Dentist Immediately

Signs You Need To See a Dentist – Woman in Blue Scrub Suit Wearing Black Sunglasses. Photo by  cottonbro  from  Pexels Signs You Need To See a Dentist Checking with the dentist is one of the things that is often overlooked. Apart from being lazy and feeling that their teeth are not problematic, the cost is also the reason why many people are reluctant to check with the dentist. No wonder that many say dentists are a productive job, dentist salaries are commensurate with the services they provide, considering that oral health is very important to be considered as part of overall health. Being late in checking your teeth that are already problematic not only adds to the swelling of the fare, but your safety is also at stake. Even though most people know that seeing a dentist is best regularly every 6 months. If you already feel these signs, immediately go to the nearest 24 hours dentist clinic. 10 Urgent Signs You Should See a Dentist Immediately 1. Pain and swelling around the mouth, fa