Important Symptoms of Typhus You Need To Know Before It Become More Dangerous

Mother checking fever of her daughter in bedroom. Image from
Mother checking fever of her daughter in bedroom. Image from

Symptoms of Typhus

Some people often ignore the symptoms of typhus because it looks like a common cold.

The disease caused by Salmonella Typhi bacterial infection makes our bodies feel uncomfortable.

In general, the typhus signs in each person do look almost the same and the differences are very slight.

However, if investigated further, the signs of typhus in children turned out to have several differences from the signs of typhus in adults.

The signs of typhoid itself do not refer to a situation in which a person is truly considered typhus, but things that happened before leading to this indication.

The causes of typhoid symptoms also have various sources, ranging from weather to diet which according to medical science is considered incorrect.

To recognize the typhus signs as quickly as possible so that it doesn’t get worse, it’s a good idea to see the reviews below.

Symptoms of Typhus

Important Typhus Signs You Need To Know Before It Become More Dangerous

At the age of the child, these are the general symptoms of typhus that will be experienced

Illness baby girl in warm scarf. Image from
Illness baby girl in warm scarf. Image from

The main cause of typhus symptoms in children is usually bacteria which generally develop in drinks or foods that are not hygienic or undercooked.

The age of children is the most susceptible to typhoid symptoms because their immune system is not strong and tends to change.

Symptoms usually appear about one to two weeks after the bacteria infected the child. The symptoms and signs of typhus at child include:

  • A high fever that doesn’t go away usually occurs over one week,
  • Nausea and vomiting, accompanied by persistent stomach pain,
  • Headaches followed by weakness and soreness in the joint area,
  • Loss of appetite drastically,
  • Digestive disorders such as constipation and diarrhea.

The typhus symptoms usually consist of mild symptoms as well as severe symptoms.

However, in general, these symptoms will last up to four weeks or even more.

If we do not treat the symptoms promptly, they are likely to persist for more than a month and cause complications.

Typhoid symptoms that occur in adults are not much different.

Woman in Blue Sweater Lying on Bed. Photo by Polina Tankilevitch from Pexels
Woman in Blue Sweater Lying on Bed. Photo by Polina Tankilevitch from Pexels

Typhoid symptoms suffered by adults are not too different from those experienced by children.

In the initial phase of infection, the patient will experience a high body temperature increase of up to 40 degrees Celsius.

Just like at children, adults who suffer from typhoid symptoms will also experience headaches, coughing, and weakness.

There is also the possibility that nosebleeds or bleeding will occur in the nasal cavity.

After entering the initial phase, sufferers of typhoid symptoms can become delirious while sleeping because their body temperature is so high.

Also, other symptoms appear, such as abdominal pain, diarrhea, or constipation, to discoloration of the stool.

In the next phase, sufferers of typhus symptoms will experience a drastic decrease in body temperature.

However, that is where the critical phase begins, because when the temperature drops there is the potential for further complications of the disease.

Although they are similar, the symptoms of typhus are different from the symptoms of dengue fever!

Symptoms of dengue fever. Photo by 41330 on Pixabay
Symptoms of dengue fever. Photo by 41330 on Pixabay

Both have the main characteristic, namely an increase in body temperature with a high number, the symptoms of typhus have several differences from the symptoms of dengue fever.

In patients with DHF, a high fever will last longer and be more stable. Whereas in typhus sufferers, the fever that occurs will fluctuate and usually have separate times.

Also, people with symptoms of dengue fever will experience severe headaches, while sufferers of typhus symptoms will experience abdominal pain.

This happens because the bacteria that cause typhus symptoms attack the digestive tract.

Another thing is, the symptoms of dengue fever often appear seasonally. For example, during the rainy season, because the environment becomes damp and makes it easier for mosquitoes to breed.

Meanwhile, typhus symptoms can appear at any time if we do not maintain cleanliness and diet properly.

If you’ve experienced these symptoms, it’s better to be more vigilant. Even though the symptoms are mild, typhus symptoms can recur at any time.

So we should not ignore the cleanliness of our environment. Especially if our immune system is weak.

To prevent typhus symptoms, from now on try to eat a healthy lifestyle. And don’t forget to pay attention to environmental cleanliness!
