How To Quit Smoking Cigarettes - 7 Best Smoking Cessation Tips

Tips To Quit Smoking Cigarettes
Tips To Quit Smoking Cigarettes

How To Quit Smoking Cigarettes ?

Not a few active smokers find it difficult to quit smoking. If you are one of them, there are several effective ways to quit smoking that you can try.

Besides being bad for your health, smoking can also be bad for the health of those around you. Quitting smoking is not something that is easy to do.

Some people even fail to do this. However, your commitment to quit smoking and have a healthier body, will greatly help efforts to quit the habit.

Not only armed with a strong determination to take various effective ways to quit smoking, you also need the help of a doctor and the support of those closest to you when you want to stop this unhealthy habit.

How To Quit Smoking Cigarettes

There are three important steps that must be applied when you decide to quit smoking, namely preparation for quitting smoking, quitting, and still quitting smoking.

To achieve these three steps, there are various effective ways to quit smoking that you can apply in your daily life.

7 Easy-to-Follow Solutions to Stop Smoking for Good
7 Easy-to-Follow Solutions to Stop Smoking for Good

7 Smoking Cessation Tips

1. Make a list of reasons for quitting smoking

Write a list of reasons why you want to quit smoking and keep them in mind wherever you go. This reason will be a motivator and make it easier for you to quit smoking.

Start by removing anything smoking related, like ashtrays and matches, out of your reach. Also set a target date for when you start quitting smoking and when you will quit the habit completely.

Don’t forget to tell your friends, relatives, and family that you are in the stage of quitting smoking so that they can provide support and not offer you cigarettes.

2. Avoid smoking habit triggers

Avoid factors that can trigger you to return to smoking, such as hanging out with fellow smokers or consuming coffee and alcoholic beverages.

If you get used to smoking after eating, you can find ways to distract yourself from smoking, for example by chewing gum, snacking, or even brushing your teeth.

When the desire to smoke comes, you can also try to delay it and keep busy with other activities such as walking, exercising, or doing something you enjoy.

3. Try counseling

Counseling can help you identify the factors that trigger you to smoke and focus on ways to quit smoking. In this case, you can ask a psychologist to help find a solution.

To increase success, this may be accompanied by nicotine replacement therapy, for example with chewing gum, lozenges, patches, inhalers, or nasal sprays containing nicotine.

4. Always say ‘no’ to cigarettes

If you have decided to quit smoking, then you have to discipline yourself. Maybe once in a while you will be tempted to smoke and say, “one cigarette is fine.”

Keep those thoughts away! Even if it’s only one stick, smoking a cigarette can trigger you to keep smoking it again and again.

5. Anticipate nicotine withdrawal symptoms

When you start quitting smoking, your body will lack nicotine.

This can trigger nicotine withdrawal symptoms, which are characterized by pain, nausea, headaches, anxiety, and emotional anger.

People who want to quit smoking will usually experience coughing symptoms.

Generally, you will experience this condition within 12-24 hours after quitting smoking and will gradually subside within 2–4 weeks.

Don’t be tempted to go back to smoking even if you have to feel these disturbing symptoms.

After the body gets used to being free from nicotine, these symptoms will disappear on their own and you can be free from smoking.

6. Perform relaxation therapy

Quitting smoking might stress you out. However, this can be overcome by various relaxation methods, such as getting a massage, listening to classical music, or taking deep breaths. You can also overcome it by doing light exercise, such as yoga or jogging.

7. Try hypnotherapy

Another method of quitting smoking is to undergo alternative therapy in the form of hypnotherapy.

It is not certain whether this procedure is really effective at making someone quit smoking.

However, some people claim to have felt the benefits. It’s not easy to stop smoking.

If the various methods above cannot help or you are still having trouble quitting smoking, try to consult a doctor so that the doctor can determine an effective way to quit smoking according to your condition.

Your doctor can also prescribe medications, such as bupropion or varenicline, to help you quit smoking, whether it’s e-cigarettes or tobacco cigarettes.
