9 Bad Effects You Need To Know Why You Should Not Sleep With Lights On?

Why You Should Not Sleep With Lights On?

Let’s get used to sleeping in dark conditions. Photo by cottonbro from Pexels
Let’s get used to sleeping in dark conditions. Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Each person has their favorite sleep mood. Some like to sleep on the floor, the grounds are cooler and more comfortable.

Others prefer to sleep on a warm and soft mattress. Some others prefer to sleep in the dark, but there are also those whose lights must be on.

But did you know that sleeping with the lights on is not good? If you don’t know, follow the review below!

Why You Should Not Sleep With Lights On?

9 Bad Effects You Need To Know

1. Insomnia

Sleeping woman in front of turned on table lamp beside books. Photo by Kha Ruxury on Pexels
Sleeping woman in front of turned on table lamp beside books. Photo by Kha Ruxury on Pexels

Because the production of the hormone melatonin in the brain is disturbed, your sleep can be hindered by insomnia. So it’s not good to sleep.

The hormone melatonin – the sleep control hormone – induces sleepiness and works best in dark situations.

So, it’s only natural that bright lights make it difficult for you to sleep. With bright lights, our brain will be confused whether day or night.

If you often have trouble sleeping, try turning off the light before going to sleep. Who knows, sleepiness will come easier and you will sleep better.

2. Sleep quality less, feeling weak and tired during the day

If you’ve slept for a long time but it’s still not fresh, please evaluate the quality of your sleep again. Photo by Kinga Cichewicz on Unsplash
If you’ve slept for a long time but it’s still not fresh, please evaluate the quality of your sleep again. Photo by Kinga Cichewicz on Unsplash

Sleeping with bright lights makes sleep quality less. Feeling weak and tired during the day is one of the effects.

Even when the eyes are closed, light can still faintly enter our eyes. This is what makes our sleep uncomfortable.

Besides that, the not optimal melatonin hormone can mess up your sleep time. You, who should still need time to sleep, are awake because of the sleepiness that suddenly disappears prematurely.

This lack of quality sleep has a bad impact on the body because the processes in the body cannot be maximized. When the day comes, you become weak and easily get tired while working.

3. Sleep soundly and with quality to accelerate metabolism

Sleep soundly. Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash
Sleep soundly. Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash

Sleep soundly and with quality to accelerate metabolism. Conversely, if you sleep well, your metabolism is also hampered.

When we sleep, our body recovers itself. The cells regenerate and the body prepares energy for tomorrow through the process of metabolism.

With perfect sleep quality, your body’s internal processes are also maximized. But if your sleep quality is lacking, the metabolic process in your body is also less than optimal.

Sleep well is an indication that you are healthy and happy.

4. Weight gain

Melatonin production from quality sleep can reduce the risk of obesity. Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels
Melatonin production from quality sleep can reduce the risk of obesity. Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

Although it still needs further investigation, sleeping with the light on is also thought to cause weight gain. There’s nothing wrong with preventing it from now on.

Because our metabolic processes do not run smoothly due to poor quality sleep, this also has an impact on obesity. Carbohydrates that enter our bodies cannot be processed optimally, so they turn into fat deposits.

5. Cancer

The body needs to rest and recover optimally at night. One of them is through the production of the hormone melatonin. Relaxed woman lying with eyes closed in bed. Image from freepik.com
The body needs to rest and recover optimally at night. One of them is through the production of the hormone melatonin. Relaxed woman lying with eyes closed in bed. Image from freepik.com

The hormone melatonin can be a hormone that blocks free radicals in our bodies. Its presence can prevent cancer.

Some studies suggest that light at night can lead to cancer. n one study, 2,000 people who often worked night shifters had a higher risk of developing prostate cancer in men.

For women, being exposed to lights at night can increase various cancer risks. The hormone melatonin, which functions as an antioxidant that suppresses free radicals, can be produced optimally in dark conditions.

6. Increase the risk of cardiovascular disease

Man Wearing Polo Shirt Holding Left Chest. Having a good biological clock is the key to a healthy life. Photo by freestocks.org from Pexels
Man Wearing Polo Shirt Holding Left Chest. Having a good biological clock is the key to a healthy life. Photo by freestocks.org from Pexels

We know that sleep quality affects heart health. Poor sleep can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Well, related to this hormone melatonin, besides preventing the growth of harmful cells in the body, this hormone also functions to regulate blood pressure and inhibits the increase in bad cholesterol that can settle in the blood vessels.

If melatonin production in the body is disturbed, cardiovascular disease can threaten.

7. Dim light makes you sleep soundly

If you have to, choose the dimmest light. Room with dim light. Photo by Vojtech Bruzek on Unsplash
If you have to, choose the dimmest light. Room with dim light. Photo by Vojtech Bruzek on Unsplash

Maybe you don’t like the dark. If you have to, use a dim light. Besides being healthier, the atmosphere also makes you sleep soundly.

Many things indeed affect a person’s sleep comfort. If you don’t like the dark and are even afraid of being in the dark, there is no other choice but to keep the light on while you sleep.

But choose a light sleeper with a dim light. Dim light will reduce the ill effects of bright lights. The color of the lights can also affect a person’s mood.

A neuroscience journal states that the color blue will make the mood worse and trigger feelings of depression.

For your light sleeper, red is the best choice because it has the least effect on your mood.

8. Prevent global warming

Environment ecology pollution concept burning Earth globe covered in transparent plastic bag in shape of bomb placed on wooden bench near green plants. Photo by ArtHouse Studio from Pexels
Environment ecology pollution concept burning Earth globe covered in transparent plastic bag in shape of bomb placed on wooden bench near green plants. Photo by ArtHouse Studio from Pexels

Also, turning off the lights while sleeping can also prevent global warming.

Do you feel bad, if your room lights are bright, do you feel hotter than when you turn off the lights?

Yes. Turning off the lights while sleeping, besides making the air cooler, will also prevent global warming. The heat produced by lamps can add to the temperature of our old earth.

9. Save electricity

Obviously it could be a healthy way to save money. Iridescent Light Bulb Is Turned on. Photo by Juliana Stein from Pexels
Obviously it could be a healthy way to save money. Iridescent Light Bulb Is Turned on. Photo by Juliana Stein from Pexels

And most importantly, by turning off the lights while sleeping, we also save electricity. We don’t need the light anyway.

Last, but very important, turning off the lights while sleeping means that we save money.

You remember the science lesson during elementary school, about natural resources that cannot be renewed? Well, electricity is one of them.

Meanwhile, we know that our electricity supply is running low. So, there’s nothing wrong with saving money by turning off the lights while sleeping.

After all, you also don’t need it, right? In a way, if your room light turns on while you sleep, it doesn’t illuminate anything.

Now, after you know the risks, benefits, and dangers, starting today, make it a habit to turn off the lights while sleeping, okay!

Apart from health concerns, there are also many other benefits of sleeping in the dark.

Apart from the lights, while sleeping, you should also turn off all electronic objects that can emit light, for example, your TV and cellphone.

Let’s start living healthy.
