11 Effective Ways How To Get Rid Of Ants Naturally

How to get rid of ants naturally. Photo by prasanthdas ds from Pexels
How to get rid of ants naturally. Photo by prasanthdas ds from Pexels

How to get rid of ants naturally

Ants are the most common insects in the house. Although their existence is sometimes useful, such as cleaning up crumbs of food that have been scattered on the floor or repelling termites, ants are a lot of annoyance. A troupe of ants who appeared out of nowhere liked to come suddenly. Especially if there is sweet food, it doesn’t take long for the ants to immediately invade the source of the sweet taste.

You may be tempted to use chemicals that contain pesticides to get rid of ants immediately. However, pesticides themselves are harmful to humans and the environment. Well, here are some easy tricks to eradicate the ants to their nests, of course, without harmful chemicals.

11 Effective Ways How To Get Rid Of Ants Naturally

1. Using a solution of water and soap

How to get rid of ants naturally with a solution of water and soap. Photo by cottonbro from Pexels
How to get rid of ants naturally with a solution of water and soap. Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

A solution of water and soap can break down the waxy outer layer of the ants which will cause them to become dehydrated and die slowly

Mix enough water and soap or detergent, put it in a spray bottle for easy use. Spray this liquid directly on the ant swarm, the ant’s entrance, or the nest.

2. Using lemon juice

How to get rid of ants naturally with lemon juice. Photo by Lukas from Pexels
How to get rid of ants naturally with lemon juice. Photo by Lukas from Pexels

Besides being able to give a fresh smell in the house, the juice of lemon juice is also effective in warding off ants who don’t like its citric acid.

Mix lemon juice with enough water put it in a spray bottle and use it as a multi-functional spray solution that can be applied to any corner of the room.

3. Using salt or pepper

How to get rid of ants naturally with salt or pepper. Photo by Tim Mossholder from Pexels
How to get rid of ants naturally with salt or pepper. Photo by Tim Mossholder from Pexels

Salt or pepper can also repel naughty ants that interfere with your comfort at home. Just try it!

Just spread the salt or pepper in the corner of the room and the anthill. Alternatively, dissolve salt or pepper in hot water and then spray it on areas where ants are infested.

4. Using baby powder

How to get rid of ants naturally with baby powder. Image from Flickr
How to get rid of ants naturally with baby powder. Image from Flickr

Baby powder is very effective in stopping ants attack, ants hate the smell of powder and its starchy ingredients.

Sprinkle baby powder wherever you see ants and their nests. Any kind of flour will keep it aside and away. Moreover, for those who have a distinctive aroma such as powder, for example.

5. Using coffee grounds

How to get rid of ants naturally with coffee grounds.
How to get rid of ants naturally with coffee grounds.

Who would have thought, ants don’t like coffee grounds and their strong aroma, which will interfere with the ants’ sense of sight.

Sprinkle coffee grounds in places where ants often pass and in their nests, the ants will not be interested in approaching these places. Sprinkled coffee grounds in the garden will also keep the ants away from the plants.

6. Using vinegar

How to get rid of ants naturally with vinegar. Image from Pixabay.com
How to get rid of ants naturally with vinegar. Image from Pixabay.com

Apart from the strong scent that disturbs the eyes of the ants, vinegar has high acidic properties, which will make ants sting when their bodies are exposed to this liquid.

Mix vinegar with enough water, then fill it into a spray bottle, spraying it all over the places where the ants enter. After the vinegar dries, repeat this process for a few days. This will prevent ants from returning to your house.

7. Using cucumbers

How to get rid of ants naturally with cucumber. Image from Pixabay.
How to get rid of ants naturally with cucumber. Image from Pixabay.

The next fact is that ants don’t like cucumbers, you can use this material to drive them away from your house.

Place the cucumber chunks in an area with ants. You can also blend it and then place it in the path of ants that are often used passing by.

8. Using chalk

How to get rid of ants naturally with chalk. Image from Pixabay.
How to get rid of ants naturally with chalk. Image from Pixabay.

Ants will not cross a line made with any chalk. Chalk with a special insect repellent brand turns out to be the same as regular chalk. You just draw a line around the food or the ant nest. Look, the ants will never cross the line.

9. Using baking soda

How to get rid of ants naturally with baking soda.
How to get rid of ants naturally with baking soda.

The scent that comes out of the baking soda will trick the ants into going away into thinking that the area has been overrun by another ant colony.

Put a few tablespoons of baking soda in a spray bottle, add enough water then shake until the two ingredients are evenly mixed. Spray this liquid right into the ant nest so that the herd keeps away from your house.

10. Using perfume

How to get rid of ants naturally with parfume
How to get rid of ants naturally with parfume

If you have excess perfume, use it as a further repellent, ants are very sensitive to pungent scents. Dip a cotton ball in the perfume and place it on the area you want ants-free. Alternatively, spray perfume directly on the nest or crowd of ants to get rid of them.

11. Using flour

How to get rid of ants naturally with flours. Image from freepik.com
How to get rid of ants naturally with flours. Image from freepik.com

Ants do not like the presence of flour around the nest because it is considered as a nest destroyer, polluting and blocking access in and out of the herd. Sprinkle 2 tablespoons of flour, cornstarch, starch, and other flour (if any) just over the anthill.

Well, now you don’t have to worry anymore about the ant problem in your house or boarding room. Just go ahead and practice the tricks above. Good luck!
