
Showing posts with the label HOME & GARDEN

5 Important Uses Of Caustic Soda You Probably Don't Know

Caustic soda Important uses of caustic soda Caustic Soda, aka sodium hydroxide, aka lye, is a chemical that is quite dangerous for humans. It is corrosive which makes other objects destroyed when touched. Even so, it can also be useful as long as we maintain safety when using it. Have to go slow and be extra careful. The water splash is very dangerous. Pain in the skin when splashed. Besides being used for chemical purposes, such as the benefits of lye for soap, it turns out that this material can also be used for everyday purposes. Even though it is claimed to be used for daily needs, it does not mean that there are benefits of lye for the face. Lye is very dangerous if it comes in contact with the skin. So when using lye, we must wear a mask and gloves. Unlike baking soda, there is no use of lye for plants. So don’t get confused. So, what are the benefits of lye? 5 Important Uses Of Caustic Soda (aka Lye) 1. Caustic soda is useful for cleaning rusted objects, including iron fences. T

11 Important Kerson Fruit Benefits For Health And Beauty You Need To Know!

Tasty cherries in a black scoop on grungy and grey table, side view. Image from Kerson fruit benefits Maybe you are familiar with this one fruit. Cherry fruit or also called talok, keres, kersen, or baleci is very easy to find because it is classified as a fast-growing wild tree with a height of up to 5-10 meters. The tree is famous for its shade, its leaves are sticky hair with small round fruit that turns red when ripe. The pulp is smooth like small seeds and has a sweet taste. Although they are often picked to be eaten, not many people know that this cherry fruit has many benefits for health and beauty. The tiny fruit scientifically named Muntingia Calabura which is usually eaten for ‘fun’ reasons can fight certain diseases. So, so that you don’t waste cherries anymore, here are the unexpected benefits of cherries. Kerson Fruit Benefits 11 Benefits For Health And Beauty 1. Improve eye health Benefits of cherries for healthy eyes. Photo by  CristiYor  on  Pixabay Cherry

10 Lucky Plant Ideas To Beautify Your Home Right Now!

Lucky Plant Ideas Some plants are believed to be able to bring good luck. Here are 10 recommendations for plants that are believed to bring good luck. 10 Lucky Plant Ideas 1. Fortune bamboo (Dracaena sanderiana) Bamboo stick lot in gray galvanized buckets. Photo by Toni Cuenca on Pexels Fortune bamboo, which is often used as decoration during Chinese New Year, actually doesn’t come from the bamboo family, but from Dracaena. The stems are bright green and have a bamboo-like appearance and are said to be believed to bring good luck during the New Year and beyond. Five elements make the Lucky Bamboo plant even more fortunate, namely the earth element of the stone surrounding the stem, the metal element of the decorative coin, the gold-colored accent or the metal pot, the water element used to water the plant, the red ribbon fire element or other red accents and of course, the wooden elements of the bamboo plant itself. This typical Chinese New Year plant is very easy to care for. When pla

11 Mini Ornamental Plants Make Your Work Desk Beautiful So That Your Work Spirit Increases

Laptop on desk near lush houseplant. Photo by Ann Nekr from Pexels Mini Ornamental Plants Guys, what’s on your desk or study table right now? Is it a photo? Snack jars? Favorite books? Or indoor plants? Some people put ornamental flowers or leaf ornamental plants as properties that are placed on their work table. One reason, office desks need decorations or decorations to reduce fatigue at work. Also, several types of ornamental plants are believed to increase enthusiasm for work. As reported by The Guardian, research conducted by Dr. Chris Knight and colleagues from Exeter University, revealed that worker productivity increased 15 percent after the work desk was decorated with plants. Previously, this worker’s desk was empty and not decorated with anything. They have been studying the relationship between productivity and desk houseplants for 10 years. There are various types of mini-sized ornamental plants that you can plant in pots and put them in the room. The method of planting it

How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs Fast: 8 Natural Ways You Need To Know

Black bed linen on bed. Photo by Jake Charles on Unsplash Bed bugs live as parasites at home, especially on the bed. These tiny, warm-blooded forms of bed bugs survive by sucking human blood. The cause of bed bugs is generally due to damp mattresses and rarely cleaned. Bed bugs come from dust and dirt that collects in the corners of the mattress. The dangers of these bed bugs should not be underestimated. After being bitten, we can get a fever and chills. Well, so far most people only know one way to get rid of bed bugs, namely by drying the mattress. This method can be done but not very effective. Instead of drying it in the sun, the salt and ingredients below are more effective in getting rid of bed bugs. How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs Fast 8 Natural Ways 1. Only with salt, we can get rid of bed bugs Selective Focus Photo of Salt in Glass Jar. Photo by  Castorly Stock  from  Pexels It’s rare to think of salt as being effective in getting rid of bed bugs. The method is easy, just mix the

11 Effective Ways How To Get Rid Of Ants Naturally

How to get rid of ants naturally. Photo by  prasanthdas ds  from  Pexels How to get rid of ants naturally Ants are the most common insects in the house. Although their existence is sometimes useful, such as cleaning up crumbs of food that have been scattered on the floor or repelling termites, ants are a lot of annoyance. A troupe of ants who appeared out of nowhere liked to come suddenly. Especially if there is sweet food, it doesn’t take long for the ants to immediately invade the source of the sweet taste. You may be tempted to use chemicals that contain pesticides to get rid of ants immediately. However, pesticides themselves are harmful to humans and the environment. Well, here are some easy tricks to eradicate the ants to their nests, of course, without harmful chemicals. 11 Effective Ways How To Get Rid Of Ants Naturally 1. Using a solution of water and soap How to get rid of ants naturally with a solution of water and soap. Photo by  cottonbro  from  Pexels A solution of water