How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs Fast: 8 Natural Ways You Need To Know

Black bed linen on bed. Photo by Jake Charles on Unsplash
Black bed linen on bed. Photo by Jake Charles on Unsplash

Bed bugs live as parasites at home, especially on the bed.

These tiny, warm-blooded forms of bed bugs survive by sucking human blood.

The cause of bed bugs is generally due to damp mattresses and rarely cleaned.

Bed bugs come from dust and dirt that collects in the corners of the mattress.

The dangers of these bed bugs should not be underestimated.

After being bitten, we can get a fever and chills.

Well, so far most people only know one way to get rid of bed bugs, namely by drying the mattress.

This method can be done but not very effective.

Instead of drying it in the sun, the salt and ingredients below are more effective in getting rid of bed bugs.

How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs Fast

8 Natural Ways

1. Only with salt, we can get rid of bed bugs

Selective Focus Photo of Salt in Glass Jar. Photo by Castorly Stock from Pexels
Selective Focus Photo of Salt in Glass Jar. Photo by Castorly Stock from Pexels

It’s rare to think of salt as being effective in getting rid of bed bugs.

The method is easy, just mix the salt with water, then put the salt liquid into the bottle.

Spray the saline solution on the mattress that has bed bugs in it.

2. Not only useful when the lights go out, but candles can also be used to get rid of bed bugs.

Use candles to get rid of bed bugs. Four Lit Tealights. Image from
Use candles to get rid of bed bugs. Four Lit Tealights. Image from

The way not to get bitten by bedbugs can also to use your wax.

The trick, light the candle first, then drip it in the crevices where bed bugs are.

Besides being easy and cheap, this method is more effective at removing bed bugs than by drying the mattress.

3. Use the vinegar in the kitchen to get rid of bed bugs. Minimal cost without additional ingredients.

Without the addition of other ingredients, vinegar can be sprinkled into bed bug nests. Fresh apple juice close up. Image from
Without the addition of other ingredients, vinegar can be sprinkled into bed bug nests. Fresh apple juice close up. Image from

We can also get rid of bed bugs with ingredients available in the kitchen, vinegar, for example.

The method is quite simple.

We only need to spray vinegar on the bed bug nest.

No need to add water.

In that way alone, bed bugs are already out of our favorite mattresses.

4. So the natural enemy of bed bugs, tobacco is worth relying on.

Faceless employees serving uncooked tobacco in factory. Photo by Thibault Luycx from Pexels
Faceless employees serving uncooked tobacco in factory. Photo by Thibault Luycx from Pexels

Who thought that tobacco could be used to get rid of bed bugs?

Yes, tobacco is a natural enemy of bed bugs.

By combining tobacco and water, we can make an effective bed bug repellent.

After the liquid is well mixed, shake it briefly and then spray the liquid onto the mattress.

For maximum results, we can also sprinkle tobacco under the mattress.

5. The combination of kerosene and camphor is effective in making bed bugs go away. Even the eggs died.

Puree camphor and mix with kerosene to get rid of bed bugs Image from
Puree camphor and mix with kerosene to get rid of bed bugs Image from

Not only does it kill large bed bugs, but a mixture of kerosene and camphor is also effective in killing bed lice eggs as well.

First, you need to pound camphor until smooth.

After that, mix camphor flakes into kerosene.

Then spray the liquid on the areas suspected to be “home” to bed bugs.

6. Don’t hurry to throw it away! The silica gel that you get when you buy things can be used to get rid of bed bugs.

Silica gel kills bed bugs
Silica gel kills bed bugs

After getting silica gel when buying goods, at the very end, we just throw it away.

Though silica gel has a function that is rarely known to people.

These porous granules of sodium silicate can repel bed bugs.

To get away of bed bugs and mites, simply sprinkle silica gel around the house where bed bugs are likely to pass.

For example in the corner of the mattress, under the mattress, or around the wall.

Has the effect of being able to stick to the body of bed bugs, silica gel is considered the most effective at killing bed bugs slowly.

7. Having a scent that bed bugs hate, tamarind or Mindi leaves is guaranteed to make bed bugs run away as far as possible.

Tamarind or Mindi leaves are also effective in getting rid of bed bugs. Person Holding Tamarind Fruit. Photo by The Raj from Pexels
Tamarind or Mindi leaves are also effective in getting rid of bed bugs. Person Holding Tamarind Fruit. Photo by The Raj from Pexels

We can choose either, want to use tamarind or Mindi leaves.

It doesn’t matter just one, both of them are effective in getting away of bed bugs.

We only need to put Javanese tamarind or Mindi leaves where it is believed to be the nest of bed bugs.

After that, foam bed bugs or spring bed bed bugs will run away.

8. The pungent odor of durian skin is the biggest enemy of bed bugs. In at least two days, bed bugs will disappear.

durian skin with a strong odor is the enemy of bed bugs. Photo by pipol pipol molla from Pexels
durian skin with a strong odor is the enemy of bed bugs. Photo by pipol pipol molla from Pexels

For people who do not like durian fruit, it is advisable not to use this method.

The pungent aroma of durian skin makes bed bugs not feel at home for long.

Of all the ways to get away of existing bed bugs, this method is quite eccentric.

But the results are quite surprising.

Within two days, bed bugs will go away.

The trick, just to put the durian skin in a place that is a nest of bed bugs.

If you want to keep bed bugs away, you have to make sure the materials used are safe first.

For those who have small children and pets, you should not use silica gel because it is prone to ingestion.

The rest, the methods above are very worth trying.

Good luck and immediately say goodbye to bed bugs!
