How To Get Rid Of A Hickey Overnight - 8 Tips You Need To Know

How To Get Rid Of A Hickey Overnight
How To Get Rid Of A Hickey Overnight

How to get rid of a hickey?

Some people are sometimes engrossed in kissing until they leave a kiss mark on their partner’s body. Kissing becomes a fun activity for most couples. A romantic way of kissing can be done on the lips, cheeks, face, neck, to your partner’s body.

Some people who are too engrossed in kissing, not the least, leave hickey marks on their partner’s body. This of course can interfere with appearance and reduce self-confidence. So, how do you easily get rid of hickey marks?

What can cause a hickey like bruise ?

Kiss marks or what is known as a hickey are red, dark purple, or blue marks caused by prolonged and vigorous kissing. These characteristics usually appear in the neck area, but do not rule out other areas of the body. When your partner sucks and bites your skin, the pressure can break the tiny blood vessels under the skin’s surface.

The blood vessels that burst will release small spots of blood called petechiae. The blood spots then form larger black spots, which are basically bruises. Like bruises, kiss marks can last for 1-2 weeks. Bruises can change color over time, ranging from red or dark purple.

Kiss marks will generally appear more easily as you get older. Yes, as you get older, your skin becomes thinner and loses some of its protective fat layer. In fact, these fatty tissue can help you deal with injuries, such as bruises. This is what makes it easier for the hickey to appear. Although they generally go away on their own, there are several ways to get rid of hickey marks with ease.

How to get rid of hickey marks on the neck easily

The appearance of a kiss or hickey can certainly cause embarrassment and reduce self-confidence. Especially if you have to meet other people. However, you don’t need to worry. The reason is, there are several ways to quickly remove hickey marks on the neck or other body areas.

Fast Hickey Removal Home Remedies – 8 Tips

1. Compress hickey with cold water

One way to get rid of hickey marks on the neck is by compressing cold water. As soon as you find the hickey mark on the neck, immediately compress the area using a cloth soaked in ice water.

This quick method to remove hickey marks is classified as effective at slowing down the flow of blood from the broken blood vessels, thereby helping reduce the size of the bruise caused by kissing.

Instead of using a cloth soaked in ice water, you can use a metal spoon. The trick, put the metal spoon first into the freezer for 30 minutes. If so, take a cold spoon, then apply and press it to the bruised body area. Leave it on for 10 minutes, then repeat this step several times during the first 48 hours or until the bruising fades.

2. Cover a hickey with makeup

The next way to get rid of hickey marks on the neck is to disguise it with make up. Use makeup that matches the color of your hickey. For example, you can use a green concealer to cover a reddish kiss mark. You can also use a yellowish concealer as a way to get rid of the hickey on the dark purple neck.

3. Apply aloe vera to remove hickey

Applying aloe vera can also be a way to quickly remove hickey marks on the neck. Aloe vera has anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce swelling and pain.

A quick way to get rid of hickey marks with fresh aloe vera is to apply it directly from the plant to the neck area or other body where hickey marks are found. If the aloe vera plant is not available, you can apply a gel or cream product made from pure aloe vera.

Let stand a few moments, then rinse with clean water. Do this step twice a day so that the bruises from the kiss can fade quickly.

4. Get rid of hickey with gentle massage

The next way to get rid of hickey marks on the neck is to do a massage. Doing a massage can help reduce pain and stimulate blood flow. However, it is not recommended that you do a quick way to remove hickey marks with massage while the hickey marks are new. Because, this can cause the pain to get worse. You can do massage after a few days.

Massage slowly and gently by placing 2 fingers right on the area of ​​the body where there is the hickey using a clockwise circular motion. To get rid of a hickey with a massage, you can use essential oils, such as olive oil, coconut oil, almond oil, and others. You need to do this easy method for a few minutes a day.

5. Apply peppermint oil to remove hickeys

Peppermint oil can be used as a way to get rid of hickey marks on the neck. The benefits of peppermint oil contain menthol as the main ingredient. This quick way to get rid of hickey marks does not only provide a naturally cool sensation. Peppermint oil is able to improve blood flow to areas of the body that have hickey marks. That way, kiss marks can disappear immediately.

6. Apply banana peels to remove hickey

Did you know that banana peels can be used as a way to get rid of hickey marks on the neck naturally? The reason is, the benefits of banana peels contain most of the vitamins, nutrients, and antioxidants that provide a calming effect on the skin.

For a quick way to get rid of hickey marks, you can put banana peels on the neck area where there is a hickey mark to help reduce the signs of bruising. You can apply the banana peel for 30 minutes or until the banana peel turns brown. Then rinse with clean water.

Do this method of removing the hickey every 2-3 times a day. However, stop immediately if your skin becomes irritated.

7. Compress with warm water to remove hickey

Compressing the kiss marks on the neck area with a cloth or towel soaked in warm water can help blood flow to the bruised area. That way, the hickey will fade faster.

You can use this method to remove hickey marks on the neck on the third day. Do the warm towel compress steps several times a day every 10 minutes. No need to confuse cold water or warm water first as first aid.

The answer, is to give cold water first. Then, 2 days later you can compress the warm towel on the skin that has the hickey. Warm compresses of water on the first day the hickey appears can cause bleeding and swelling.

8. How to get rid of a hickey with toothpaste

Toothpaste can also be used as a way to remove hickey marks on the neck. To do this, apply toothpaste to the former hickey area and let it sit for a few minutes until it dries on its own.

However, choose a toothpaste that contains peppermint because it is believed to be effective in removing scars on the skin. You can do this quick way to get rid of hickey marks completely naturally.

To get rid of hickey, when do you have to see a doctor?

In fact, the appearance of a kiss or a hickey does not cause any serious health conditions. However, immediately consult a dermatologist if you experience the following signs or symptoms:

  • The method for removing hickey marks on the neck described above is not effective in removing it after two weeks.
  • The hickey is very painful.
  • There are signs of bruising on other areas of the body, but it’s not clear why.
  • There are lumps in the area of ​​the bruised skin.

The reason is, this could indicate certain medical conditions, such as blood disorders or blood clotting disorders.

Your doctor will help you determine how to remove a hickey that is appropriate for the severity of your hickey. Remember to use caution before using any natural ingredients as a quick way to get rid of hickey marks on your skin. If a rash, redness, swelling or irritation occurs due to using natural ingredients as a way to get rid of a hickey, it is recommended that you consult a doctor.
