How To Get Rid Of Negative Thoughts - 10 Tips Will Make You A Better Person

How To Get Rid Of Negative Thoughts
How To Get Rid Of Negative Thoughts
How to get rid of negative thoughts?

Most people have experienced depression, such as feelings of hopelessness, anger, suffering, unhappiness, tiredness, failure, and sadness.

Depression is a normal reaction, when we feel disappointed in life which leads to negative thoughts. Negative thoughts will make us believe that the problem exists, even though it is not.

Negative thoughts will stop us from moving forward. When you feel it now, stop immediately.

How To Get Rid Of Negative Thoughts – 10 Tips

1. Associating or Making Friends with Positive Thinking People

Hanging out with friends who have positive thoughts will make it easier for us to eliminate negative thoughts.

According to research, college students are more likely to imitate their roommate’s negative behavior, such as excessive worry and taking things too seriously. This is called rumination.

Therefore, choosing the right friends to hang out with and avoiding negative behavior from friends as much as possible can help you stay away from negative thoughts.

Hang out with friends who are always thinking positively will indirectly bring their optimistic energy to you.

So, selectively choosing friends is necessary, choose friends who only bring good to you. This is one way to get rid of negative thoughts.

2. Put Negative Thoughts in the Trash

According to a 2012 study at Ohio State University, writing down negative thoughts on a piece of paper and throwing them in the trash is effective at eliminating negative thoughts.

This may sound ridiculous or even implausible, but believe it or not a university in America has done research on this subject.

3. Shift Your Mind to the Positive

When your feelings have started to lead to negative thoughts, it is difficult to get rid of them, but try to shift them to positive thoughts. In a way, think from another perspective or point of view.

Don’t take the point of view of the average person who thinks only one way, that it is negative without seeing it from the other side.

Why do we have to look at a problem only from the east, when we still have south, west, and north?

Distracting yourself is the best way to combat negative thoughts. Instead of thinking of the glass as half empty, consider it half full. This way it will be easier to generate more happy, grateful thoughts.

4. Create Journal / Diary

Keep a journal or diary. Write down the negative thoughts that often haunt you, whatever happens that you experience, how you react to it and what you do.

Writing down some of these negative thoughts can help you identify the trigger. Don’t be surprised if the result is that these negative thoughts are just fictional, aka not real.

Because these negative thoughts are repeated and without realizing it, we have turned them into a habit. Once you’ve finished taking notes, try analyzing and pondering them.

One way to get rid of negative thoughts is to ask yourself a few questions. For example, how do I see myself?

Am I completely stupid, and useless, or am I just trying to please everyone, but forgetting about my own happiness?

From this question it will help to realize whether your negative thoughts are normal or not.

5. Your Mind Doesn’t Define Who You Are

Always remind yourself that what’s in your head will stay in your head. These are just thoughts, not facts.

Negative thoughts are simply the product of imaginative (delusional) thoughts that you have unconsciously trained to make you even more pessimistic.

Instead of saying “I’m a fool,” say “I don’t think I’m smart enough.”

In this way, you can reprogram your mind to start bringing up happy and positive thoughts again in order to avoid thoughts that destroy your inner peace. Because happiness is what we create, not other people.

6. Recognize Where It Comes From

Another effective way to get rid of negative thoughts is to find out where these negative thoughts come from.

According to research, this negative thinking may have been inherited from parents, as part of the human evolutionary process that tends to be constantly alert to danger.

Depression and traumatic experiences can also be contributing factors.

7. Assess Yourself

For example in the world of work, if you don’t get a promotion like your friend, you will inevitably think like this: “I must perform badly, I’m an incompetent person.”

Never have such thoughts, instead think that you are just a little less good than your friend. This will help think that you are not incompetent for the job but just need to meet a few more requirements. This is another way to stop negative thoughts.

8. Confess Your Own Thoughts

The next way to get rid of negative thoughts is to admit to them, ‘be aware’. According to one study, admitting your negative thoughts is more effective than fighting them.

If you say to yourself “I wouldn’t think of him,” the reality is that you will only think of that person a lot more. Admitting to yourself that you have negative thoughts will help you realize that these are just thoughts, not facts.

9. Argue With Yourself

Thoughts are not always right, they tend to be inaccurate, don’t assume what is in those thoughts must happen. Try to communicate with your own thoughts.

Research shows that, a person who often talks to himself (in his heart) is one sign of intelligence. Find out which thoughts are always generating negative thoughts, ask him to argue to find out whether it is true or a fantasy and the fear of simply facing reality.

Don’t give up easily when negative thoughts come. If you always obey it will only make you more pessimistic about life. You will begin to doubt your own abilities, underestimate yourself, and in the end choose to run from problems rather than solve them. So, challenge yourself and do different things with confidence.

10. Express your thoughts in a funny way

You may have heard the saying “don’t get too serious in life, my friend!”, But you just ignore it. Though the saying is true and you should try it every now and then.

Life doesn’t have to be difficult, just enjoy it. Life is not black and white or even gray, there are many other colors, the only difference is the perspective of each person.

Express yourself the way you want, what makes you comfortable, what makes you who you are and not someone else.

As long as it’s good and doesn’t bother other people, it’s okay. When negative thoughts strike, think about something funny, something that makes you cheer up and laugh.

For example, when you are stuck in a traffic jam, instead of getting angry yourself even more stressful, try laughing yourself, laugh at the misfortune that befalls you because you are stuck in a traffic jam in the middle of a crowded and hot highway.

After that, you’ll probably feel better, rather than just feeling sorry for how unfortunate you are.
