How To Get Rid Of Anxiety Fast - 9 Tips You Need To Know

How To Get Rid Of Anxiety Fast
How To Get Rid Of Anxiety Fast

How to get rid of anxiety fast?

Anxiety is one of the emotions that often arises when someone is stressed. Experiencing stress every now and then is actually a common and normal thing.

In fact, it is often experienced by everyone. However, if the level of anxiety experienced is excessive, the situation can turn into a health problem and anxiety.

Anxiety disorder is a mental health disease, the symptoms of this disorder are nervousness, anxiety, worry, and excessive fear.

This condition will change the emotions and behavior of the sufferer. In addition, this condition will change the emotions and behavior of the sufferer.

In fact, the symptoms of this disorder can develop into physical symptoms and interfere with daily life.

Anxiety Disorders Causes and Symptoms

There are various trigger factors that cause anxiety disorders.

The causes of this anxiety disorder include environmental conditions, for example, such as experiencing difficulties at work, stress due to surgery, to brain reactions that arise due to the mismatch of hormones and brain signals.

This anxiety disorder varies from person to person. Symptoms can begin to appear during childhood or adulthood.

Symptoms of this anxiety disorder include feeling nervous, always feeling that there will be danger, an increased heart rate, shaking, sweating, rapid breathing and so on.

How to get rid of anxiety fast?

To get rid of excessive anxiety, here are 9 easy tips you can do.

1. Get back in your neighborhood

When someone has an anxiety disorder, they will usually withdraw from society. In fact, to overcome depression you must get social support from people who are close to you. If you have an anxiety disorder, try to talk about it with someone close.

2. Do the things you love

One way to get rid of anxiety disorders is to do something you enjoy, for example by watching movies, singing and going to the beach.

Even though you can’t always force yourself to do things you like, you always try to encourage yourself to be active in your activities to be positive things you can do.

3. Doing new things

Not only do you like things, but you can also do new things. When you challenge yourself to do new things, your body can unconsciously produce the hormone dopamine, which is associated with happiness and pleasure.

4. Get out of the house to get the sun

Without realizing it, not being exposed to sunlight can exacerbate an overly anxious atmosphere and worsen the anxiety disorder you have.

You can try to get out of the room every now and then to expose your body to the sun. At least, in a day you are exposed to sunlight for 15 minutes. This is related to vitamin D.

5. Eat healthy foods

The food you eat can have an impact on your feelings, so it’s no surprise that you will feel irritated when you eat a meal late.

To overcome this annoyance, you can consume sugar and carbohydrates, but it is also recommended to eat foods that contain vitamin B.

Vitamin B deficiency can lead to depression.

6. Exercise regularly

Research shows that exercising regularly can relieve symptoms of depression. In addition, physical activity such as exercise will increase the production of endorphins so that it can reduce pain and trigger feelings of calm, pleasure and happiness.

However, for starters, you don’t need to exercise excessively, you can just do the exercise for 10 minutes first.

7. Think positive

One of the things that will make you feel depressed and anxious is to think negatively, either about yourself or about other people. Therefore, to overcome this anxiety, you have to start thinking positively from now on.

8. Get enough sleep

Difficulty sleeping is a symptom of depression that must be watched out for. In order to deal with depression or anxiety, you can try changing your sleep patterns. You can start sleeping at least 7 hours a day, besides that, get rid of things that can interfere with the quality of sleep you have.

9. Avoid consuming excessive caffeine

Another way that you can do to reduce anxiety due to anxiety disorders is to reduce caffeine consumption. Keep in mind, the caffeine content that is often in tea or coffee can increase anxiety.

Basically everyone has different limits. To find out the tolerance for caffeine content in the body, you can measure it yourself, if you consume a certain amount of caffeine you feel anxious, it means that the amount is your maximum limit.

You can do various kinds of things above to reduce anxiety disorders. However, if the anxiety disorder continues to occur, you should consult your doctor. The doctor will do a thorough treatment so that this anxiety disorder can be reduced.
