How To Sleep Faster At Night - 12 Most Effective Ways

How To Sleep Faster At Night – 12 Most Effective Ways
How To Sleep Faster At Night – 12 Most Effective Ways

How to sleep faster at night – try to set a bedtime so that you are always at the same bedtime every night.

Do you have trouble sleeping or falling asleep at night? You may have tried several ways to fall asleep quickly, but nothing worked. Well, besides taking medication from a doctor, you can try various ways to quickly sleep naturally.

A quick way to sleep at night that is easy to do

If you find it difficult to sleep at night, it will make you not energized and not excited about doing activities the next day. In fact, adequate and quality sleep also plays an important role in maintaining health. Therefore, you can do the following habits as a quick way to sleep at night.

1. Set to sleep at the same time every night

One of the main fast ways to sleep is to set a bedtime so it’s always at the same time every night.

For example, if you always sleep every 9 at night, then you will wake up at 5 or 6 in the morning.

If this fast sleep method can become your daily routine, it can help condition the body to fall asleep faster, thus creating a habit of the body’s biological clock or circadian rhythm.

2. Turn off the room lights

The next fast way to sleep is to turn off the room lights. Yes, you will sleep faster in low light or dark settings.

Even if it’s just a little bit, the presence of light can disrupt hormones and stimulate the brain to stay awake, making it difficult for you to sleep.

3. Turn off electronic equipment

In addition to the room lights, turning off all your electronic equipment, such as cellphones and tablets, about an hour or so before bed is also a fast way to sleep.

This is because the light emitted from electronic equipment can reduce the production of the hormone melatonin so that the quality of your sleep can be disturbed and it is difficult to rest comfortably.

4. Keep room temperature cool

The next fast way to sleep is to keep room temperature cool. Not only does it make you sleep faster, this fast sleep method can also make you sleep better.

Lower room temperature can lower your core body temperature, helping you fall asleep faster. In general, the recommended ideal room temperature for sleeping is between 18-24 degrees Celsius.

5. Use aromatherapy

Aromatherapy is widely used to provide a relaxing and calm effect on the body. No doubt, the use of aromatherapy can be done as a way to quickly sleep at night.

There are various types of aromatherapy fragrances that you can use. A study found that using lavender oil before bed can have a positive impact on the quality of your sleep.

6. Do some exercise

Regular exercise not only has a positive effect on fitness and health. Regular physical activity is known to have a positive impact on sleep quality, making it another fast sleep method.

7. Read books

Reading a book before bed can have a calming effect and prevent anxiety, which can cause sleep disturbances in a person.

Tired eyes after reading a book can be a fast way to sleep that can be done. However, look for books that are entertaining and not boring. Avoid reading books that are heavy or cause strong emotional responses because they make it difficult to sleep.

8. Take a warm shower before bed

Taking a warm bath before bedtime is also believed to be another fast way to sleep. This can relax your body and help regulate your temperature so you can sleep faster and sleep better.

9. Avoid naps

The next quick way to sleep is to avoid nap time. Yes, for those of you who have free time during the day and want to sleep quickly at night, you shouldn’t take a nap. Naps of more than two hours or late in the afternoon can mess up your sleep cycle.

10. Avoid caffeine consumption

Caffeine acts as a stimulant in the body that can keep you up at night. As a result, the quality of your sleep will be disturbed.

So, it’s important to avoid caffeine consumption as a quick way to sleep at night. However, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t consume caffeine. You can consume caffeine, but at least do it four hours before bedtime so you don’t have trouble falling asleep.

11. Consumption of solid foods

Another fast way to sleep is to eat foods high in carbohydrates or foods high in fat. However, pay attention to the time to eat the food.

You are not advised to eat foods that are too close to bedtime. The reason is, the process of digesting food can take at least 2-3 hours.

This makes it harder for you to sleep. Then, falling asleep right after eating can cause discomfort or nausea which slows down the digestion of food.

However, this condition does not necessarily happen to everyone. It is best to give your body sufficient time to digest food before going to bed.

However, please note that the exact time it takes to digest food tends to vary from person to person.

12. Practice the “4-7-8” method

If you have followed the sleep quick fix above and you still have trouble sleeping at night, it may be time to try the “4-7-8” method.

This method is an adoption of meditation techniques. The “4-7-8” method is believed to put you to sleep within a minute.

How to sleep fast with this method?

  • First, lie down in a comfortable position on the bed.
  • Squeeze your lips together and inhale deeply through your nose counting one to four.
  • Then, hold your deep breath counting one to seven.
  • Next, exhale through your mouth slowly, counting one to eight.
  • Do this method three times for a quick sleep remedy so you can fall asleep within one minute.

You can try the various fast ways to sleep above when you have trouble sleeping.

However, if you still experience trouble sleeping, do not hesitate to consult with your doctor to find out the cause and the right treatment to overcome sleep disorders.
