
Showing posts with the label SHOPPING & FASHION

Tips To Always Smell Good - 11 Advices To Better Confident

Tips To Always Smell Good Tips to always smell good How to care for the body properly so that it smells good throughout the day? There is nothing that makes us more embarrassed than the problem of strong body odor. Whether it’s at the office, being with friends, or in public. So, how do you take care of your body skin properly and correctly? Tips to always smell good How to care for your body to smell good all day long Here are basic tips and ways to care for your body, which need to be applied to make your body smell good. 1. Take a clean shower One way to take care of the body is to take a clean bath regularly. This is because body hygiene contributes greatly to your body odor. Bathing properly and appropriately is one way to maintain body hygiene that must be considered carefully. It is recommended that you cleanse your upper body first, then move down to the lower body area in sequence. This is so that the body area can be clean evenly. Make sure to clean the folds of the body, suc

How To Look Younger Naturally - 7 Tips Home Remedies

How To Look Younger Naturally How To Look Younger Naturally ? Looks youthful naturally is the dream of many people. However, not everyone knows how. Are you curious? Follow the tips for staying young below so that you look beautiful until old age! Aging is a natural process that everyone cannot avoid. However, it turns out that there are tips recommended by doctors that you can follow so that your skin looks younger. Tips How To Look Younger Naturally 1. Pay attention to nutritional intake The nutritional intake that you consume is the foundation of your health in old age. The easiest step you can take to stay young naturally is to eat more antioxidant fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Avoid eating foods that contain saturated fat, cholesterol, and salt. Conversely, consume foods that contain lots of protein, healthy fats, fiber, calcium, iron, magnesium and vitamins so that your organs can function optimally. 2. Exercise regularly Not only does it make a person younger, exercising

5 Ways How To Take Care Of Curly Hair

5 ways to take care of curly hair How to take care of curly hair ? Curly hair does look beautiful and attractive. There are many people who are trying to get it, so that hair looks more volume, sexier, and cuter. However, there are problems that are often experienced by owners of curly hair, such as dry, frizzy, and difficult to tidy up. In fact, one way to keep curly hair healthy is to keep it moisturised. Then, how to maintain moisture and style curly hair easily? Here are curly hair treatments that you can try. How to take care of curly hair so it doesn’t get tangled easily For those of you who have curly hair, you may often face problems with frizzy hair and difficult to style. In fact, how to treat dry hair is not a difficult thing. Using this method will make your curls easier to style and just as beautiful as straight hair. Hair consists of a protein called keratin which functions to provide strength and resistance to each strand of hair. Genetic factors play a role in influenci

7 Easy Hacks How To Look Beautiful And Not Get Sick When Wearing High Heels

7 Easy Hacks To Look Beautiful And Not Get Sick When Wearing High Heels Created by karlyukav via Wearing High Heels – How To Look Beautiful And Not Get Sick Not all girls are gifted with long legs. Therefore, using high heels is one solution to support your appearance. In addition to making them look taller, the use of high heels will make a girl look elegant and feminine. Unfortunately, wearing these types of shoes is often painful. Especially for those of you who are just starting or are not used to wearing high heels, sore on the ankles, or abrasions are common. In fact, as girls, we are required to be able to look feminine, including using high heels or at least have tried it. Well, for those of you who often wear high heels because of work demands or to look beautiful at certain moments, here are 7 tips and special tricks so that your feet don’t feel sore and comfortable when wearing them. 7 Easy Hacks How To Look Beautiful And Not Get Sick When Wearing High Heels 1.

How To Start A Slow Living Lifestyle - 6 Things You Need To Know!

How To Start A Slow Living Lifestyle. Photo by  Zac Harris  on  Unsplash How To Start A Slow Living Lifestyle 6 Things about Slow Living: The Art of Enjoying Slow Life when Everything is Fast-Paced. Now everything is moving fast. Competition is getting tougher and we are required to be agile and responsive. Sometimes busyness to the point of sacrificing physical, mental health, and even sacrificing religious life and social life. Keep moving fast, are you tired? I’m tired! Even though it could be, moving fast actually makes us miss many things that could have been enjoyed more simply. Speaking of fast-paced life, have you ever known slow living? Slow living, which if spoken means “slow life”. In this fast-paced era, slow living has become a new trend among urbanites who are starting to feel tired from their daily activities. This doesn’t mean that slow living is an escape so that it can be slow and lazy. Slow living adherents look very helpful in living their life. Slow living teaches