How To Start A Slow Living Lifestyle - 6 Things You Need To Know!

How To Start A Slow Living Lifestyle. Photo by Zac Harris on Unsplash
How To Start A Slow Living Lifestyle. Photo by Zac Harris on Unsplash

How To Start A Slow Living Lifestyle

6 Things about Slow Living: The Art of Enjoying Slow Life when Everything is Fast-Paced.

Now everything is moving fast. Competition is getting tougher and we are required to be agile and responsive. Sometimes busyness to the point of sacrificing physical, mental health, and even sacrificing religious life and social life. Keep moving fast, are you tired? I’m tired! Even though it could be, moving fast actually makes us miss many things that could have been enjoyed more simply. Speaking of fast-paced life, have you ever known slow living?

Slow living, which if spoken means “slow life”. In this fast-paced era, slow living has become a new trend among urbanites who are starting to feel tired from their daily activities. This doesn’t mean that slow living is an escape so that it can be slow and lazy.

Slow living adherents look very helpful in living their life. Slow living teaches us to do things as necessary, naturally, and according to our abilities. If usually speed is a demand that sometimes makes us rush, then slow living is the opposite of everything that is hasty. 

Now, if slow living is against fast-paced processes, how do they survive? Slow living is the process of enjoying life so that it is calmer and more able to interpret life, not as a purpose in life. As for life, everyone is different, right? But don’t get confused first. If you get more and more concerned about the principles and ways of life being lived by slow living, you can understand the following description. Just let it flow!

How To Start A Slow Living Lifestyle

1. Always enjoy activities. Pay more attention to what we are doing, don’t need to rush, so we can give more meaning to small things.

In a time when times are moving faster, some people adopt a slower life. Photo by Kaique Rocha from Pexels
In a time when times are moving faster, some people adopt a slower life. Photo by Kaique Rocha from Pexels

The slow living lifestyle allows us to enjoy the activities and experiences we face today with full awareness.

That is, you can enjoy the moment and give it meaning. For example, when you wash dishes and see that the water is clean, the furniture is also clean, then you can be grateful.

Or eat your favorite cake, it must be delicious, right? It will be even more delicious if you eat it sitting quietly, tasting every bite until you can think and guess what the ingredients are.

For this reason, slow-living followers will enjoy their activities, are relaxed, and not in a hurry.

2. Understand priorities. Just do the things that need to be done, so you can enjoy the time more fruitfully.

Understand priorities. Enjoy and feel the feelings that are usually easy to miss. Photo by Liza Summer from Pexels
Understand priorities. Enjoy and feel the feelings that are usually easy to miss. Photo by Liza Summer from Pexels

Thanks to being able to fully enjoy and realize whatever is being done, slow living will help us understand what we need, which ones should come first and which ones are not needed.

So even though they look relaxed, slow living followers still carry out activities as living things should be to meet their needs. It is even more focused and more effective because it is completely tailored to the needs.

For example, feeling hungry must eat, tired of having to rest, hanging out if you need refreshing, and buying something if you need it.

3. Recognizing the need for sustainable nature. Slow living teaches that we enjoy nature’s products, so we have to take care of nature.

Buy something if you really need it. Positive Asian female shopper smiling while holding ripe lemongrass at oriental market with vegetables. Photo by Sam Lion from Pexels
Buy something if you really need it. Positive Asian female shopper smiling while holding ripe lemongrass at oriental market with vegetables. Photo by Sam Lion from Pexels

One of the important processes in the slow living lifestyle is to maintain the balance of nature so that the benefits of nature can be enjoyed sustainably.

Not only do we realize that we need nature to eat, drink and live in, but also realize that nature needs us to take care of it.

So there is no exploitation of nature, just take what is needed, consume moderately, take care forever.

Things that can be done are, for example, leaving fruit seeds to plant after consuming the fruit, using environmentally friendly products, and recycling waste.

4. Do one thing at a time. Focusing on one activity allows us to do our best.

Focusing on one activity allows us to do our best. Photo by fauxels from Pexels
Focusing on one activity allows us to do our best. Photo by fauxels from Pexels

Slow living teaches us to be diligent, thorough, and focused on what we do. So there is no multitasking, which usually makes life hastier and keeps us from enjoying the process.

For example, if we are eating, then we don’t have to eat while watching serials. If we’re hanging out with friends, just enjoy the moment, don’t have to scroll through social media.

Try, if usually at work like to think about something that is at home or vice versa, try to focus on things where we are.

If we’re on a trip, we just enjoy what we find on the road. Our life feels simpler because we don’t focus anywhere.

5. Prioritizing tranquility. It’s not easy to get hit by a trigger that causes feelings of worry and anxiety.

Reducing the use of social media, so that you don’t worry easily, so that life is calmer. Photo by Athena from Pexels
Reducing the use of social media, so that you don’t worry easily, so that life is calmer. Photo by Athena from Pexels

In principle, all processes that slow living goes through are prioritizing tranquility. By moving from a fast-paced life to a life that is slowing down, the goal is to create a quiet life.

For example, those who have undergone slow living will usually reduce their use of social media, because social media sometimes provides toxic information and can interfere with the peace of life.

That way, slow living will make us more connected to ourselves, so it’s not easy to judge, not easily provoked by emotions because you can be more patient, and don’t worry easily because you are afraid of being left behind by others.

6. Have a strong commitment. Slow living teaches us to focus on what we want to achieve.

There is no term lazy, do what must be done until it’s finished! Photo by Alena Darmel from Pexels
There is no term lazy, do what must be done until it’s finished! Photo by Alena Darmel from Pexels

Even though you choose a slower life, it doesn’t mean that slow living doesn’t have an achievement target to achieve. In fact, the more we slow down, the more enjoy it.

And the more we can focus, the stronger our commitment to achievement becomes. There is no time to be lazy because this is not a priority in the slow living lifestyle.

After getting to know how to start a slow living lifestyle, do you want to try it?
