Tips To Always Smell Good - 11 Advices To Better Confident

Tips To Always Smell Good
Tips To Always Smell Good

Tips to always smell good

How to care for the body properly so that it smells good throughout the day? There is nothing that makes us more embarrassed than the problem of strong body odor.

Whether it’s at the office, being with friends, or in public. So, how do you take care of your body skin properly and correctly?

Tips to always smell good

How to care for your body to smell good all day long

Here are basic tips and ways to care for your body, which need to be applied to make your body smell good.

1. Take a clean shower

One way to take care of the body is to take a clean bath regularly. This is because body hygiene contributes greatly to your body odor. Bathing properly and appropriately is one way to maintain body hygiene that must be considered carefully.

It is recommended that you cleanse your upper body first, then move down to the lower body area in sequence. This is so that the body area can be clean evenly.

Make sure to clean the folds of the body, such as the armpits, skin area under the breasts, armpits, groin, and buttocks.

However, the ideal frequency of bathing will be determined by your skin type and level of daily activity.

2. Use a deodorant

The next way to care for the body is to use deodorants. Using deodorants can help reduce and deodorize your underarms. When used, the skin will become more acidic, preventing the bacteria that cause body odor.

To keep it smelling good throughout the day, make sure you use a deodorant or antiperspirant. Deodorants work by blocking the odor-causing bacteria. Meanwhile, antiperspirants contain active compounds that can reduce sweat production.

3. Apply perfume on the pulse point

You can use perfume properly to help the scent last longer. You do this, by spraying perfume on the pulse points on the body.

Spraying perfume on your pulse points can help the perfume’s scent blend with your body scent. Once the body temperature rises, the scent of perfume will activate and released into the air.

Some important pulse points for perfume are:

  • The back of the neck
  • Angled elbow
  • Wrist
  • Lower back
  • Back of the knee

Apart from applying it to your pulse points, you can also use a roll-on perfume. Roll-on perfume helps us to apply perfume to the pulse points of the body more precisely than the spray perfume that we often use excessively.

4. Moisturize with lotions and creams

If you don’t want to use perfume, lotions and moisturizing creams can be used as a way to treat your body to smell good throughout the day.

You can apply creams and lotions after showering to make the fragrance last longer. Scented products such as lotion will indeed last longer after being applied to damp parts of the body.

5. Make sure the scalp is clean

The scalp is also a part of body skin care that needs to be cared for and paid attention to. Experts have recommended that you clean your scalp thoroughly in the shower, then move on to the strands. Cleaning the scalp properly can remove dirt and oil. Thus, the hair will be cleaner and give a fragrant aroma.

How to smell good naturally without perfume
How to smell good naturally without perfume

6. Clean the oral cavity

Not paying attention to oral hygiene can trigger bad breath. As a result, the people around you may feel uncomfortable being made. Several ways to treat the teeth and mouth area, namely:

  • Brush your teeth twice a day, for two minutes each.
  • Use dental floss (dental flossing) to remove food particles between your teeth, at least once a day.
  • Gargle after eating, especially after eating foods with strong odors such as tuna, onion, or garlic.
  • Consume enough water to avoid dry mouth.
  • If necessary, chew on fresh mint leaves or unsweetened mints.

7. Make sure the clothes smell good and clean

In addition to applying the way to treat the body above, the clothes you wear must also be considered.

You can keep your body clean by washing clothes regularly and adding fragrances which are very easy to find.

You can also add 10-20 drops of essential oil to the bath, according to your preferred scent.

In fact, you can sprinkle dried flowers, such as lavender, in the wardrobe so that the fragrance lasts.

8. Keep your sex organs clean

How to care for body skin also needs to target intimate organs. The way to keep your intimate organs clean is to wash them 1-2 times a day when you shower with warm water.

Instead, wear cotton underwear that can help the skin in the intimate area breathe, absorb sweat, and stay dry. Wearing cotton underwear. Because this material can help the skin in the vagina breathe, absorb sweat, and stay dry.

9. Wash your feet regularly

One area of ​​the body that sweats more easily than the rest of the body is the feet. Clean your feet with soap when you shower. Make sure you dry the foot area properly. This is important to do because damp skin can increase the risk of bacterial and fungal infections in your feet.

10. Reduce consumption of strong flavored foods

Reducing the consumption of strong flavored foods can also be a way to take good care of the body. You can limit your consumption of chilies, garlic, onions, broccoli, and so on.

Not only does it prevent unpleasant odors in the area of ​​the intimate organs, this way of caring for the body can prevent you from body odor and bad breath problems.

11. Adequate fluid needs in the body

How to care for yourself through adequate fluid intake is no less important. You are advised to drink at least 2 liters of water per day.

How to care for the body by hydrating the body can prevent excess bacterial growth which triggers odor problems in areas of the body.

By practicing how to care for the body properly above, the body will smell more fragrant and increase self-confidence. Remember, keeping your body clean contributes greatly to your scent.

If you have applied the various body skin treatments above but you still have problems with body odor, you are advised to see a doctor.

The reason is, the cause of bad breath, excessive sweating, or unusual body odor can be certain medical symptoms.
