
Showing posts with the label HEALTH AND FITNESS TIPS

6 Serious Disorders That Cause Pain in Right Side of Stomach You Need To Know Immediately

Young woman has problems with stomachache. Image from Pain in right side of stomach Right stomach pain may be one of the common types of stomach pain experienced by many people. The pain experienced also took various forms, ranging from lower right abdominal pain to the waist, upper right abdominal pain near the ribs, to middle right abdominal pain. Of these, the most common is that the right side of the stomach hurts when pressed. The cause can be due to several things, such as overeating, eating too much spicy and fizzy drinking, irregular alcohol consumption, and the like. Almost all of the causes of right stomach pain come from an unhealthy lifestyle. Unfortunately, many people underestimate this one complaint and consider it just like a normal stomachache. Right stomach pain can be an indication of a more serious disease as below. Pain in Right Side of Stomach 6 Serious Disorders You Need To Know Immediately 1. Kidneys trouble Black woman in pain on couch. Photo by  S

9 Best Yoga Movements For Beginners You Can Practice At Home Right Now!

Woman in white tank top and white leggings bending her body. Photo by Mathilde Langevin on Unsplash Yoga Movements For Beginners Pandemic times require many people to live healthily. We must pay attention to food intake, regulate sleep hours to avoid things that can stress us out. All of these things are done to maintain immunity so that you don’t get sick easily. One of the most effective ways to make our bodies healthy is exercise. Since we are required to do activities at home, there are not many sports that we can do. One exercise that can be done and is effective at maintaining a healthy body is yoga. Unlike it seems, it turns out that there are yoga movements for beginners. Yoga for beginners is yoga exercises that anyone can do or imitate. There are many benefits of yoga exercises. From starting to relieve joint pain, relaxing the body to relieving stress. Now, instead of lingering again, let’s look at the yoga exercises for beginners at home. Yoga Movements For Beginners 9 Yoga

10 Uses Of Orange Peel You Need To Know So You Can Maximize The Benefits

Close-Up Photo Of Peeled Orange. Photo by Robin Kumar Biswal from Pexels Orange is one of the fruits that are easy to find because it always bears fruit throughout the season. Besides being delicious to eat directly the fruit, oranges are also often made into juices or essences for a mixture of food and flavored drinks. The high content of nutrients, especially vitamin C, also makes oranges much preferred. However, most people throw away the orange peel immediately after peeling it. Even though orange peel has a myriad of benefits that are not widely known. One of them is as a natural air freshener. Some of the properties below can be a consideration why you shouldn’t rush to throw orange peels carelessly. Uses Of Orange Peel 9 Benefits of Orange Peels Apart From Freshener 1. Orange peel is effective in whitening yellowing teeth as well as refreshing bad breath. Orange peel for whitening teeth. Image from Did you know that orange peels contain a compound called

11 Ways How To Get Rid Of Foot Odor Permanently

Human legs. beautiful woman walking on the beach. Image from Even though it looks dapper, it turns out that wearing shoes constantly is not always profitable. This habit can trigger foot odor which can also make an impression on your shoes. Especially if you never change your socks. Often considered trivial, even though foot odor can be very disturbing to other people, especially when they are in public places. Not to mention if this person who smells feet doesn’t realize, it’s messed up. There are many ways to get rid of foot odor quickly that you can try, both naturally and by using foot care products. As long as there is an intention, the smell of the feet will slowly disappear. Here’s how to get rid of foot and shoe odor that you can practice.  Causes of Foot Odor The cause of foot odor is not only from shoes, many other factors cause bad odors in feet.  1. Unattended foot cleanliness It feels useless to change shoes and socks every day if you don’t keep your feet clean

What Are The Symptoms Of Vertigo? 5 Most Common Signs You Need To Know And Aware!

Exhausted woman looks tired, holds a book, keeps her head with hand. Image from What are the symptoms of vertigo? You must be familiar with and often hear the word vertigo. Vertigo is a condition that makes the sufferer experience dizziness until he or things around him feel like spinning. Even so, vertigo is not a chronic or dangerous disease. So, can vertigo be cured? The causes of vertigo to recur or appear in each patient include the effects of drug consumption, inner ear infections, Parkinson’s, diabetes, to sudden causes of vertigo such as sudden changes in head position. People who often do habits that cause vertigo, such as smoking and drinking alcohol, are also more at risk. So, what are the symptoms of early vertigo that we should know? Here’s the explanation! 1. The initial and most important symptom of vertigo is feeling dizzy. Dizziness is an early symptom of vertigo. Although vertigo is not a chronic disease, the danger of vertigo is qui

6 Easy Ways How To Get Rid Of Dental Plaque

Close up photo of woman with pink lipstick smiling with her eyes closed. Photo by  Shiny Diamond  on  Pexels Do you know that the surface of our teeth is never completely clean even after brushing? The tooth surface naturally forms a thin layer called the tooth pellicle. This layer is the place where the dental plaque attaches. Dental plaque is a sticky layer on the surface of the teeth. The cause of dental plaque is food debris. Many people mistakenly think that dental plaque is the same as tartar. Even though these two problems are different. The difference between plaque and tartar lies in shape, color, and content. Dental plaque is soft and sticky with a transparent color containing germs. Meanwhile, tartar is hard and has a rough surface with a yellow, brown, or black color. Its composition also depends on the concentration of calcium present in oral fluids. Here’s how to get rid of dental plaque easily. How To Get Rid Of Dental Plaque 6 Easy Ways 1. Be diligent in brushing your t