8 Best Infused Water Recipes To Instantly Tempting Your Tastes

Assorted drinking glasses on brown wooden surface. Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash
Assorted drinking glasses on brown wooden surface. Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash

Infused Water Recipes

So, if you are not into plain water, infused water is a solution that you must try! Infused water is water that is “inserted” with another taste.

However, the choices and sources of taste are free from artificial chemicals that can harm the body.

Instead of adding powder, infused water uses ingredients such as fruits, vegetables, and herbal plants.

To make it, all you have to do is soak the ingredients in plain water. So, what infused water recipes can you try? For starters, try the tips below!

8 Best Infused Water Recipes To Instantly Tempting Your Tastes

1. The most classic and easy find the infused water recipes is infused water with a mixture of citrus fruits.

Sliced lemon in clear glass jar. Photo by Randy Fath on Unsplash
Sliced lemon in clear glass jar. Photo by Randy Fath on Unsplash

This recipe can be a mixture of infused water for the first time. Adding lemon slices to drinking water has always been known to make the water taste fresher.

The content of vitamin C is also effective in increasing endurance. These citrus fruits are also very suitable for infused water because the taste concentration can come out well.

So, but what often becomes a problem and makes this infused water fail is the peel of lemon, lime, or other oranges which cause a bitter taste when soaked for a long time.

Even though the longer it is soaked, the taste will be even better. So what do you do? Yes, just throw away the skins first.

There is no standard recipe for the ratio between water and fruit, depending on taste.

If you like the citrus taste, you can add lots of it. If you want something mediocre, just put in the fruit.

But if you want to follow those who are already experts for infused water, this is the recipe.

For 1 liter of water, you only need to prepare 1 lemon and 1 lime. Simply add 2 lemon slices and 2 peeled lime wedges.

Then squeeze the juice from the remaining fruit to enhance the taste. Soak and store in the refrigerator for 24 hours for optimal results or at least 3 hours to just let it taste.

This drink you can continue to drink for 2 days if stored in the refrigerator.

Now, if it looks less attractive because the fruit is already peeled, you can strain your infused water again and add new slices of lemon and lime that are not peeled so they are pretty.

2. Natural flavor that can make you forget about soda: infused water with mint leaves.

Infused water with mint leaves. Image from media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com
Infused water with mint leaves. Image from media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com

Besides citrus fruit, mint leaves are also one of the flavors that can always be relied on in the science of mixing infused water.

This means that if you combine it with any fruit or vegetable, this mint flavor will only make your infused water taste more delicious.

Mint leaves are also rich in antioxidants which are good for digestion and of course, they can make your breath smell good.

Again, there are no standard rules for mixing your mint leaves and water. The thing to remember is to tear or rip the mint leaves first before mixing them with water.

This step aims to release the natural oils from the mint leaves. Then store and refrigerate overnight. If you want to drink it, it’s better to filter the water first and add ice for a more fresh effect.

3. A fresh taste that is good for your muscles and skin: infused water with cucumber.

Young beautiful girl in towel drinking water with cucumber slices over white background. closed eyes. healthy nutrition. beauty and skincare. Image from freepik.com
Young beautiful girl in towel drinking water with cucumber slices over white background. closed eyes. healthy nutrition. beauty and skincare. Image from freepik.com

Now, this is one more ingredient that can also be your main choice in the infused water concoction, cucumber. Why is cucumber a good choice for infused water?

Apart from its fresh taste, the peel will not make your infused water bitter like lemon or orange. So making infused water with cucumber is much less hassle.

Just make sure you don’t forget to wash the cucumber or other fruit well so that there are no pesticides left in your drink.

Don’t you want to make a healthy drink, how come you put it in poison?! Besides being hassle-free, cucumbers also have many health benefits.

The silica content in cucumber turns out to be good for maintaining the health of your muscles and skin.

Cucumber pieces that have been soaked for hours in cold water can also be used as a mask to reduce acne inflammation.

Apart from being a fresh drink, the water is also good for washing your face. Wow, it’s multifunctional.

For the best taste, you need to leave the infused water for 12 hours. You don’t have to bother filtering this infused water, you just need to drink it.

4. Infused water with a mixture of strawberries, lime, cucumber, and mint.

Infused water with a mixture of strawberries, lime, cucumber, and mint. Image from backtoherroots.com
Infused water with a mixture of strawberries, lime, cucumber, and mint. Image from backtoherroots.com

For approximately 1 liter of water, you need 4 strawberries, 1 lime, 1/2 cucumber, and enough mint leaves.

Store and chill in the refrigerator. It’s just 10 minutes, but if you want to kick it more, just keep it overnight.

Strawberries are a fruit that is good for infused water because they can keep their shape and taste even though they have been soaked for hours. Moreover, the color is also beautiful.

5. Pineapple Infused Water + mint

Blue cocktail with pineapple slice. Image from freepik.com
Blue cocktail with pineapple slice. Image from freepik.com

For approximately 1 liter of water, you need 1/2 chopped pineapple and 6-8 mint leaves. Pineapple is a fruit that takes a long time to taste.

So make sure you have stored this marinade for at least 8 hours before drinking it. The best results will be obtained from an 8-12 hour bath.

It is also better if infused water is distorted by using a bottle or container with a lid.

Pineapple itself is rich in bromelain which is very good for protecting your joints and also effective for smoothing your digestion.

The natural sweetness of pineapple also goes well with various other fruit or vegetable combinations.

6. Star fruit with strawberries: fresh plus low calorie infused water.

Star fruit with strawberries infused water. Image from www.infusedwaters.com
Star fruit with strawberries infused water. Image from www.infusedwaters.com

For approximately 1 liter of water, you need 1 strawberry and 3 pieces of star fruit. Make sure you choose star fruit that is completely ripe so that the sweetness kicks in.

Preparation for this recipe is also relatively hassle-free because you don’t need to peel anything, just cut it into pieces.

Store this marinade for 4-24 hours in the refrigerator, then enjoy immediately. Apart from its high vitamin C content, star fruit is also one of the lowest-calorie fruits.

This means that even though it is sweet, this drink is low in calories. So drinking a lot is okay.

 7. Watermelon infused water with celery: fast, nutritious, fresh!

Watermelon infused water with celery. Image from foodnetwork.sndimg.com
Watermelon infused water with celery. Image from foodnetwork.sndimg.com

For approximately 1 liter of water, you need 4 medium pieces of watermelon and 5-6 celery leaves.

Unlike pineapples, which take a long time to taste, you shouldn’t leave this watermelon marinade for long. Store the shredded watermelon and celery leaves in the refrigerator for only 2-4 hours.

You will be surprised by the freshness of the taste of this herbal flavor.

Because of its refreshing and quick flavor, watermelon is a suitable choice for those of you who don’t want to wait for hours or stay overnight.

Moreover, its benefits for lowering blood pressure, it is perfect for calming your hurried heart.

8. Apples with cinnamon: perfect for drinking during the rainy season.

Apples with cinnamon infused water. Image from www.infusedwaters.com

Apples with cinnamon infused water. Image from www.infusedwaters.com

For approximately 1 liter of water, you will need 1/4 of a red apple, sliced ​​into thin strips and a whole stick of cinnamon.

The trick to making infused water is to use ice-cold water and store it directly in the refrigerator. This method is needed to prevent the apple from turning brown.

Since apples are also a fruit that is hard to taste, you need to store this marinade for 4-24 hours in the refrigerator.

Now, different from other infused water which is fresher when drunk cold, infused water is much more suitable to be enjoyed at room temperature.

At room temperature, you will be able to feel the sweet sensation of apples and cinnamon which makes you feel warm from the inside.

Cinnamon is also useful for lowering blood sugar and increasing concentration power.

So this drink is suitable if you are lazy to drink warm drinks but want warmth in the rainy season like this.

So, isn’t it really interesting and easy to try this infused water recipes? Especially if you can’t drink water, infused water can be a healthy alternative for your fluid intake. 
