8 Best Benefits Of Tea Without Sugar And Why It's Better Than Sweet Tea

Black tea in teapot and cup with dry tea, brick side view on a wooden surface. Image from freepik.com
Black tea in teapot and cup with dry tea, brick side view on a wooden surface. Image from freepik.com

Benefits of tea without sugar

When you snack at the stall, most of you will order sweet tea to drink, whether cold or warm sweet tea. It’s like a word, whatever the food is, it’s still sweet tea.

This drink is arguably the most practical, and almost everyone likes it. Sweet tea is a mixture of brewed tea with sugar.

Wow, if you use sugar, how many calories are sweet tea?

Compared to unsweetened tea which has only 2 calories per cup, sweet tea has 55 calories in one glass.

The comparison is far away.

So if asked, does sweet tea make you fat, the answer is potential.

That is why those who prefer to drink unsweetened tea without sugar will have a healthier body.

Well, if you are one of those who prefer to drink unsweetened tea without sugar, be grateful, you will experience some of these great benefits.

8 Best Benefits Of Tea Without Sugar

Why It’s Better Than Sweet Tea

1. Control blood sugar levels

Pitcher of tea. Photo by bady abbas on Unsplash
Pitcher of tea. Photo by bady abbas on Unsplash

Instead of drinking sweet tea, the habit of consuming unsweetened tea without sugar can control blood sugar levels.

Fresh tea, which tastes bitter and has not been reduced by the sweetness of sugar, contains polyphenols, aka stronger antioxidant compounds, especially green tea, black tea, and oolong tea.

These polyphenols can increase insulin sensitivity in the body so that blood sugar levels are more easily controlled.

If blood sugar levels can be maintained properly, you will automatically avoid the risk of developing diabetes.

2. Smoother your blood circulation

A hand over a cup of tea. Photo by Valeriia Miller on Pexels
A hand over a cup of tea. Photo by Valeriia Miller on Pexels

In addition to more controlled blood sugar levels, your blood circulation will also be smoother.

The polyphenols in tea also play a role in preventing plaque growth in blood vessels.

That way, the blood vessels will not become narrowed which can cause serious problems such as heart disease.

This is why tea (which is not mostly sugar) is so good for treating the heart.

3. Against bad cholesterol

Teacup with tea. Photo by Julia Sakelli on Pexels
Teacup with tea. Photo by Julia Sakelli on Pexels

Especially black tea, is effective against bad cholesterol which has no bad effects on the body.

One way to reduce bad cholesterol levels is to consume tea regularly, especially fresh and warm black tea.

It is stated that drinking black tea is effective in reducing cholesterol levels by up to 11 percent.

4. Relaxes your body, reduces stress, improves mood, and increases concentration

Vertical shot of a tea pouring from a kettle to a white cup with a wooden spoon. Image from freepik.com
Vertical shot of a tea pouring from a kettle to a white cup with a wooden spoon. Image from freepik.com

Another benefit of plain tea is that it relaxes the body, reduces stress, improves mood, and increases concentration.

The content of L-theanine in a cup of fresh tea can relax the body.

No wonder, tea is recommended for those of you who are in a bad mood or are under stress.

Not only that, but the concentrated L-theanine content in fresh tea is also effective in helping improve brain function so you can concentrate better.

5. Makes you stay young

Tee, teacup, tea bag. Photo by congerdesign on Pixabay
Tee, teacup, tea bag. Photo by congerdesign on Pixabay

Can you believe that drinking tea that doesn’t have a lot of sugar makes you stay young?

According to research results, the antioxidants in tea are quite effective in counteracting the oxidation process in the body.

That is, drinking tea that is not much sugar regularly can prevent the appearance of premature aging symptoms, such as wrinkles or dark spots.

Also restores skin brightness which is dull due to sun exposure.

Tea is even claimed to be able to get rid of acne, reduce atopic dermatitis, candidiasis, keloids, and genital warts.

6. Supports weight loss programs

Peppermint tea on teacup. Photo by Mareefe on Pexels
Peppermint tea on teacup. Photo by Mareefe on Pexels

Unsweetened tea without sugar also supports weight loss programs for those of you who are on a diet.

If you are on a diet program to lose weight, consuming unsweetened tea or unsweetened tea is highly recommended, especially green tea.

Green tea is claimed to be effective in helping burn fat.

This is related to the catechin content contained in it.

7. Reduce nausea due to stomach ulcers or acid

Fresh tea with lemon on table. Image from freepik.com
Fresh tea with lemon on table. Image from freepik.com

Certain types of herbal teas can reduce nausea due to stomach ulcers or acid.

Sweet tea for stomach acid is not recommended if the type of tea contains caffeine.

To relieve symptoms of nausea due to acid reflux, you can try drinking caffeine-free herbal teas, such as chamomile and licorice teas, which can increase the mucus layer in the esophagus, protecting you from irritation due to acid reflux to the throat.

Avoid drinking caffeinated teas such as black tea, green tea, or peppermint tea as these can trigger acid reflux for those with sensitive digestive systems.

8. Prevent cancer

Crop person using laptop with empty screen in bed near cup of tea placed on notebook. Photo by Tatiana Syrikova on Pexels
Crop person using laptop with empty screen in bed near cup of tea placed on notebook. Photo by Tatiana Syrikova on Pexels

Tea has been known as a beverage that can prevent cancer.

The polyphenols and antioxidants present in tea are known to protect cells from damage.

Both of these substances must block the attack of free radicals that trigger damage to body cells and eventually produce abnormal cells that develop into cancer cells.

You can get this benefit, especially from green tea and black tea.

Even though it has various benefits, it’s good to still pay attention to the amount of tea you drink. The recommended limit for tea consumption is 2-3 cups a day.

So don’t drink more tea, especially if you have ulcers or are pregnant.

Both plain tea and sweet tea for pregnant women can inhibit the absorption of iron and folic acid from the food consumed. So, be wiser!
