10 Nutrition Benefits of Strawberries You Need To Know

Nutrition Benefits of Strawberries
Nutrition Benefits of Strawberries

Nutrition Benefits of Strawberries

Strawberry fruit has many features that make it good for our health. However, do you already know the other ingredients and benefits of the strawberry itself?

Nutrition Content of strawberries And The Benefits

Strawberries have excellent vitamin C content. In fact, a few bites of this fruit can meet the daily needs of these vitamins. However, strawberries aren’t just about vitamin C. Strawberry, a tiny fruit with a sweet and sour taste, still has many other nutrients.

Strawberry Fruit – Various Ingredients

1. Vitamin C

The most important nutrition of strawberries is vitamin C which makes it a fruit with great antioxidant benefits.

Our bodies need antioxidants to eradicate free radicals, harmful chemicals and other pollutants. Vitamin C can also boost the immune system.

Apart from the role of antioxidants, these nutrients have a role in the growth, development and repair of all body tissues. Vitamin C also helps with several processes in the body.

These include the formation of collagen, absorption of iron, wound healing, and maintenance of cartilage, bones and teeth.

With an abundance of vitamin C, which can even supplement your daily needs in only small amounts, makes strawberries a great fruit to avoid vitamin C deficiency.

Although the case is rare, a deficit in vitamin C can make a person experience weakness, anemia, bruising, bleeding, and even tooth loss.

2. Antioxidants

Apart from vitamin C, strawberries also contain many other sources of antioxidants.

For example, ellagic acid. There are also procyanidins that are located in the flesh and seeds on the outside of the strawberry skin.

Although antioxidants can be obtained through supplements and other fortified foods, they cannot maximize the potential for antioxidants to fight free radicals.

This is different in strawberries and fruit with other antioxidants.

This is believed by the ability of new antioxidants to be released when combined with nutrients, plant chemicals, and other sources of antioxidants.

Strawberries have polyphenol plant chemicals which also have antioxidant properties to fight disease. And don’t forget that there are many other antioxidant compounds in strawberries.

3. Potassium

Potassium is a big contributor to the benefits of strawberries because of its ability to maintain the function of all cells in the body.

This mineral can regulate heart rate, ensure muscle and nerve performance, and is important in protein synthesis and carbohydrate metabolism.

A diet that pays attention to the adequacy of potassium can balance blood pressure. Adequate potassium intake will also keep the body away from the risk of stroke.

4. Folate

Folate is another name for vitamin B9 which offers many benefits, especially for pregnant women.

Studies have concluded that taking folate even before pregnancy can prevent neural tube defects.

This disorder attacks the fetal brain and spinal cord which are still not fully formed. Therefore, it is good for pregnant women to consume folate 3 months before becoming pregnant.

Folate nutrition is essential for the formation of red blood cells and healthy cell growth and function.

When combined with vitamin B6 and vitamin B12, folate is able to control high levels of homocysteine ​​(an amino acid) in the blood.

This is not good because it can lead to the risk of heart and cardiovascular disease.

5. Fiber

Fiber is a type of carbohydrate that your body cannot digest. When carbohydrates are broken down into sugar molecules, fiber will pass right through and out of the body.

The function of fiber is to control the body’s use of sugar, restrain appetite by keeping the stomach full, and maintaining blood sugar levels.

Besides playing a role in supporting the body’s work, fiber can also reduce the risk of various diseases.

These include heart disease, diabetes, and constipation. These nutrients can also prevent colon cancer, although it is unlikely.

6. Manganese

The manganese content in strawberries is quite large, second only to vitamin C. Therefore, this mineral is one of the factors that shows the benefits of the strawberry fruit itself.

Consumption of 100 grams of strawberries can meet a quarter of daily manganese needs. Manganese is involved in the metabolism of various substances in the body. Among them are amino acids, cholesterol, glucose, and carbohydrates. It also has a role in bone formation, blood clotting, and reducing inflammation.

7. Low Calories

Strawberry fruit calories are in scope and this is good news for those looking to lose weight. With the low calories in strawberries, you can get a variety of nutrients in it while balancing calories in the body.

Fiber also supports a diet for weight loss. On the other hand, strawberries contain pectin dietary fiber to slow stomach emptying and increase feelings of fullness.

8. Anthocyanins

Anthocyanins are pigments that are responsible for giving color to fruits and flowers. In strawberries, there are more than 25 anthocyanins that are also located in the pulp.

Anthocyanins can suppress blood pressure, sharpen eyesight, ward off spikes in cancer cells, inhibit tumor formation, and prevent brain and nerve problems.

Some of the health effects of anthocyanins are possible from other components such as flavonoids in strawberries. However, this pigment has its own antioxidant properties.

9. Phenolic Acid

Phenolic acid is a type of phytochemical known as polyphenol. These phytochemicals can easily be found in a wide variety of plants, including seeds, fruits and leafy vegetables.

Phenolic acid is absorbed through the walls of the digestive tract. And, because it has antioxidant properties as well, phenolic acids can block cell damage caused by free radicals.

This substance can also increase protection against inflammation for the body if you are diligent in consuming it.

10. Magnesium and Other Minerals

Apart from manganese and potassium, strawberries also store other minerals that are very good for maintaining health.

One of them is magnesium which is important in controlling muscle and nerve function, blood pressure, and blood sugar. Magnesium also helps build protein, bones and DNA.

A body that is deficient in magnesium will experience poor health conditions. A person can feel numbness, muscle cramps, nausea, fatigue and weakness.

In fact, if left untreated, the person can experience seizures, personality changes, and abnormal heart rhythms. Strawberry fruit also provides other minerals, namely iron, copper, and phosphorus.

Even though the levels are small, strawberries are used as a complementary food to meet the needs of these minerals.

By understanding the nutrition benefits of strawberries, now you can maximize the fruit’s potential and combine it with other nutritious foods to get a healthy diet.
