10 Health Benefits of Pineapple And The Dangers You Need To Know

Health Benefits of Pineapple And The Dangers
Health Benefits of Pineapple And The Dangers

Health Benefits of Pineapple – Pineapple offers a wealth of nutrients and benefits that are good for health. But on the other hand, this fruit often gets attention because of the dangers it might cause.

What are the benefits of pineapple and its dangers that we should know?

Health Benefits of Pineapple And The Dangers

Health Benefits of Pineapple

1. Treating Inflammation

Pineapple fruit has an enzyme called bromelain. This content is widely researched and concluded as a natural anti-inflammatory agent.

This enzyme is said to be effective in fighting arthritis. Bromelain also has healing properties that can be strengthened with the addition of turmeric.

2. Overcoming Digestive Problems

Bromelain has an important role in breaking down protein. Protein is a nutrient that is difficult to digest.

Protein is often the cause of stomach upset and other digestive problems. Pineapple also contains a small amount of fiber which cares for the digestive tract and intestines.

Pineapple juice can be an alternative to stomach pain medication and relieve the buildup of acids or antacids.

3. Natural Diuretic Medicine

Pineapple has natural diuretic properties.

In other words, this tropical fruit can maintain health as well as help the kidneys as an organ that works to remove toxins in the body.

In addition, pineapple can also reduce blood pressure and suppress plaque buildup in arteries.

4. Maintain Cardiovascular Health

Vitamin C, beta carotene, and antioxidants in pineapple juice are useful for reducing blood pressure and are very effective in warding off hypertension. This health problem is one of the factors that cause heart disease.

5. Restoring Menstrual Problems

The bromelain content in pineapple offers an analgesic effect that helps women recover from uncomfortable and painful conditions during menstrual periods.

Therefore, this fruit is a powerful meal to overcome several problems during menstruation.

6. Strengthens Bones

The manganese content in pineapple is so large, it can even meet 73 percent of the amount of manganese the body needs per day.

This mineral is needed by the body to help the development and protection of healthy and strong bones. Manganese is also useful for children. Because, he is involved in the growth and development of children’s bones.

As for adults, manganese is used by the body to prevent abnormalities in bones, such as osteoporosis, by strengthening bones.

7. Maintaining Eye Health

A study in Taiwan shows that pineapple can be a good food to fight floaters.

These floaters are signs or points that sometimes appear and hover in the eye so that they interfere with vision.

These marks are microscopic fibers that are formed because the vitreous part of the eye loses consistency and shrinks.

The study shows that pineapple given high doses can reduce the appearance of floaters.

This is believed to be due to the presence of several enzymes in pineapple that can break down microfiber extracellular substances and hydrolyze them.

The results of the study also suggest that pineapple can prevent retinal separation and blindness.

Pineapple is also rich in vitamin C as an antioxidant which inhibits lens oxidation and prevents the eyes from cataracts.

8. Maintaining Oral Health

As one of the fruits with abundant vitamin C nutrition, pineapple can ensure the health and strength of teeth and gums.

Vitamin C also helps ward off plaque build-up and reduces the risk of tooth disease and gingivitis. Therefore, these nutrients can limit the activity of bacteria in the mouth.

9. High Antioxidants

Other benefits of pineapple are found in the content of antioxidants that are good for health and help the body fight oxidative stress.

This reaction occurs when free radicals are present in large numbers in the body. In fact, free radicals can connect with cancer cells and cause damage.

And, it is not impossible if later chronic inflammation, weakened immune system, and other dangerous diseases will emerge.

The antioxidant properties of pineapples are quite high, especially because of the presence of flavonoids and phenolic acids and other antioxidant components that are connected to each other.

This makes the antioxidants of pineapple fruit to survive tough body conditions and provide a lasting effect.

10. Increase Immunity

Pineapple contains many vitamins, minerals and enzymes that can increase immunity and suppress inflammation.

A study found children with sinus infections recovered quickly when given bromelain supplements, which are common in pineapples.

Bromelain’s ability to limit inflammation is also believed to help the immune system.

Dangers of Pineapple Fruit

To get to know pineapple fruit further, you need to know the benefits and dangers of this fruit with the Latin name Ananas comosus.

Understanding the dangers of pineapple will make you better able to manage how to serve pineapples properly.

1. Cause Allergic Reactions

Some people may experience moderate allergies when eating pineapple, especially for people who are allergic to pollen.

This reaction is characterized by swollen lips, a stabbing sensation in the throat, and so on. The enzymes in pineapple affect these allergies.

And therefore, it is advisable to wash the chopped pineapples with salt water so that these enzymes can be removed.

2. Increase the Risk of Miscarriage

Pineapple fruit offers good and bad effects when consumed by pregnant women. Pineapple can indeed recover pregnant women from morning sickness.

But on the other hand, it has a dangerous impact on the mother and the womb. Some of the enzymes in pineapple can increase uterine contractions in early pregnancy.

This is what causes the increased risk of abortion and leads to miscarriage. Pregnant women are not recommended to eat pineapple during pregnancy.

3. High doses are not good for arthritis and rheumatism

Although pineapple has anti-inflammatory properties that relieve inflammation in joints, the native fruit of Brazil and Paraguay is not recommended for consumption by sufferers of arthritis and rheumatism.

The reason is because pineapple is converted into alcohol when it reaches the digestive tract.

This alcohol can have a negative effect on sufferers of these two diseases and increase the risk of fractures.

4. Increase blood sugar

Although pineapple can be eaten by diabetics, excessive consumption can increase a sufferer’s blood sugar.

Although pineapple offers natural sugars such as sucrose and fructose, diabetics should only eat one to two pineapples per day.

5. Raw Pineapple Cause Nausea

Whether you consume it directly or in the form of juice, make sure the fruit you consume is ripe.

Because, young pineapples contain toxins and can endanger health. Symptoms that are easy to experience when eating raw pineapple are nausea and vomiting.

6. Can React To Certain Drugs

Various benefits of pineapples can be obtained from the bromelain content. However, this enzyme also has a negative effect when taken with some medications such as antibiotics and anticonvulsants. So, if you are being treated with drugs, consult first if you want to eat pineapple.

7. Mouth Redness and Throat Infection

The acidic nature of pineapple is influenced by vitamin C which is abundant in it. The acidic nature of pineapple can also affect the production of mucus in the mouth and throat.

As a result, a rough sensation can appear when eating it. Some people can experience stomach pain. Excess consumption of them can increase the problem of throat infections.

8. Tooth staining and enamel damage

Pineapple eaten in regular doses will make teeth and gums healthy. Conversely, excess consumption will damage teeth because of the sugar it has.

The acidic nature of pineapple can also erode tooth enamel. Therefore, it is advisable to eat pineapple in moderation, especially for people with cavities, gingivitis, and so on.

9. Can Cause Diarrhea

Vitamin C is water soluble. The body with excess vitamin C will excrete it through urine. However, the excess vitamin C from pineapple is not just thrown away by the body without side effects.

Excess eating pineapple will trigger various health problems, such as nausea, ulcers, diarrhea, insomnia, and stomach pain.

10. Allows the Development of Kidney Stones

The potassium content in pineapple is quite a lot and it is good for maintaining blood pressure and a healthy heart.

On the other hand, the excess of this mineral can become a burden for the kidneys which are difficult to process properly.

Not infrequently it can trigger kidney failure. Therefore, consume pineapples and other foods with high potassium in moderation.

That’s the health benefits of pineapple fruit and the dangers that can arise when consuming pineapples.

After knowing about this pineapple fruit, it helps us to be more careful when serving pineapple or other foods and eating it in moderation.
