Health Benefits of Avocado Fruit - 11 Amazing Facts You Need To Know

Health Benefits of Avocado Fruit
Health Benefits of Avocado Fruit

Health benefits of avocado fruit – they are very rich in fiber so they can contribute to weight loss and reduce blood sugar in the body.

Many people like to eat avocado, especially when processed as a complement to salads, fruit ice, or sandwiches. But, do you know what are the health benefits of eating avocado?

Health Benefits of Avocado Fruit

1. Lowering the cholesterol level in the body

If you want to avoid cholesterol, consume avocado regularly as a dessert after eating. Please note that avocado contains various kinds of nutrients, ranging from minerals to 20 vitamins in it.

Not only that, a study says that if you consume avocado regularly, it can balance your diet without realizing it so that your body will be healthier.

The level of bad cholesterol (LDL) will decrease and increase the level of good cholesterol (HDL), so that it can help maintain heart health to avoid disease.

2. Reducing the risk of developing cancer

Cancer is indeed one of the most dangerous and deadly diseases in the world, so many people try to anticipate the emergence of cancer cells in the body.

Although not many studies have tested the effects of avocados in reducing cancer risk, you can still consume avocado as a form of prevention and overall health.

You need to know that the fat in avocado is oleic acid which becomes monounsaturated fatty acids, so that it can play a role in reducing inflammation.

Not only that, avocado fruit extract is also high in antioxidants which can inhibit the growth of cancer cells, ranging from oral cancer and prostate cancer.

3. Maintain heart health

You can consume avocado regularly as it can improve your body health. By eating avocado regularly plus vegetables and a low sugar diet, you can maintain a healthier metabolic system.

Maybe it’s rare for anyone to know that avocado itself has quite high potassium, even 14 percent higher than bananas.

Various studies also say that when you consume adequate amounts of potassium, it can help reduce blood pressure, thereby reducing heart attacks, strokes and kidney failure.

4. Able to repair egg cells while undergoing a pregnant program

Avocado is useful for increasing your pregnancy program, so that it can increase fertility. When consumed regularly, avocado can even reduce the risk of egg problems by up to 70 percent.

It should also be noted that the monounsaturated fatty acid content in avocados can reduce a person’s risk of obesity, hypertension, insulin resistance to diabetes.

5. Able to keep pregnant women healthy during pregnancy

Avocado fruit is also good for consumption by pregnant women because it contains a variety of nutrients ranging from protein, healthy fats, vitamins to minerals.

The folate content which is quite rich in avocado when consumed by pregnant women can help repair body cells during pregnancy.

If pregnant women are consistent enough in consuming avocado fruit, it will provide various positive benefits such as:

  • Prevent the occurrence of nerve defects in the fetus.
  • Optimizing fetal bone growth and preventing deformity or bone structure disorders.
  • Improve intestinal work or digestive function of pregnant women to prevent constipation.
  • Reducing complaints from pregnant women such as cramps and vomiting due to morning sickness.
  • Reducing pregnancy problems such as anemia, diabetes, high blood pressure and stroke which are potential complications.

6. Improve eye health to be optimal

Having good and healthy eyes is certainly one of everyone’s desires. A study explains that when you eat avocado regularly, your eye health will be well protected. Avocado can reduce the risk of cataracts and protect your eye health in the long term.

The content of lutein and zeaxanthin in avocados is also able to maintain eye health in reducing all other damage, such as reducing the risk of developing age-related macular degeneration.

7. Able to absorb nutrients that are good for the body

Avocado is a fruit that has high nutritional value. A study says that avocado can increase the absorption of antioxidants by 2.6 to 15 times.

Avocados are not only able to absorb nutrients well into the body, they can also be a natural detox ingredient. Apart from being easy to get, consuming this fruit can get rid of various toxins in the body. You only need to consume avocado juice regularly, so that your body becomes healthier and fitter.

8. Able to reduce and overcome stress

Not only physical health, you also need to maintain your mental health in a balanced way. Another benefit of avocado is that it can help prevent excess homocysteine ​​levels in the body.

When the body has too much homocysteine ​​and it is not handled properly, then you can easily get stressed and even depressed.

In addition, avocado also contains vitamin B which can release neutronsmitter to reduce feelings of anxiety that can trigger stress.

9. Reducing pain for people with osteoarthritis

Avocado fruit can also be extracted with soybean oil, so it is often called Avocado Soybean Unsaponifiables (ASU) which can be useful for people with osteoarthritis or arthritis.

Several studies have examined that ASU is believed to be able to slow the progression of arthritis in the form of osteoarthritis and reduce the pain.

Not only that, the performance of ASU can also prevent damage to cells lining joints and help regenerate joint connective tissue.

10. Able to reduce the risk of disease in blood vessels

Of the many positive benefits available, avocado can reduce the risk of disease in blood vessels.

When cholesterol levels are not normal, there will be risk factors for various diseases to attack blood vessels.

The content of vitamin B6 and folic acid contained in avocados can maintain homocysteine ​​levels in the blood.

When consumed regularly, the nutrients in avocado can keep blood cholesterol levels more balanced.

11. Helps in losing weight

Avocados contain good unsaturated fats, so you can used them as a substitute for heavy meals.

Avocados, which are easy to fill, can drastically reduce appetite. However, try to balance other intakes so that the nutrients in the body are still fulfilled.

If you want to help lose weight by eating avocados, you need to do several things such as:

  • Eating avocado before mealtime.
  • Try not to mix avocado with sugar or milk. If you want to use natural sweeteners, then choose honey as a complement when consuming avocado.
  • Begin to reduce the portion of eating excessively on various occasions.

Those are some of the health benefits of avocado fruit can provide.

Even so, try to keep eating enough avocado so you don’t overdo it. Let’s start eating healthy foods like avocado
