Cranberry Health Benefits - 11 Secrets Exposed Why You Should Know

Health Benefits of Cranberries
Health Benefits of Cranberries

Cranberry health benefits are low in calories and high in nutrients, rich in antioxidants that support health and endurance.

Cranberry, this fruit has a round shape and red color so that it looks like a cherry. Compared to other types of berries, cranberries have a tough skin texture, so they don’t rot easily.

Cranberries taste sour and slightly sweet. People also often use cranberries for food supplements because of their good taste. Behind its unique taste and beautiful appearance, this fruit is a source of antioxidants.

Cranberries Fruit Nutrients – Why You Should Be Eating Cranberries

Cranberry is a fruit that is rich in antioxidants, but low in calories. Just imagine that in 100 grams (g) of cranberries there are only about 46 calories.

Apart from being low in calories and high in water, here are other nutrients that you can find:

  • Calories: 46 kilocalories (kcal)
  • Water: 87%
  • Protein: 0.4 g
  • Carbs: 12.2 g
  • Sugar: 4 g
  • Fiber: 4.6 g
  • Fat: 0.1 g
  • Folate: 1 milligram (mg)
  • Niacin: 0.101 mg
  • Pantothenic acid: 0.295 mg
  • Pyridoxine: 0.057 mg
  • Riboflavin: 0.020 mg
  • Thiamin: 0.012 mg
  • A-Vitamin: 60 International Units (IU)
  • C-Vitamin: 13.3 mg
  • E-Vitamin: 1.20 mg
  • K-Vitamin: 5.1 mg

Cranberry Health Benefits – 11 Reasons You Should Know

Seeing the abundant vitamin content, it’s no wonder this fruit provides many health benefits. Starting from fighting aging, overcoming urinary tract infections, to increasing endurance.

Here are the complete benefits of cranberries if you consume them regularly.

1. Source of antioxidants

One of the highest ingredients in cranberries is that they are rich in antioxidants. This compound is known to slow down the oxidation process.

The presence of antioxidants is necessary to protect cells from damage due to free radical oxidation.

Many people have realized that high mobility makes them vulnerable to exposure to pollution, ultraviolet rays and other toxic substances in the surrounding environment.

One way to protect the body from these harmful substances is by consuming fruits and vegetables that contain lots of antioxidants, such as cranberries.

2. Against aging

According to research, the main factor causing premature aging is free radicals. Cranberries have antioxidant properties to fight free radicals cause skin cell damage.

In addition, this fruit also provides nutrients and makes the skin feel more supple. In order to experience its benefits, mix two tablespoons of dried cranberries and a quarter tablespoons of essential oil. Apply the mixture for 10 minutes on facial skin, then rinse thoroughly.

3. Support post menopausal health

Did you know that after menopause the risk of getting various diseases including heart problems increases?

Study showed that consuming a certain dose of cranberry every day can reduce the amount of cholesterol. This fruit is also suitable as a useful dietary supplement for women after menopause.

4. Good for heart health

In addition to antioxidants, cranberries contain high polyphenol compounds. This substance is known to improve heart health.

People who drink cranberry juice every day have been shown to have low levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) in their blood.

Another study shows the benefits of other cranberries are good for supporting the health of people with coronary artery disease.

5. Increase endurance

Just like other vegetables and fruits that are high in vitamins, antioxidants and phytochemicals contained in cranberries can increase endurance so that the body is not susceptible to disease. Try consuming fruit or cranberry juice every day to balance your busy activities.

6. Protect teeth from damage

Cranberry content of proanthocyanidins is useful for preventing gum disease and bacteria that bind teeth.

In other words, besides giving freshness, consumption of cranberries can prevent caries and other gum problems.

7. Preventing infection

Although more research is needed, other benefits of cranberries that you should know are fighting various infections caused by bacteria and viruses. This fruit is also anti-inflammatory or can relieve inflammation.

8. Help to lose weight

It is true that eating fruit is not enough to help you lose weight. You need to combine exercise and maintain food intake to get optimal results. Nutritionists say cranberries have an emulsifying effect on fats so they don’t accumulate in the body. Besides that, the fiber in red fruit can also help you feel full longer.

9. Nourish the brain

Not only prevents various diseases, the benefits of antioxidants and inflammatory effects can also improve memory and brain coordination. You can consume dried cranberries as a snack or also various types of processed drinks to have a bright memory.

10. Maintain the digestive system

The benefits of cranberry juice can support the health of the digestive tract. This tract is very important because it functions to digest, break down and absorb nutrients which are then distributed through the blood throughout the body. Indigestion can lead to malnutrition or nutritional deficiencies.

11. Preventing urinary tract infections

The anti-bacterial content in cranberries in high amounts is effective in treating urinary tract disorders.

This disease is usually characterized by hip pain, increased frequency of urination, painful urination, and blood in the urine. This infection must be treated immediately because it can affect kidney health.

How to Consume Cranberry Fruits

You can eat raw cranberries, or you can also process them into various foods, such as jam toppings for cakes, juices, dried cranberries, and many others.

According to nutrition experts, the most efficient way to consume cranberries to maintain their nutritional content, is to make juice.

Here’s how to make delicious and fresh cranberry juice:

  • Freeze cranberries in the refrigerator
  • Blend 100 grams of frozen cranberries in 500 milliliters of water
  • Add sugar or honey
  • You can also add toppings or other fruits according to your taste

Although this fresh fruit is safe for consumption, excessive amounts can have side effects that are not good for health.

Some of the problems that arise from eating excessive cranberries such as diarrhea and hypersensitivity reactions.

For that, it is very important to make a balanced healthy diet.
