Causes of Bad Stomach Cramps Based on the Location of the Complaints And How To Overcome It

Woman Curled Up on Couch. Photo by Polina Zimmerman from Pexels
Woman Curled Up on Couch. Photo by Polina Zimmerman from Pexels

Causes of bad stomach cramps

Don’t be surprised if you suddenly experience stomach cramps even though you haven’t entered your menstrual date.

Stomach cramps are common in those of you who are experiencing health problems.

The characteristics of abdominal cramps are usually marked by muscle contractions that are quite tight in a certain area.

Both the abdominal wall muscles and the muscles that make up the organs around the stomach, such as the uterine muscles or the intestinal muscles.

Apart from contractions, you may also complain of pain such as pulling in the abdomen.

Many factors can cause stomach cramps to occur.

Not only menstrual pain, even the possibility of illness or other health problems.

According to health experts, the factors that cause stomach cramps also vary depending on the location of the complaint.

So, you can no longer equate left and right stomach cramps.

So, what are the causes?

Lower Abdominal Cramps

Lower abdominal cramps that usually occur during the premenstrual period can also be caused by other factors.

Apart from menstrual cramps, pain in the lower abdomen can also occur due to the following:

1. Causes of bad stomach crampsdehydration

Woman Curled Up on Couch. Photo by Polina Zimmerman from Pexels
Woman Curled Up on Couch. Photo by Polina Zimmerman from Pexels

When the body is dehydrated, the muscles cannot work properly, which triggers tension around the abdominal area.

Usually, stomach cramps due to dehydration will be accompanied by other complaints such as thirst, dizziness, to a darker color of urine.

2. Causes of bad stomach crampssymptoms of pregnancy

It will be new start for our family. Image from
It will be new start for our family. Image from
If stomach cramps during pregnancy usually occur on several sides, the symptoms of pregnancy are not.

In early pregnancy, you may experience lower abdominal cramps accompanied by the appearance of red spots and complaints of morning sickness.

Perform an examination immediately, to confirm the correctness of the symptoms.

Lower Left Abdominal Cramps

Disorders of the intestines and female reproductive system can cause lower left abdominal cramps. Usually, abdominal pain will occur gradually.

The good thing is, you are starting to be aware of these lower abdominal cramps because they can cause serious illness. Here are some reasons.

1. Inflammation of the intestine

Inflammation of the intestine.
Inflammation of the intestine.

Inflammatory bowel diseases such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s were found to cause cramps in the lower left abdomen.

This condition occurs due to an abnormal reaction of the body’s immune system against the digestive tissue.

Usually, this complaint will be accompanied by diarrhea, weight loss, and frequent night sweats.

2. Reproductive system disorders

Pelvic inflammation
Pelvic inflammation

Apart from stomach cramps during menstruation, this complaint will also be felt by owners of pelvic inflammation.

This disease is an infection that occurs in the female reproductive tract due to bacterial infection due to sexual intercourse.

Symptoms of pelvic inflammation are generally accompanied by other complaints such as fever, rancid-smelling vaginal discharge, to pain during intercourse.

Lower Right Abdominal Cramps

Disorders of the organs located in the lower right part of the stomach can trigger contractions and cramps in the lower right abdomen. Here are several diseases that can interfere with these organs.

1. Appendicitis

The young woman wearing a pink shirt is suffering from abdominal pain. Image from
The young woman wearing a pink shirt is suffering from abdominal pain. Image from
Inflammation in the appendix can increase the complaint of stomach cramps on the right side.

Even the cramps you feel will be even more excruciating if no surgery is done immediately.

But don’t jump to the conclusion that you don’t feel other symptoms such as fever, nausea, and vomiting.

2. Urinary tract infection

Urinary Tract Infection on White Background illustration
Urinary Tract Infection on White Background illustration
Not only burning or pain when urinating, it turns out that urinary tract infections can also trigger lower right abdominal cramps.

This disease, which is closely related to the kidneys, is generally caused by a minimum intake of mineral water that enters the body so that it can trigger blockages in the urinary tract.

3. Ectopic pregnancy

Free stock photo of 3d scanning, 3d ultrasound, adults. Photo by MART PRODUCTION from Pexels
Free stock photo of 3d scanning, 3d ultrasound, adults. Photo by MART PRODUCTION from Pexels

Try to really feel what kind of pregnant stomach cramps that attack you.

If the pain in the lower abdomen becomes more painful, and there are other suspicious signs such as bleeding, then see a doctor immediately.

It could be that you have an ectopic pregnancy or get pregnant outside the womb.

Upper Abdominal Cramps

Have you had upper abdominal cramps? It turns out that several disease conditions can increase this complaint.

Oftentimes, upper abdominal cramps occur when a person lies down right away after eating.

But it turns out that not only that, several other medical conditions can also cause this symptom.

1. Gastric ulcer

Free stock photo of 3d scanning, 3d ultrasound, adults. Photo by MART PRODUCTION from Pexels
Free stock photo of 3d scanning, 3d ultrasound, adults. Photo by MART PRODUCTION from Pexels

The stomach wall that is injured and inflamed can lead to upper abdominal cramps and the pain will get worse at night.

If stomach cramps subside immediately after you eat, it means that inflammation may occur in the stomach wall.

But if the stomach cramps cannot be relieved by food, this is a sign that this disease attacks the wall of the duodenum in your body.

2. Pancreatitis


There are two types of pancreatitis or inflammation of the pancreas, namely acute and chronic pancreatitis.

In these two diseases, usually, there is pain or cramps in the upper abdomen that will radiate to the back and is accompanied by vomiting.

Generally, someone who has inflammation of the pancreas will also experience other symptoms such as jaundice, a hard stomach, and changes in skin color around the navel or side of the body.

Middle Abdominal Cramps

Middle abdominal cramps that usually occur around the navel can be used to identify some of the following health problems.

1. Lactose intolerance

Lactose intolerance
Lactose intolerance
What is lactose intolerance?

It is a condition in which the body cannot digest lactose or the natural sugars contained in milk products.

Apart from experiencing middle abdominal cramps, you will also experience other complaints such as diarrhea, nausea, bloating, and gas.

However, usually, these symptoms don’t just appear.

Generally, these symptoms will occur about 30 minutes to 2 hours after you take lactose.

2. Ovarian cysts

Ovarian cysts. Image from
Ovarian cysts. Image from

Generally, in people with ovarian cysts, abdominal cramps will usually persist even though the cyst in the ovary has burst.

If you feel the cramps in the stomach are getting worse and bleeding spots start to appear, it is better to immediately visit your doctor for an examination.

How To Treat Stomach Cramps Based On The Causes

How To Treat Stomach Cramps. Image from
How To Treat Stomach Cramps. Image from

But no need to worry, as long as the stomach cramps are not so severe, this complaint can be overcome. Here’s how to treat stomach cramps based on the cause.

Generally, stomach cramps accompanied by symptoms of nausea and vomiting can be treated by increasing body fluid intake to prevent dehydration.

Now, if you experience stomach cramps due to PMS, try to relieve them by giving warm compresses around the stomach area.

Or, it can be soothed with natural ingredients such as brewing ginger or cloves.

For stomach cramps caused by certain diseases, it is better to relieve them with abdominal cramping medication from a doctor or by taking medical measures.

But if the stomach cramps are not so severe, they can be treated by taking abdominal cramps at the pharmacy or pain relievers such as ibuprofen or paracetamol.

Stomach cramps are normal.

As long as it’s not accompanied by painful symptoms, you don’t need to worry.

To make sure it’s safer, please visit the nearest doctor or hospital for a checkup if the stomach cramps don’t go away after a few days or even after taking the medicine.
