8 Simple Ways How to Overcome Bloated Stomach

Female in underwear holding a bowl of green salad. Image from freepik.com
Female in underwear holding a bowl of green salad. Image from freepik.com

How to Overcome Bloated Stomach

Flatulence often makes us feel uncomfortable. But no need to worry because flatulence is not a dangerous thing.

The cause of flatulence is a bad habit that is often accidentally carried out, such as eating too fast, lying down after eating, to eating spicy and fatty foods.

Usually, the most obvious features of a flatulence are feeling sick, the size of the stomach looks bigger than usual, and difficulty farting so that it is difficult to defecate.

In addition to taking medication for flatulence and colds, there are various alternative simple ways to treat gas flatulence.

In these ways, the symptoms and all complaints of flatulence will gradually improve.

The following are efforts that can be done.

How to Overcome Bloated Stomach

8 Simple Ways To Get Rid of Flatulence

1. Exciting fart and burp so that the gas in the body comes out naturally.

Immediately burp or fart. Image from www.healthline.com
Immediately burp or fart. Image from www.healthline.com

Farts and belching are the body’s natural ways of flushing out excess gas from the stomach.

So when it starts to feel uncomfortable, hurry up to fart or burp so that your stomach doesn’t hurt even more.

After that you can remove the remaining gas by defecating so that the stomach is even more relieved.

2. If farting is difficult, try massaging the area around the stomach to reduce complaints.

Massage stomach. Image from www.youtube.com
Massage stomach. Image from www.youtube.com

Overcoming flatulence and not being able to fart should not be arbitrary.

If you do it wrong, your stomach will get worse and feel harder. As an alternative, you can do a light massage to relieve his complaints.

But the massage must be right, here’s how:

Place your hands just above your right hip, then rub in a circular motion with light pressure starting from the right side of your ribs.

Rub straight across the abdominal area towards the ribs on the left. Then rub gently towards the left hipbone.

3. Perform warm compresses if flatulence is accompanied by symptoms of diarrhea.

Warm compress. Image from medium.com
Warm compress. Image from medium.com

This method is effective for treating flatulence and loose stools because the warm temperature can widen the blood vessels and increase the flow of oxygen.

Indirectly, warm compresses can relax the abdominal muscles and make them looser.

In fact, because of this effect, this method is quite effective for ealing with flatulence due to swelling!

4. Complaints of flatulence and nausea will gradually get better if you want to move a little.

Photo of Woman Wearing Pink Sports Shoes Walking. Photo by Daniel Reche from Pexels
Photo of Woman Wearing Pink Sports Shoes Walking. Photo by Daniel Reche from Pexels

Before you relax after eating, it’s best to walk for 15 minutes, either in front of or inside the house.

By doing so, you can make food move and make it easier for the intestines to digest, so that the stomach won’t experience excess gas.

If you routinely do these activities, you will no longer need to buy flatulence medication at the pharmacy every time you complain.

Even though it seems simple, this method is also often used as a way to deal with gas and gas!

5. Well, the easiest way is to eat food for flatulence, one of which is ginger.

Hot ginger juice and ginger sliced on wooden table. Image from freepik.com
Hot ginger juice and ginger sliced on wooden table. Image from freepik.com

Ginger has substances that can soothe the intestines, reduce inflammation, and aid in the digestion of food.

Because of this substance, gas production in the stomach is reduced. Enjoy ginger with warm tea or add it to juices or other vegetables.

If you dare to go to the extreme, you can chew ginger right away!

Usually after consuming ginger, the way to fart for flatulence will feel easier.

6. Some yoga movements can reduce complaints of flatulence and enlargement.

Woman in Blue Sports Bra and White Leggings Stretching Yoga Movement. Photo by Elly Fairytale from Pexels
Woman in Blue Sports Bra and White Leggings Stretching Yoga Movement. Photo by Elly Fairytale from Pexels

Movements to overcome flatulence such as child’s pose, happy baby pose, squats can make the stomach muscles weaker and the gas production in them decreases.

Especially if you compensate for the movements by doing meditation to help you control your eating portions.

The good is, do yoga 2 times a week to get optimal benefits.

7. Meanwhile, first reduce the intake of foods that contain lots of salt and trigger gas in the body.

Bowl of Fries on Table. Photo by Glady Francis from Pexels
Bowl of Fries on Table. Photo by Glady Francis from Pexels

The sodium content in salt can cause fluid retention which causes flatulence.

Apart from salt, you also have to control foods which in fact can increase gas in the stomach, such as cauliflower, onions, broccoli, mushrooms, to foods made from whole grains.

8. Breathing exercises are not only effective for treating flatulence during pregnancy. You who are often bloated and awkward need to do it.

Young attractive woman doing alternate nostril breathing pose. Image from freepik.com
Young attractive woman doing alternate nostril breathing pose. Image from freepik.com

Diaphragmatic breathing techniques can help reduce complaints of flatulence.

But to be able to feel the benefits, you need to do this exercise regularly and slowly.

Well, here are the diaphragmatic breathing techniques that are commonly used to treat flatulence in pregnant women:

  • Sit back and lean back, then place one hand on your stomach and one hand on your chest.
  • Inhale through your nose for 2 seconds and feel the air filling your stomach. Let the stomach feel expand and try to move it to be more than the chest.
  • Exhale slowly for 2 seconds with your lips slightly ajar while feeling your stomach slowly deflate.
  • Repeat the exercise 10 times and keep your shoulders relaxed until the process is complete.

Of course, the method how to overcome bloated stomach above cannot be used to treat flatulence in babies and children.

Even if several methods can, it may need to be readjusted.

So, it’s good to be careful if you have to use the method above to treat flatulence in children 3 years, especially newborns.
