7 Ways How To Get Rid of Body Odor With Natural Treatments So You Can Smell Good Without Perfume

Romantic close up portrait o charming blonde girl in straw hat smells flowers on the evening beach, warm sunset colors. bouquet of lavender. Image from freepik.com
Romantic close up portrait o charming blonde girl in straw hat smells flowers on the evening beach, warm sunset colors. bouquet of lavender. Image from freepik.com

How to get rid of body odor with natural treatments

Body odor can reduce a person’s self-confidence and interfere with the comfort of others who are around him.

Although generally body odor appears when the body sweats, the real cause of body odor is not sweated, but the bacteria that convert sweat into acidic substances.

Other factors can cause body odor, such as eating foods that trigger body odor and disturbances in the body’s metabolic system.

The use of perfume and deodorant only disguises body odor but does not eliminate it.

For that, you need to do regular home care to deal with body odor.

Here’s how to get eliminate body odor with natural ingredients that are worth a try.

How To Get Rid of Body Odor With Natural Treatments

7 Ways So You Can Smell Good Without Perfume

1. How to get rid of body odor with betel leaves as people used to do before.

Shower with betel leaf stew. Image from sajiansedap.grid.id
Shower with betel leaf stew. Image from sajiansedap.grid.id

Betel leaf contains antioxidants, vitamin C, and carotene which are believed to be able to treat a woman’s body odor.

How to get rid of body odor quickly with this betel leaf is quite effective.

Boil a few betel leaves, then mix the boiled water into the bath.

With regular use, your body odor will fade away.

2. How to get rid of body odor with salt. Add lemon or aloe vera to make it more effective.

Homemade scrub made of sea salt, lemon peel and lemon juice. Image from diycraftclub.com
Homemade scrub made of sea salt, lemon peel and lemon juice. Image from diycraftclub.com

These ingredients contain active substances that can lower the pH of the skin and make the bacteria that cause body odor to die instantly.

With regular use, undoubtedly how to get rid of body odor and excessive sweat using this salt will be more effective.

Cut a lemon or aloe vera, then add salt to taste.

Rub the underarms gently with a slice of lemon or aloe vera, let stand 10 minutes, then wash off.

3. Basically, how to eliminate body odor with coffee is the same as the salt method, but the mixture of ingredients is different.

Scrub coffee. Image from thecoconutmama.com
Scrub coffee. Image from thecoconutmama.com

The content of putrescine in coffee can make the skin smell more fragrant and fresher, especially when mixed with peppermint and steeping tea.

Because it is made from natural ingredients, this method deserves to be included in one of the ways to get rid of body odor in adolescents with minimal irritation.

Mix the tea with ground coffee, then apply it to the underarms that have been given olive oil. Rub gently, let stand for 30 minutes, then rinse thoroughly.

4. How to get rid of body odor with lime is simpler than other methods. Simply rubbed directly on the armpit alias used as a natural deodorant.

Lime for a natural deodorant. Photo by cottonbro on Pexels
Lime for a natural deodorant. Photo by cottonbro on Pexels

The content of citric acid in lime can kill the bacteria that trigger body odor.

If done regularly, this way of getting rid of the underarm odor without deodorant can also brighten the folds.

But make sure your armpits don’t have sores or are sensitive to acids so that using lemon directly on the skin doesn’t make you suffer.

5. How to get rid of body odor with baking soda is also worth a try because it has proven efficacy.

How to get rid of body odor with baking soda. Image from freepik.com
How to get rid of body odor with baking soda. Image from freepik.com

Baking soda has active ingredients that can absorb sweat, neutralize pH, and suppress the growth of odor-causing bacteria.

If usually the way to get rid of body odor naturally is just by taking a shower or scrubbing, this baking soda method is a bit different.

First, you can use baking soda as a powder, which only needs to be applied to the underarms.

Second, dissolve the baking soda and put it in a spray bottle, then spray it on the underarms.

This method of getting rid of permanent body odor is quite effective and has minimal risks.

6. How to get rid of body odor with alum is now rarely practiced, even though the results are effective.

How to get rid of body odor with alum. Image from www.sehatq.com
How to get rid of body odor with alum. Image from www.sehatq.com

This object that is often used to purify water can be used as a natural ingredient to treat body odor.

You could say, this is a natural deodorant for teenagers in his day.

To use it, just soak the chunks of alum until they dissolve, then take the remaining chunks and rub them into your armpits.

Apart from eliminating body odor on the skin, it turns out that alum is also often used as a way to get rid of underarm odor on your clothes! Especially clothes that are often used for sports and those that get sweaty.

7. Finally, take advantage of apple cider vinegar to eliminate body odor shortly after exercising.

Apple cider vinegar to get rid of body odor. Image from freepik.com
Apple cider vinegar to get rid of body odor. Image from freepik.com

How to eliminate body odor during exercise is not just using perfume or deodorant.

You can also use apple cider vinegar which can be used as a natural deodorant.

So that the vinegar smell doesn’t smell so strong, first, dissolve it in water and add a little natural fragrance that is safe for the skin.

Before use, make sure the skin is not irritated to minimize the bad effects afterward.

Eliminating body odor permanently certainly cannot be done instantly.

In addition to doing the above treatments, you also have to adjust your lifestyle so that your hormones and your body’s metabolic system are more balanced.

Be careful if you want to apply one of the methods above as a way to get rid of body odor in children because their skin is still sensitive and needs to be tested for allergies first. If it’s safe, just try it.
