7 Best Ways How To Eat A Plum So It Doesn't Taste So Sour

Delicious red plum fruit wallpaper. Image from freepik.com
Delicious red plum fruit wallpaper. Image from freepik.com

How to eat a plum

If you stop by a fruit shop, it’s not uncommon for us to find purple fruit, similar to grapes but not. Yes, the name plums.

Plums are one type of fruit that is widely cultivated in Europe. The species range from red plums, purple plums, black plums, to yellow plums – of all sizes, flavors, and textures.

Plums are relatively low in calories and contain more than 15 different vitamins and minerals that can help prevent chronic disease.

Moreover, the benefits of black plums are very rich in antioxidants. Plums are often used as a diet menu for those who want to lose weight.

The taste of plums itself tends to be sour, no wonder there aren’t many fans, but also because of the hefty price of plums.

It’s a shame, even though the benefits of plums are very special.

Well, for those of you who are not strong with the sour taste of this fruit, here’s how to eat a plum besides directly entering your mouth. Give it a try!

How To Eat A Plum

7 Fun Ways So They Don’t Taste So Sour

1. Just like fruits in general, you can also eat plums by processing them into fresh juice.

Glasses of plum put on dark floor. Image from freepik.com
Glasses of plum put on dark floor. Image from freepik.com

Processing prunes into fresh juice can also reduce the sour taste by adding a little sweetened heavy cream or honey. Here are the steps:

  • Prepare 2-4 fresh plums, wash them thoroughly, and cut them into pieces.
  • Put the plum slices, enough ice cubes, 2-3 teaspoons of sweetened heavy cream or honey in the blender. Grind until smooth and serve.

You can also use this concoction as a plum drink for diets for those who are undergoing a weight loss program.

The nutritional content in plums combined with honey can effectively accelerate your body’s metabolism!

2. You can also try dipping plums with chocolate sauce so that you don’t taste the sourness.

Plum with chocolate. Image from www.taste.com.au
Plum with chocolate. Image from www.taste.com.au

One way to eat plums directly so that they are more varied and don’t taste at all sour is to dip or pour the slices of plums with chocolate sauce.

Apart from arousing your appetite and reducing the sour taste of plums, chocolate is also beneficial for improving your mood.

3. Another fun way to eat plums is to turn them into a fruit salad.

Plum salad. Image from www.foodnetwork.com
Plum salad. Image from www.foodnetwork.com

Plums can be combined with other types of fresh fruit such as grapes, strawberries, oranges, apples, or melons.

Cut the plums and other fruit into small pieces, put them in a bowl, then add mustard or honey.

After that, put it in the refrigerator and let it sit for about 60 minutes. Remove the plum salad from the refrigerator and enjoy it cold.

4. Combine with oatmeal or other whole-grain cereals to add flavor.

Overhead view of dry plum toppings on the oatmeal in the bowl. Image from freepik.com
Overhead view of dry plum toppings on the oatmeal in the bowl. Image from freepik.com

Both oatmeal and prunes contain fiber, so eating oatmeal sprinkled with prunes is one of the best ways to maintain a healthy digestive system and prevent constipation.

This way of eating plums is suitable for pregnant women who are experiencing digestive system problems.

The benefits of plums for pregnant women will be felt at all.

5. Processing plums into pasta or sauce is a way of eating plums that is unique and never thought of before.

Plum sauces. Image from www.thefoodblog.net
Plum sauces. Image from www.thefoodblog.net

Maybe one of these processed plums still sounds unfamiliar to you. But you can try it as a variation. Here are the steps:
  • Prepare 2-4 fresh plums, cut them into pieces, and wash them thoroughly.
  • Place the prunes in a container and add 2 1/2 cups of boiling water. Leave it for a moment.
  • Add other ingredients to the bowl, such as wheat, kefir, and flaxseeds. Stir in the plums and all the ingredients until they become a paste.
  • Finally, store the pasta or plum sauce in the refrigerator for about 60 minutes. Then, remove and serve cold.

6. Dried plums not only tasteless acidic, but they also last longer.

Fresh prune and dried prune on wooden board wall. Image from freepik.com
Fresh prune and dried prune on wooden board wall. Image from freepik.com

To prepare dried plums, wash the plums and chop them before drying or roasting them.

For the drying method, ideally, the prunes are left in the sun for 3-4 days so that they are completely dry.

After the prunes are dry, don’t consume them immediately, but boil them with water at a temperature of about 250 degrees Celsius until the water boils.

Unlike the dried plums which are processed by roasting.

7. Mix prunes with cake batter or make it a pretty and appetizing topping.

Delicious cake with fresh plums and raspberries. Image from freepik.com
Delicious cake with fresh plums and raspberries. Image from freepik.com

Adding plums to the cake can be an option for enjoying plums so that the cake has a delicious taste and is not monotonously sweet.

Not only that, but the cake’s appearance will also be more attractive.

You can add prunes in cookies with almonds. Or it can also be mixed into a tart for a special celebration.

These are some ways how to eat a plum so that you don’t feel the sour taste in your mouth.

Now, you don’t need to hesitate anymore to make plums as your daily consumption. But remember, don’t overdo it!
