7 Bad Effects of Using Toothpicks You Need To Know!

Closeup shot of wooden toothpicks in a small glass. Image from freepik.com
Closeup shot of wooden toothpicks in a small glass. Image from freepik.com

When eating, it is not uncommon for food scraps to get stuck between your teeth, especially if your teeth are hollow.

This food waste must be taken immediately so that it does not harden and end up becoming dental plaque.

To fix this, you can rinse or brush your teeth. However, most people pick up leftovers using wooden toothpicks.

They deliberately stocked up packaged toothpicks to clean the food residue left on their teeth.

Even though according to experts, this is dangerous and can have a bad impact on the health of your teeth.

Apart from the very affordable price of a 1 pack toothpick on the market, using a toothpick also creates satisfaction.

Even though several dangers of toothpicks may be lurking with you.

7 Bad Effects of Using Toothpicks

1. Create a distance between the teeth

Loose teeth. Image from www.burbankdentalimplants.com
Loose teeth. Image from www.burbankdentalimplants.com

The use of food toothpicks too often can create a distance between the teeth.

The use of toothpicks was considered ineffective and resulted in trapped food scraps as a result of the urge.

Gradually, this food residue will make other food tucked away because the density of the teeth is reduced, so you can’t help but have to keep using a toothpick to clean it.

Try switching to a floss toothpick, which is at least safer than most bamboo toothpicks.

2. Change the position of the gums.

Periodic comprehensive dental examination to have a healthy mouth and teeth
Periodic comprehensive dental examination to have a healthy mouth and teeth

In addition to creating spaces between the teeth, the use of toothpicks can also change the position of the gums.

Too often using toothpicks can change the position of the gums and make them move up and down.

If you continue to do this, this habit can lead to lowering the gums and make some of the roots open.

Even if the gum roots open, the pain is very unbearable.

3. Bleeding in the gums

Bleeding gums. Image from www.babycentre.co.uk
Bleeding gums. Image from www.babycentre.co.uk

Another bad effect that may occur is bleeding in the gums

The sharp tip of a toothpick can cause sores and bleeding in the gum area.

The reason is, there is a soft layer in the gums that is very prone to be hit by sharp objects.

If not treated immediately, this problem can develop and worsen the health of your gums and teeth.

So, before more serious problems occur, start reducing the use of metal toothpicks.

4. Enamel removal

Enamel removal. Image from alrezfamilydentistry.com
Enamel removal. Image from alrezfamilydentistry.com

Enamel removal may occur if you continue to use toothpicks.

Tooth enamel is the outermost layer of teeth that functions to protect the underlying tissue so that it prevents pain due to foreign objects entering the teeth.

When someone uses a toothpick, they tend to chew it, even though toothpicks themselves are made of plastic or wood, both of which can cause enamel damage.

The most pronounced effects of enamel damage include tooth sensitivity and discoloration.

5. Broken teeth and frequent toothaches

Broken teeth. Image from sains.kompas.com
Broken teeth. Image from sains.kompas.com

Broken teeth and frequent toothaches are also bad effects of using toothpicks too often.

As previously mentioned, the use of toothpicks can affect the position of the teeth moving up and down.

Well, it turns out that this is closely related to damage to the roots of the teeth too! In some cases, this damage can be very painful and can gradually lead to cavities.

Most of these problems occur as a result of being forced to use a toothpick to pick up food scraps in the crevices.

6. Dental veneers and fillings erode quickly

Dental veneers. Image from www.alodokter.com
Dental veneers. Image from www.alodokter.com

Users of dental veneers and fillings must reduce the frequency of using toothpicks if they don’t want them to erode quickly.

The part of the tooth that is filled or given veneer may not be scratched even when using a dental floss toothpick.

If you drip, don’t be surprised if at any time your patch gets eroded or your veneer gets damaged quickly.

Better to rinse or brush your teeth directly to remove food debris stuck between your teeth.

7. Bad breath

Young woman covering her mouth showing shut up. Image from freepik.com
Young woman covering her mouth showing shut up. Image from freepik.com

Using toothpicks can also trigger bad breath! Really?

Generally, toothpicks are used to remove food debris stuck between teeth.

But the fact is, according to experts, the use of toothpicks can make food scraps even more trapped.

Even if it can be lost, maybe only the leftovers that are a bit large, the small ones will still be there. Even though the buildup of food scraps between your teeth can trigger a bad smell, especially if you don’t clean it.

Experts suggest that at least use other cleaning tools such as mouthwash or dental floss to remove food debris.

From this, you should know that brushing your teeth is much more recommended than using a toothpick.

It’s okay to use it occasionally, but not too often.

Or, if you want to be safe, switch to dental floss, even though the price is more expensive than most toothpicks.

But no problem, after all for health, right?
