5 Important Reasons You Need To Know Why Brushing Teeth Before Bed Is Mandatory

Pretty young woman brushing her teeth in the bathroom. Image from freepik.com
Pretty young woman brushing her teeth in the bathroom. Image from freepik.com

Brushing teeth is an effort to prevent oral disease. For that, you have to brush your teeth at least twice a day as a preventive measure.

Now the recommended time to brush your teeth is at night before going to bed and in the morning after breakfast.

From the second time, unfortunately, many people often overlook and even underestimate brushing teeth before bed.

Even though the impact is very important and the same as brushing your teeth in the morning.

Apart from children, not a few adults are often lazy to brush their teeth before going to bed. The reason is that it is too tired, sleepy, or cold.

Yes, don’t complain if at any time your teeth hurt and your gums often bleed.

For those of you who often underestimate, here are some important reasons why it is mandatory to brush your teeth before bed.

Brushing Teeth Before Bed

5 Important Reasons Why It Is Mandatory

1. Brush your teeth before bed to reduce the buildup of acid that causes cavities.

Reduce the acid that causes cavities. Image from sains.kompas.com
Reduce the acid that causes cavities. Image from sains.kompas.com

Saliva contains potassium which can neutralize acids in the mouth.

But unfortunately, the production of saliva at night usually decreases.

For that, you need to brush your teeth using toothpaste that contains fluoride so that the saliva content is controlled and the acids that cause brittle teeth can be neutralized.

By regularly doing this habit, you will avoid complaints of brittle or eroded teeth. 

2. Routine brushing before bed can reduce the risk of bad breath the next morning.

Prevent bad breath. Image from stock.adobe.com
Prevent bad breath. Image from stock.adobe.com

The bacteria in the mouth will digest protein and food debris stuck between the teeth and gums.

Well, this digested protein is what then produces gas that triggers an unpleasant odor in the oral cavity.

Because you know bad breath is unpleasant, it’s better to immediately overcome it by diligently brushing your teeth before going to bed.

If you feel that you are lazy to brush your teeth because you are sick, try using a soft toothbrush whose bristles are softer and don’t cause pain on the surface. 

3. The habit of brushing your teeth before bed can reduce the risk of germs and bacteria growing faster.

Brushing your teeth can prevent the germs that cause tartar. commons.wikimedia.org
Brushing your teeth can prevent the germs that cause tartar. commons.wikimedia.org

Of course, this brings many benefits to your oral health. One of them is to avoid the risk of tartar and porous teeth.

So we need to brush our teeth before going to bed so that the development of bacteria and germs in the oral cavity can be prevented or at least minimized their growth.

Make sure you also use a good toothbrush method so that these preventive efforts are not in vain.

A good toothbrush is generally done for 20 seconds in each section with a circular motion so that the bristles can more optimally remove plaque that is tucked between the teeth and gums.

4. Minimize the risk of gum inflammation and infection by regularly brushing your teeth before bed.

Brushing your teeth can reduce the risk of gingivitis. Image from www.absolutedental.com
Brushing your teeth can reduce the risk of gingivitis. Image from www.absolutedental.com

This infection is a continuation of the accumulation of tartar as a medium for bacteria to grow.

Usually, gum inflammation is characterized by the appearance of pain when chewing, the gums feel soft, and bleeding or pus between the gums and teeth.

If left untreated, this can lead to other adverse effects such as bone degradation and tooth tissue destruction.

Before this happens, it is better if you start paying attention to the health of your teeth.

The simplest way is to brush your teeth diligently before going to bed.

Because as previously mentioned, this can prevent tartar that can lead to other health problems.

Let’s start brushing teeth at night.

5. The habit of brushing your teeth before bed can reduce the risk of other diseases which are closely related to oral health.

Brushing your teeth can reduce the risk of dangerous diseases. Image from www.medicalnewstoday.com
Brushing your teeth can reduce the risk of dangerous diseases. Image from www.medicalnewstoday.com

Lazy to brush your teeth at night can trigger a variety of serious diseases, one of which is heart disease.

The fact is that it can happen. It was stated in the Infection and Immunity Journal published in 2017 that bacteria that cause periodontal disease or gingivitis can increase a person’s risk of developing heart disease.

This occurs because of the blockage of blood flow to the heart arteries carried by Streptococcus mutans or tooth-destroying bacteria that move along the bloodstream.

Apart from the heart, these bacteria can also attack the lungs and kidneys so that they can trigger problems in the respiratory and digestive tracts.

After knowing the reasons above, are you sure you are still annoyed and lazy to brush your teeth before bed?

Before anything untoward happens, it’s better to immediately change your bad habits.
