7 Trivial Causes You Need To Avoid Guaranteed To Make You Sleep Faster

Headshot portrait of sleepy young woman. Image from freepik.com
Headshot portrait of sleepy young woman. Image from freepik.com

Sleep Faster Tips

After a busy day, people usually crave enough sleep. You wanted to enter the room, get on the bed and continue to sleep, but the power of the eyes was even difficult to be told to brake and ended up having difficulty sleeping is called insomnia.

Even though it often happens, you can’t afford to have trouble sleeping and you should not let it continue. Therefore, insomnia due to restless heart and difficulty sleeping can trigger various physical and mental illnesses.

If you often have trouble sleeping and urinate frequently, try checking maybe it’s hard to sleep because of the following things you often do before going to bed. If so, then it’s no wonder you have trouble sleeping even though your body is really tired.

Sleep Faster Tips – Avoid This 7 Trivial Habits

1. Room light that is not dark enough turns out to be one of the causes of insomnia.

Room light that is not dark enough turns out to be one of the causes of insomnia. Photo from Pixabay
Room light that is not dark enough turns out to be one of the causes of insomnia. Photo from Pixabay

Bright light can reduce the production of melatonin – a hormone released by the pineal gland that causes drowsiness. No wonder it becomes difficult to sleep, headache, nausea, the lights are still bright.

2. Especially if you play with your cellphone or laptop even though you are already on the bed.

Photo of afro, afro hair, apple. Women playing smartphone on the bed. Photo by cottonbro from Pexels
Photo of afro, afro hair, apple. Women playing smartphone on the bed. Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Just like lamps, light from these electronic items will attack the retina and disrupt the hormone melatonin. Not only does it make it difficult to sleep, but it can also make you sleepy in the morning. No wonder you also find it difficult to sleep during the day. Stopping playing on your cell phone before going to bed is the most difficult way to deal with insomnia and anxiety.

3. It turns out, body temperature and a room that is too warm can trigger insomnia.

Woman sitting on ottoman inside white wall paint room. Photo by JoelValve on Unsplash
Woman sitting on ottoman inside white wall paint room. Photo by JoelValve on Unsplash

The temperature that is too warm can prevent sleep from reaching a deeper phase or dreaming phase. That is why dreams will often appear when the room temperature during sleep tends to be stable or leads to cold. Well, one way to deal with insomnia because of many thoughts is to adjust the room temperature to make it more stable.

4. No wonder it’s hard to sleep, mostly eating protein.

Eating pizza. Photo by The Creative Exchange on Unsplash
Eating pizza. Photo by The Creative Exchange on Unsplash

Protein consumption requires a lot of energy to digest. This can make the digestive system continue to work even after entering bedtime. Difficulty sleeping because stomach acid will often occur due to this cause. Conversely, it would be better if you consume nuts, milk, or chamomile tea before lying on the bed because it is food for insomnia.

5. Another thing that triggers insomnia is going to bed on an empty stomach, aka hungry.

Woman with hungry expression. Image from freepik.com
Woman with hungry expression. Image from freepik.com

In some cases, a hungry stomach can cause a drop in blood sugar that can make you wake up at night. It’s useless to buy insomnia medicine at the pharmacy, it’s better to make sure your stomach is filled enough before going to bed. But give pause for at least 2 hours.

6. Some have difficulty sleeping because they have taken certain medications.

Assorted-color medication pills. Photo by pina messina on Unsplash
Assorted-color medication pills. Photo by pina messina on Unsplash
Difficulty sleeping, what symptoms of the disease? Several anti-depressant and allergy medications can also trigger insomnia. For example, Prozac, Cymbalta, and Allegra D. So for those of you who suffer from depression or certain allergies make sure you get these medicines only with a doctor’s prescription and don’t forget to consult so you can still sleep well with enough time!

7. Serious chat with your partner during pillow talk can also be a cause of insomnia.

Man waking up his beloved woman. Image from freepik.com
Man waking up his beloved woman. Image from freepik.com

The effect is not visible, but serious chatter can trigger a stress response because of the production of cortisol and adrenaline increases. This increase in hormones can make it difficult for you to sleep and even stay up late at night.

Many people don’t realize that of the triggers above, insomnia means the effect of activities that you can manipulate or fix. From now on, avoid things that you think are the cause of your insomnia complaints. Because if you let it continue, your body will also be disturbed.
