How To Prevent Hair Loss And Damage Naturally - 11 Tips You Need To Know

How To Prevent Hair Loss And Damage Naturally
How To Prevent Hair Loss And Damage Naturally

How to prevent hair loss and damage naturally

There are many things you can do to slow or stop hair loss. But what to do depends on the reason why your hair is falling out.

Damaged hair is brittle, so it tends to get damaged. Damage to hair can make our hair frizzy, hair that looks unhealthy.

If we continue to damage our hair, we may end up seeing thinning hair or even balding.

11 Tips to Prevent Hair Loss and Damage

1. Avoid Hairstyles That Pull Your Hair

Flexible hair, some studies show that your hair can only be stretched so much before it becomes permanently damaged. Hairstyles like cornrows, tight braids, and ponytails can pull your hair off your scalp and loosen the bonds between your hair and your scalp over time.

2. Avoid Hair Styling Tools with High Heat

Using heat to style your hair makes your hair vulnerable to breakage. These tools can damage your hair if you use them too often, such as hair dryers, hair straighteners, and curling irons. So, use it carefully.

3. Do not treat or bleach hair chemically

Hair care chemicals cause sudden and irreversible damage to hair follicles. If you don’t want your hair to fall out, limit your use of dyes, highlights, peroxide treatments, and perms.

4. Use a gentle shampoo that suits your hair

The purpose of shampoo is to clean hair from dirt and excess oil. But many commercial shampoos contain harsh ingredients. Once used, they can strip your hair of the natural oils and fatty acids that make it strong and supple. Read your shampoo ingredients and buy one that is as close to natural as possible. Try switching products if you have lost excess hair.

5. Use a soft comb made from natural fibers

Using a soft comb with natural fibers will increase the levels of healthy sebum (oil) in your hair. The keratin protein in your hair is stacked like shingle on the roof, so brushing it gently in one direction, starting from the top and working your way down to the ends, will help smooth and condition your hair cuticles on a molecular level.

6. Try Low Level Light Therapy

Low-level light therapy promotes cell growth and repair. Your doctor can prescribe this therapy for you.

Home Remedies Hair Loss Treatment

If you are looking to treat hair loss, you may want to try home remedies to see if you can stop hair loss. You need a diagnosis to find the cause of your hair loss, so you can treat it appropriately.

7. Supplements

Lack of nutrients can lead to hair loss.Iron, zinc, selenium, vitamin D, vitamin B7 (biotin), and vitamin B12 supplements can help your body produce strong and healthy hair. Remember to only buy supplements from reliable sources.

8. Essential Oil

Essential oils are water extracts from powerful botanical ingredients. The essential oils can be mixed with carrier oils, such as jojoba and almond oils, to create treatments to stimulate hair growth. Some essential oils may make your hair grow stronger.

9. Massage the Scalp

Getting a scalp massage has been shown to increase hair growth. By increasing circulation in the growth area, your hair can grow faster if you massage your scalp gently every time you wash your hair.

10. Adjust the Diet

Your diet can also have an impact on hair loss. Eating a diet rich in antioxidants can help fight signs of oxidative stress from environmental factors that damage hair follicles.

Strawberries, blueberries, nuts and legumes, spinach, and kale are great sources of antioxidants. Sugar, refined fats, preservatives, and alcohol can all contribute to oxidative stress. Keep this in mind if you want to stop hair loss.

11 Quit Smoking

Smoking can prematurely age your hair cells, leaving your hair follicles brittle and easily damaged. Talk to your doctor to come up with a smoking cessation plan that is right for you.
