How To Make Black Underarms White Naturally

How to get rid black underarms
How to get rid black underarms

How To Make Black Underarms White Naturally

Black underarm skin is usually no big deal. But still, black underarms make most people, maybe including you, insecure.

Especially when you wear sleeveless shirts. That is why, many people are looking for and trying ways to whiten armpits.

Starting from using moisturizers, whitening creams, laser therapy, to natural ingredients in the kitchen.

What causes black underarms?

Normally, underarm skin color is not much different from your skin tone as a whole. The level of melanin in the skin determines a person’s skin color.

Melanin is a pigment produced by melanocyte cells. The more melanin the melanocyte cells produce, the darker a person’s skin color will be.

Plus, people with darker skin are more likely to have dark underarm skin. Basically, underarm skin tends to blacken with age.

This is generally caused by inflammation of the armpits due to irritation or indeed heredity. This inflammation can also occur due to scratching and rubbing of the armpits, such as when using creams.

Dark underarms can also be affected by hormonal changes, certain medical conditions such as diabetes, and allergic reactions to deodorants.

Continuous repetitive friction, such as shaving underarm hair, will cause inflammation. The skin becomes thicker. This thick skin will turn blacker.

What about waxing? Removing underarm hair with sticky liquid and cloth can also make the underarms black.

Likewise, the buildup of dead skin cells contributes to the darkening of your underarms.

In addition, dark underarms can also be caused by certain medical conditions, such as acanthosis nigricans (AN), bacterial infection (erythrasma), melasma, and Addison’s disease.

How to make black underarms white naturally?

If black armpits are caused by a disorder or disease, of course the cause must be treated first.

However, if black underarms are caused by friction factors or chemical products, you can treat your underarm skin by cleaning it regularly, in the morning and evening shower.

Don’t forget to use mild soap. The next natural way to whiten underarms, exfoliate your underarms with a special soft skin scrub or a small towel.

Rub the underarms lightly, to prevent thickening and blackening of the armpits. Then, apply a moisturizing cream or deodorant to keep the underarm texture healthy and smooth.

Moisturizers can help reduce the irritation effect on the armpits. In addition, always use a special soap or foam before shaving your armpits.

Make sure the skin and hair are moisturized before pulling them out. To minimize irritation after shaving your underarm hair, try shaving in the same direction as the hair growth.

You can also use some of the following ingredients as a natural way to whiten armpits.

1. Lemon

Lemon is rich in vitamin C which helps in the growth of new skin cells. Vitamin C is also an antioxidant that protects skin cells from signs of premature aging due to free radicals.

Not only facial skin, lemon can also help lighten blackened underarm skin. The way to whiten underarms with lime is to mix lime juice and water (the ratio is about 1: 2).

This is to prevent skin damage that may occur due to the acid from the lemon. Apply the mixture to your underarms and let it sit for 10-15 minutes before rinsing it off with clean water.

Then, dry your underarms with a clean towel or soft cloth. Do the way to whiten black underarms with lemon at least 2-3 days.

After drying, apply a moisturizer to prevent the underarm skin from becoming dry.

2. Cucumber

Just like lemon, cucumber can also lighten the skin, including underarm skin. Cucumber is one of the natural ingredients that can bind collagen and maintain skin firmness and elasticity.

When the elasticity is maintained, the underarm skin color will automatically be more even and brighter. Not only lightening, sticking cucumber slices to the skin can also make the skin feel fresher.

It’s easy, you just slice the cucumber thinly and place it on the black underarms. Leave the cucumber for 10 minutes, then you can rinse it with clean water.

Pat dry with a soft towel and repeat until you get the desired result.

3. Yogurt and honey

Yogurt contains many nutrients that are good for the skin. An example is lactic acid which has enlightening properties.

How to lighten underarms naturally using yogurt is by rubbing it all over the armpits. Let stand for 10-15 minutes, then wash off with clean water.

You can add half a tablespoon of honey to yogurt. Honey has antiseptic and antibacterial properties, and can help reduce dark spots.

Dry skin is one of the factors that contribute to an uneven dry color. Therefore, applying honey to the underarms can help brighten them by moisturizing the skin.

4. Turmeric

This spice is an herbal plant that many people believe can lighten the skin. The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties found in turmeric can make the skin look shinier, more supple, and brighter. The antibacterial effect of turmeric can also help get rid of unpleasant underarm odors.

How to use turmeric to lighten skin starts by mixing ¼ of turmeric powder and 2 tablespoons of lemon juice in a small bowl.

Stir the two ingredients until they form a paste texture. Apply the turmeric paste to the black underarm skin and let it sit for 15 minutes.

Next, rinse the underarms with clean water and pat dry with a soft towel. Don’t forget to apply a moisturizer on the underarms to keep them moist.

Is there any other way to make black underarms white?

5. Laser

Did you know, dark underarm hair can also make your armpits look black, even before these hairs appear on the surface of the skin. You can remove underarm hair using a laser technique.

Laser hair removal can help underarm hair grow smoother and prevent ingrown hair and reduce the risk of hyperpigmentation.

6. Doctor’s cream

Doctors can also give a cream to deal with black underarms. Usually this doctor’s cream contains retinoids. Retinoid compounds are vitamin A derivatives that can lighten the skin.
