19 Ways To Get Rid Of Oil On The Face To Better Your Confident

How To Get Rid Of Oil On The Face
How To Get Rid Of Oil On The Face

Get rid of oil on the face – Having clean, non-oily skin can make you more confident about your appearance.

Sebaceous glands or oil glands have an important role for facial skin health. Even so, excessive oil can be disastrous because it can make the face shiny and certainly interfere with appearance.

To solve this problem, let’s find out some ways to get rid of oil on the face through the following article.

Why is my face oily

Sebaceous glands are microscopic organs in the skin that secrete sebum or an oily substance. The function of this sebum is to lubricate and act as a waterproof layer for the skin.

With the presence of this gland, the outer skin tissue is protected from the immunity it carries. Not only on the face, sebum is also produced by the skin in other parts of the body and has an important role in hydrating the skin, antibacterial protection, anti-fungal protection, and sun protection.

Factors that causes excess oil on face

The sebum production of each individual varies widely. However, there is no explanation why this can happen.

On the other hand, The Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology mentions several factors that cause why some individuals have more oily skin than other individuals.

Men generally produce more oil because of high testosterone levels. Testosterone itself is the most important and active part of androgen as a hormone that affects the growth and development of the male reproductive system.

Women can also experience increased oil during ovulation due to increased progesterone levels.

The humid environment also triggers the increase of sebum in the skin, especially during spring and summer.

The journal also mentions that racial factors are associated with high sebum production, with Chinese women showing smaller skin pores and lower density than African American individuals with large pores which may be related to high levels of sebum.

19 Ways To Remove Oil On The Face

Steps to Control Oily Face

1. Clean Your Face Routinely

This is the first step that must be done every day so that the face does not emit too much oil. This natural way to get rid of oil on the face needs to be done every morning, night, and after every strenuous exercise or activity.

When rinsing your face, refrain from rubbing your skin, even when removing makeup. Scrubbing your skin, especially if done too hard, will irritate your skin and make it look worse.

2. Choose the Right Skin Care

How to get rid of oil on the face can be done by paying attention to the care products you use.

For oily skin owners, pay attention and choose skin care that offers oil free and noncomedogenic features (does not close pores).

By applying these products, the pores on the skin will not become clogged or cause acne.

This applies to all ranges of care products, including cleansers, moisturizers, and makeup.

Also choose cosmetics with a water-based label. This feature contains less oil and is suitable for oily skin.

In addition, it is also rich in ingredients that can hydrate the skin and have a moisturizing effect.

For treatment with a cleanser, do not use oil-based or alcohol-based products. These products can irritate the skin.

3. Apply Moisturizer Every Day

Even if you have oily skin, applying moisturizer is still important, considering its benefits in keeping your skin hydrated.

To be more economical and concise when caring for your skin, use a moisturizer that can protect your skin from UV rays with an SPF of 30 or more.

4. Use Sunscreen When You Are Outside

The use of sunscreen is highly recommended for all skin types because it protects the skin from damage caused by sun exposure.

To prevent breakouts, look for sunscreens that contain zinc oxide and titanium oxide. Avoid products that contain fragrances and oils.

5. Don’t Sleep With Makeup

Never forget to remove makeup when going to bed. Because, sleeping with makeup on can close the pores of the skin, even though it’s oil-free makeup.

Clogged pores will cause acne and make skin dull the next morning. Eye makeup that is not removed before bed also causes irritation, inflammation and infection.

6. Use Blotting Paper

Blotting paper or oil control film is a solution to oily skin problems. For application, put on this oil absorbent paper by pressing it gently against your face and let it sit for a few seconds to absorb the oil.

Don’t rub the paper all over your face. This will actually spread the oil to other areas instead of absorbing all the oil on your face. Keep this paper ready throughout the day and use it when your face feels very oily.

7. Don’t Touch Your Face

Even though it sounds difficult, by keeping your face away from your hands, you will not spread the dirt, oil and bacteria that have accumulated on your hands.

Only touch your face when applying skin care products. However, also make sure that your hands are clean beforehand.

Use of Chemical Products

8. Retinoids

The topical retinoid treatment group consists of vitamin A (retinol). Treatment with this ingredient will provide reactions that help repair sun damage, are anti-inflammatory, and suppress sebum production.

The use of topical retinoids to treat various skin diseases such as acne has been in use since 1970. In one study, use of retinoids decreased sebum synthesis.

9. Niacinamide

The use of niacinamide-based products also invites many claims in terms of reducing excess oil. A study has shown that topical cosmetics with 2% niacinamide can reduce the level of sebum secretion after application for 2 and 4 weeks.

Even so, further research is needed to find out the ideal treatment for cosmetics made from niacinamide.

10. L-carnitine

This material is quite popular because it has the potential to eliminate the appearance of an oily face.

L-carnitine itself is produced naturally by the body and functions to increase beta oxidation which is involved in the breakdown of fat.

Topical use of L-carnitine as much as 2% can reduce fatty acids in cells in sebum-forming cells (sebocytes).

11. Isotretinoin

Also known as 13-cis retinoic acid, this drug is an oral retinoid that has been shown to have a greater effect on sebum reduction than the average for other treatments.

Similar to topical retinoid treatments, isotretinoin can shrink the size and secretion of oil glands.

Studies suggest that sebum production can decrease by up to 90% during oral isotretinoin therapy.

Treatment with this medication is also beneficial for people with severe seborrhea (red, itchy, scaly skin).

Oral isotretinoin may also be an alternative for those who are looking for a way to permanently remove facial oil. The use of this drug must first be consulted with a doctor.

12. Spironolactone

Although the use of spironolactone is more intended as a diuretic drug (boosting urine production), this medicinal substance has been widely used by dermatologists for the treatment of oily skin, acne, hirsutism (growth of hair on the face, back, and chest in women), and hair loss in women.

However, the use of spironolactone is not without side effects. This drug has the possibility of causing hyperkalemia (high potassium in the body), chaotic menstrual cycles, and several types of cancer.

Even so, the use of spironolactone can still be said to be safe for healthy women who are seeking treatment for oily skin.

13. Oral Contraception

Oral contraceptives are also useful for treating skin problems with excess oil. Oil production can be suppressed because this drug works by reducing androgen hormones.

As mentioned earlier, androgens are one of the factors causing excess oil because of their role in stimulating the addition of oil production cells.

Androgens are involved in triggering the development of the seborrhea disorder. On the other hand, estrogen which is the dominant female hormone has the effect of suppressing excess oil gland activity.

To avoid the risk of endometrial hyperplasia (thick lining of the uterus) or cancer due to uncontrolled estrogen, oral contraceptives should be combined with progestin treatment that does not induce androgen activity.

Use of combined oral contraceptives containing the lowest dose of each hormone can limit or even prevent adverse effects while benefiting the skin.

Natural Care

14. Konjac Sponge

A konjac sponge is a tool that can help clean your pores without damaging your skin. This sponge made from the root fiber of the konjac plant works as a skin exfoliant.

Even though you can use it every day, keep it limited so that the skin does not become dry. Exfoliating twice a week is enough to keep your pores clean and reduce sebum production.

15. Green Tea

Cosmetic products made from green tea are claimed to be quite effective in dealing with oily skin problems.

16. Honey

Although there is no research to support it, honey may be an alternative way to get rid of excess oil on the face naturally and quickly.

Honey is a natural anti-bacterial source which has skin moisturizing properties. How to use it simply by rubbing honey on the face and leave it for a few minutes. Then, wash the honey with warm water. Use raw or organic honey for better results.

17. Aloe Vera

Not only does it relieve sunburn, aloe vera is also a soothing ingredient for all skin types. This also allows aloe vera to relieve irritation caused by oily skin.

Apply aloe vera gel to your face before going to bed and leave it on overnight. Wash it off when you wake up and you will have the soothing effect of this natural treatment.

Other Excess Oil Treatments

18. Botulinum Toxin (Botox)

In recent years, there have been a lot of studies confirming the success of Botox in the treatment of oily skin.

19. Laser

The use of a special 1,450nm diode laser is the type that has been widely researched for skin problems. An observation was made of the laser’s capabilities.

From these observations, it was found that there was a total reduction of sebum by 18% at the sixth week after the three laser treatments.

However, these observations were countered by another report which revealed that the same three laser treatment sessions did not show any significant changes in sebum excretion.

This concludes that diode laser is not an effective treatment but still offers potential for oily skin. Those are some ways to get rid of oil on the face that you need to know.

You can follow the oil control steps above as a basis for oily skin care and sort out other options for treating oily skin that is disturbing your appearance.
