Healthy Diet Weight Loss Vs Fast Diet, Which Is Better?

Healthy diet vs fast diet, which one is better?
Healthy diet vs fast diet, which one is better?

A healthy diet to lose weight should not only focus on weight loss, but must also be able to prevent malnutrition and protect yourself from various risks of diseases such as cancer, stroke, heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and so on.

When you decide to a diet, you should consider more health factors, rather than the duration of weight loss. Healthy diet may take longer than a fast diet, but it will maintain your weight in the long run.

Apart from that, you can also get other health benefits by following a healthy diet.

How to plan a healthy diet weight loss ?

This is a common question, how do you have a healthy diet that can last a long time? Check this below healthy foods to eat on a diet.

1. Eating lots of vegetables and fruits

This is one of the most important healthy diets. Vegetables and fruit are packed with nutrients (antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and fiber) and help maintain a healthy body weight by keeping you full longer.

2. Eating whole wheat

Whole grain foods including whole wheat bread and crackers, brown rice, quinoa, oatmeal, and barley are highly recommended.

Whole grain foods have fiber, protein, and vitamins B to help you stay healthy and full longer.

3. Eating protein foods

Protein foods include legumes, nuts, seeds, tofu, soy drinks, fish, shellfish, eggs, poultry, lean red meat, low-fat milk, low-fat yogurt, low-fat kefir, and low-fat cheeses and sodium.

4. Limit eating processed foods

Highly processed food is food that is processed from the original food source and has many additives. As food is processed, often many of the essential nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, and fiber are removed, while salt and sugar are added even more.

5. Make water as your main drink

Water supports health and increases hydration without adding calories to food. Sugary drinks including energy drinks, fruit drinks, and flavored coffees have a lot of sugar and contain little or no nutritional value.

6. Avoid fruit juices, even though 100 percent fruit juice

Although fruit juice has some of the benefits of fruit (vitamins, minerals), it has more sugar than fruit and less fiber. Fruit juices should not be consumed as a substitute for fruit.

Fast diet – the risks you should know

A sudden change in diet to lose weight quickly risks causing you to experience health problems. This unhealthy endeavor also does not allow sustainable lifestyle changes aimed at maintaining a stable ideal body weight in the long term.

Fast weight loss is less likely to last. In addition, people who lose weight rapidly are at risk of experiencing health problems.

1. The body is weak and tired easily

Generally, people who want to lose weight quickly eat smaller portions or even force themselves not to eat. This condition makes the body lack calories so it is easy to feel weak and tired. The productivity of that person will decrease.

2. Lack of nutrition

The body needs carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, fat and protein in ideal amounts to function properly.

But when you want to lose weight immediately, you will tend to reduce or even eliminate some nutrients such as carbohydrates and fat. Even though your body needs all the elements to keep it healthy and not susceptible to disease.

3. Your weight quickly increases again

Fast diets do not provide the opportunity to train the body to burn large amounts of calories.

In fact, to achieve long-lasting results, it requires gradual and comprehensive lifestyle changes, from exercise to dietary arrangements. A fast diet keeps the food you eat from burning optimally so that you gain weight back up.

4. Damage to muscle tissue

Diets that are done to an extreme and fast do not burn fat, but instead burn the muscles of the body so that muscle tissue becomes damaged.

5. Other bodily disorders

Some of the diseases that can strike because of the side effects of a fast diet include headaches, constipation, hair loss, and irregular menstruation.

6. Possible serious illness

A fast diet that is carried out continuously can be at risk of causing serious diseases, including:

  • Gallstones: occur in 1-2 out of 10 people who lose large amounts of weight within a few months
  • Electrolyte imbalance in the body
  • Dehydration

How to do the healthy diet weight loss ?

Basically a healthy diet is about managing your diet, including choosing the types of food that should be consumed. A healthy diet is when all the needs of your body nutrients can be met. A few simple steps that can serve as a guide.

1. Set healthy goals for each week

Small and simple goals are important as a step towards sustainable lifestyle change. Plus, setting realistic goals on a regular basis and meeting them will make you feel positive.

For example, if you like to eat fried foods every day, aim to skip them within a week.

2. Get active

As a first step, you don’t need to exercise regularly to stay in shape. Do something you like so that this activity can be done over and over again, such as playing futsal with coworkers or cycling with family.

Scheduling exercise in the morning before starting to do activities is the best way for those of you who find it difficult to spend time too. Try to do some exercises at minimum 2-3 hours per week.

3. Cut down on packaged foods

Limit consumption of packaged foods, ready meals, and fried foods. This type of food group contains lots of calories, preservatives, and salt.

4. Choose foods that are processed in a certain way

Better to eat foods that are processed by steaming or boiling than those fried in hot oil. Foods that are steamed or boiled in not too long have a more complete nutritional content than fried foods. Meanwhile, fried foods contain high calories and saturated fat.

5. Rearrange your plate

Fill one-third of the food on the plate with lean meat, fish, or poultry. Try to increase your servings of fruits, vegetables, and nuts. Choose healthy carbohydrate source like potatoes or brown rice. Eat less sweet fruits like apples, tomatoes and avocados.

6. Starting and continuing good habits

The following simple habits can bring great benefits if practiced consistently and in the long term.

  • Drink mineral water with enough and regularly
  • Don’t skip the main meal
  • Consume more vegetables so that you feel full for longer
  • Avoid buying or storing high calorie snacks at home
  • Discipline your exercise time
  • Eat quietly while sitting at the dining table and not while working
