6 Ways to Take Care of Beautiful Nails

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Having beautiful and healthy nails does not only support appearance but also increases self-confidence. Therefore, nails need to be cared for to keep them healthy, strong, and shiny.

Not only at the salon, but beautiful nails can also be obtained only by doing natural treatments at home. Nails are one of the parts of the body that are vulnerable to being a place for germs to develop.

Therefore, proper nail cares so that your nails look beautiful and you are protected from various diseases.

6 Tips to Take Care of Beautiful Nails

Hands are one of the most frequently used body parts for daily activities, such as typing, holding things, to processing food in the kitchen. This of course affects the cleanliness and health of nails.

Here are some ways you can do to take care of beautiful nails:

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Trim your nails regularly

Trimming your nails regularly can help you avoid the risk of breaking your nails, thus keeping them strong. In addition, having long nails is also at risk of causing health problems. When trimming your nails, try to gently rub the edges of the nails so they don’t hurt the skin when they touch.

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Make sure your nails are always clean and dry

After washing your hands or doing activities that get your hands wet, be sure to always dry your nails and clean between your nails with a soft brush. This can prevent bacterial and fungal infections on your beautiful nails. In addition, you can also use rubber gloves when washing dishes, to prevent your nails from being exposed to harsh and harmful chemicals.

Beautiful Nails

Apply moisturizer to the cuticles

When doing nail care, don’t forget to treat the cuticle by giving it a moisturizer. However, you need to remember that you should not overdo it in treating your cuticles. Avoid pushing or peeling the cuticles, as this can damage and infect the nails with bacteria or fungi.

Beautiful Nails

Avoid using nail polish too often

Nail polish can indeed beautify nails, but its use needs to be limited. Continuous use of nail polish can make nails brittle. Give it at least a week before you reapply for nail polish. Also avoid using nail polish removers that contain acetone, as this can dry out your nails, cuticles, and surrounding skin.

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Choose the right nail salon

If you decide to do nail care at a salon, choose a nail salon that is licensed and kept clean. This is important to avoid the possibility of bacterial or fungal infection of the nails if the manicure and pedicure are not done properly.

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Take biotin supplements

If you have weak or brittle nails, it is advisable to consult a doctor. Doctors will usually give biotin supplements to strengthen nails. Biotin is one of the B vitamins that can strengthen hair and nails, and help the body’s nervous system function. Not only supplements, but biotin can also be found in sardines, cooked eggs, and nuts.

In addition to the several ways above, you can also do beautiful nail care by consuming enough water, using comfortable footwear, and stopping the habit of biting your nails.

If your nails show signs of fungal infection, apply tea tree oil to treat them. You can also mix tea tree oil with coconut oil for maximum results. Beautiful nails can describe a person’s overall hygiene and health condition. Therefore, take good care of your nails to keep them strong and healthy.

If you have problems, such as discoloration, bleeding, swelling and pain, and changes in the shape of your nails, consult your doctor immediately for proper treatment. If left untreated, nail problems can lead to infections or various nail diseases.

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