How To Use Anti-Dandruff Shampoo Properly? Avoid These 8 Bad Habits Right Now!

Cosmetologist massaging hair on the head of the woman. spa treatments. beauty treatment. Image from
Cosmetologist massaging hair on the head of the woman. spa treatments. beauty treatment. Image from

How to use anti-dandruff shampoo properly

Dandruff is indeed a trivial problem, but its effects are not trivial. In addition to reducing your self-confidence when wearing dark clothes because you are afraid of white powder on your shoulders, like commercials on TV, dandruff also makes your head itch uncomfortable.

Getting more annoyed, because you already use this brand of anti-dandruff shampoo, but dandruff still feels at home with you.

Dandruff comes from the layers of dead skin on your head that is shed excessively.

Initially, the scalp has a protective layer from things that can interfere with the health of that part.

But due to wrong care or the condition of someone’s hair, a fungus appears that causes dandruff.

The appearance of dandruff cannot be separated from your daily habits.

Well, if you do the things below often, maybe that’s what keeps your dandruff from going away.

How To Use Anti-Dandruff Shampoo Properly?

Avoid These 8 Bad Habits Right Now!

1. The first reason that dandruff is stubborn is that you rarely wash your hair.

Woman having her hair rinse. Photo by cottonbro on Pexels
Woman having her hair rinse. Photo by cottonbro on Pexels

If you are lazy to wash your hair, your hair will be limp and many species of fungi will appear there.

In addition to making a musty smell, these mushrooms will trigger dandruff.

If you don’t believe it, try to feel the difference between dandruff when you just wash it and when you haven’t washed it for a long time.

So from now on, make it a habit to wash your hair at least once every 2 days.

2. Waking up late and then taking a quick shower will make you rinse the less clean shampoo. 

Remember, rinse shampoo must be clean. Woman in body of water. Photo by Erick Larregui on Unsplash
Remember, rinse shampoo must be clean. Woman in body of water. Photo by Erick Larregui on Unsplash

It’s not only rarely shampooing that causes problems.

Diligently shampooing but always rushing to rinse the shampoo is not clean can also invite dandruff, you know.

Leftover shampoo on the scalp will become harmful impurities and make the scalp dry.

So that the release of dead skin becomes excessive and makes your head itch.

So from now on, make it a habit to rinse the shampoo until it is completely clean.

3. Shampoos should not be used as a habit. Choose only one shampoo that best matches your hair.

Use shampoo according to your hair needs. Beauty Products in Salon. Photo by Polina Tankilevitch from Pexels
Use shampoo according to your hair needs. Beauty Products in Salon. Photo by Polina Tankilevitch from Pexels

Each shampoo has its content.

Have you ever experienced when you forget to bring shampoo and then use your friend’s shampoo, but after that your hair feels fluffy and uncomfortable? T

hat means the shampoo you are using is not suitable.

Therefore, choose one anti-dandruff shampoo that suits you best, and stop changing shampoos again.

The more often you change your shampoo, your scalp must often adapt again to the substances contained in it.

4. Frequent use of the hairdryer is also not good for your hair. Don’t do it too often.

It can also cause dandruff if you use a hair dryer frequently. Man Drying Woman’s Hair. Photo by Valeria Boltneva from Pexels
It can also cause dandruff if you use a hair dryer frequently. Man Drying Woman’s Hair. Photo by Valeria Boltneva from Pexels

If you are a person who has a high activity, lingering in the room to dry your hair will be a waste of time.

That’s why the hairdryer was created to make hair easier, but also so that your hair dries quickly.

But using it too often is also not good for the scalp. Natural oils on the scalp that are damaged by the heat of a blow dryer will dry out the scalp and make the shedding of dead skin cells occur more frequently than it should.

That’s how dandruff originated.

5. Do you often wear hijab when your hair is still wet? Yes, it’s natural that your anti-dandruff shampoo doesn’t work.

Don’t wear the hijab unless your hair is dry. Arabian woman in hijab inside a cafe working on laptop. Image from
Don’t wear the hijab unless your hair is dry. Arabian woman in hijab inside a cafe working on laptop. Image from

Even though using too much hair dryer is not good for skin health, wearing a head covering when your hair is still wet is also not a wise thing.

The hair that is closed when wet makes the scalp moist and, and the scalp is moisturized is the best place for fungal growth.

Malassezia fungus is one of those harmful fungi that can appear on your scalp and cause dandruff if your scalp is frequently excessively moisturized.

6. Using a comb with sharp and tight teeth does make hair neat. But it turns out, the effect is really bad for your scalp.

Don’t choose the wrong comb. Close-up woman combing hair. Image from
Don’t choose the wrong comb. Close-up woman combing hair. Image from

Combing hair with a comb with tight and sharp teeth will indeed make your hair tidier and more beautiful.

But the sharp comb, apart from being able to injure your scalp, will also exfoliate the layer of dead skin on the scalp more often than it should.

The sharp comb will leave hair dry and dandruff. Besides that, your hair can also become branched and fall out.

So, from now on, use a comb with soft and blunt teeth.

7. Mostly using cosmetics for hair instead of making your hair beautiful, it invites dandruff!

Too many chemicals can also cause hair dandruff. Woman Getting Her Hair Color. Photo by cottonbro from Pexels
Too many chemicals can also cause hair dandruff. Woman Getting Her Hair Color. Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

So far, what make-up have you used on your hair? Leave-in Conditioner? Face mask? Hair dye? Hair spray? Wax?

Wearing these things will indeed make your hair look beautiful, but the future effect must also be considered.

Too many chemicals in your hair are also not good for scalp health.

The remnants of the hair styler that you use can accumulate dirt, and make your scalp even drier.

If so, dandruff is just waiting for the time to appear annoying.

8. Are you a big fan of fries and super-sweet iced tea? From now on, reduce it!

The cause of dandruff can come from within the body too. Woman in White Tank Top Drinking Orange Juice. Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels
The cause of dandruff can come from within the body too. Woman in White Tank Top Drinking Orange Juice. Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

Not only influenced by hair care habits but dandruff is also influenced by food.

Sugar besides being very bad for the health of important organs of the body, also affects the appearance of dandruff on the head.

Sugar can stimulate candida yeast on the scalp. Candida yeast is what causes white flakes in your hair.

Apart from sugar, fried foods are also not good for the health of your hair.

Fried stimulates excess oil production on the scalp, which eventually makes dandruff appear.

Those are some bad habits that can make dandruff last on the scalp.

Even though you are already using anti-dandruff shampoo, you should also avoid the bad habits above so that your scalp is healthy.

A healthy scalp will keep you away from troublesome hair. Dandruff? You don’t need to be afraid!

Hopefully this tips how to use anti-dandruff shampoo properly will be useful for your healthy scalp.
