8 Best Ways On How To Whiten Facial Skin Without Cream or Expensive Treatments

How To Whiten Facial Skin - Beautiful girl with beautiful makeup, youth and skin care concept.
Beautiful girl with beautiful makeup, youth and skin care concept. Image from freepik.com

How To Whiten Facial Skin

The majority of girls certainly want their faces to be free from pimples and blackheads, some want their faces to be smooth and smooth, including those who want a radiant white face.

Going to a beauty clinic is one way to whiten skin quickly. Indeed, a face that is white and radiant does look more attractive and charming.

But, that doesn’t mean using intensive care from beauty clinics is the only way to whiten skin fast or how to whiten skin permanently.

Simply by changing your daily habits a little, your face can look whiter, cleaner, and healthier too. Then, what are the habits that can be used as a way to whiten skin naturally?

How To Whiten Facial Skin

8 Best Tips Without Cream or Expensive Treatments

1. Make a habit of washing your face with warm water three times a day, so that your face is always fresh and radiant.

How To Whiten Facial Skin - Wash your face with warm water. Close-up portrait of a cute young woman wash her face with water.
Wash your face with warm water. Close-up portrait of a cute young woman wash her face with water. Image from freepik.com

The warm water will make it easier to remove dirt and reduce excess oil on the face.

Also, warm water has an effect that can relax muscles and improve blood circulation, so that the face is not prone to skin problems.

You just need to wash your face with warm water without washing your face. Make sure the water temperature is lukewarm, not too cold, and not too hot.

At least you have to wash your face three times a day, namely when you wake up, after traveling, and before going to bed. How to whiten facial skin is quite simple, right?

2. Washing your face with soap is also important. Do it twice a day regularly.

How To Whiten Facial Skin - Pampering hygiene concept happy young european woman massages cheeks aplies bubble foam washes face smiles positively has naked body enjoys taking shower wants have clean skin.
Pampering hygiene concept happy young european woman massages cheeks aplies bubble foam washes face smiles positively has naked body enjoys taking shower wants have clean skin. Image from freepik.com

Washing your face with warm water alone is not enough to remove dirt that sticks to the skin and pores.

You have to perfect it by washing your face with soap. Soap will lift and clean dirt along with germs and bacteria that stick to the surface of your facial skin.

Use facial soap products that have benefits to control oily faces and can remove dead skin cells.

Wash your face twice a day, in the morning after waking up and at night before going to bed.

3. To make your facial skin whiter and more beautiful, use a milk mask combined with rose water twice a week.

Vibrant red flower petals floating on clear white water.
Vibrant red flower petals floating on clear white water. Image from freepik.com

One way to whiten skin naturally quickly and permanently is to use a face mask made from a mixture of pure milk and rose water.

Apply this mask to your face and let it sit for 10-20 minutes. For best results, do this face mask twice a week.

You can also take a milk bath as a way to whiten the skin of your hands and feet in one week.

4. If you want glowing white skin, be a loyal connoisseur of lemon juice formulated without sugar.

Drink lemon juice. Lemonade in a glass cup on the wooden board.
Drink lemon juice. Lemonade in a glass cup on the wooden board. Image from freepik.com

Leave the habit of drinking soda and other instant drinks. Make fresh lemon juice drink your new favorite.

Lemon is famous for its vitamin C content which is very much, so it can nourish the skin and make it cleaner and brighter.

Not only facial skin but regularly drinking lemon juice twice a day is also a way to whiten body skin as a whole.

5. Even though it sounds cliche, drinking lots of water can make your skin cleaner and brighter.

Beautiful blonde drinks water. Image from freepik.com

Water has a function to get rid of substances that your body doesn’t need, including the dirt that lodges on your face.

Water will also help to spread nutrients to the body and accelerate the body’s metabolic system.

The smoother the body’s metabolism, the healthier and cleaner your skin will be.

It’s not enough just to drink 8 glasses of water per day, drink at least 15-20 glasses of water per day.

6. Apart from drinking, you are also advised to include vegetables in your daily diet.

Plate of Vegetables
Plate of Vegetables. Photo by Daria Shevtsova from Pexels

The next way to whiten skin with easy-to-get ingredients is to eat fresh vegetables which are not only good for your health but also great for brightening your skin.

Fresh vegetables will supply important nutrients and vitamins for the body so that the skin will be kept fresh.

Eat regularly a salad menu in the form of a combination of healthy vegetables that are good for the skin such as lettuce, tomatoes, potatoes, carrots, cucumbers, radishes, and other fresh vegetables.

7. Reduce staying up late until midnight, getting your sleep needs at least 7-8 hours a day

Woman in white long sleeved shirt lying on bed
Photo by Ketut Subiyanto on Pexels

Always try to get enough sleep, at least 7-8 hours a day. A good sleep pattern can be good for the health of your skin.

The face will always look fresher and cleaner because the skin regeneration process when sleeping at night is not disturbed.

Staying up late or sleeping late will only make your face look wrinkled, dull, and aging.

8. So that efforts to whiten facial skin are not in vain, routinely use sunscreen or moisturizer when you want to leave the house.

Beauty serene female face with a drops of moisturizer cream on the skin under eyes
Beauty serene female face with a drops of moisturizer cream on the skin under eyes. Image from freepik.com

Pollution contains various kinds of toxic substances and impurities that can kill skin cells and trigger acne on the face.

Meanwhile, sunlight can burn and damage your skin tissue. The use of sunscreen will protect you from exposure to pollution and ultraviolet rays by always protecting a form of early prevention.

Using this Surya screen is one way to whiten striped skin too! Well, consistently applying the simple habits above, you will get clean, white, healthy facial skin without expensive treatment.


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