6 Anti Aging Skin Treatments You Should Do Right Now in Your 25s. Don't Wait Later!

Beauty rose jade stone face roller for facial massage therapy isolated on gray wall. Image from freepik.com
Beauty rose jade stone face roller for facial massage therapy isolated on gray wall. Image from freepik.com

Anti Aging Skin Treatments

Healthy skin and keep it tight in old age is the dream of all women.

Who doesn’t want it if when you step on your head five, your face is still smooth, there are no wrinkles or black spots on the face that usually appear due to age.

To make this happen, many of us don’t know that the treatment must be done as early as possible.

In fact, according to some sources, anti-aging or anti-aging treatments can be said to be too late if they are done when the age has entered the gate of 30s.

So, while we are now in the realm of our 25s, this is the perfect time to invest in our faces to avoid premature aging and stay young in their future. 

Anti Aging Skin Treatments

6 Treatment You Should Do Right Now in Your 25s. Don’t Wait Later!

1. sun protection cream

Woman applying lotion on hand. Photo by Linda Prebreza on Pexels
Woman applying lotion on hand. Photo by Linda Prebreza on Pexels

It is obligatory to always wear sun protection cream. Of all the anti-aging creams, sunscreens are the most affordable and effective to use.

So, start using it regularly right now, especially for those of you who often have outdoor activities.

Protecting the skin from sun exposure is also one of the anti-aging treatments because solar radiation is one of the triggers for skin problems.

What should be noted, do not to underestimate the neck and hands. Many people do facial treatments but neglect these two spots.

As a result, skin patches can appear, where the skin color looks different between the face and neck, as well as wrinkles that appear on the neck first because they are not given the same treatment.

So whatever you do to your face, do your hands and neck.

2. Use of a straw can lead to wrinkles

Photo of Girl Drinking Coconut using straw. Photo by Ging Ang from Pexels
Photo of Girl Drinking Coconut using straw. Photo by Ging Ang from Pexels

Maybe this is hard to avoid, but you can minimize it.

Frequent use of a straw can lead to wrinkles. Because it turns out, repetitive muscle movements such as drinking using a straw can trigger the appearance of wrinkles more quickly.

From now on, you can stop using a straw and drink straight from the glass.

3. Use eye cream because usually the first wrinkles appear in this area.

Woman in Black Spaghetti Strap Top Wearing White Hijab. Photo by cottonbro from Pexels
Woman in Black Spaghetti Strap Top Wearing White Hijab. Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

The eye is the area where the wrinkles will appear for the first time. This is because the skin around the eyes is the thinnest in our entire body.

When you enter your 25s, don’t hesitate to use eye creams that can nourish the area around your eyes and protect you from lines at the corners of your eyes.

4. The importance of antioxidants obtained from the food consumed.

Strawberries and Oranges. Photo by Jane D. from Pexels
Strawberries and Oranges. Photo by Jane D. from Pexels

Makeup is indeed a powerful way to cover flaws such as black spots, pimples, or blackheads.

However, the most important thing is in skincare to stay healthy. Consuming antioxidant-rich foods at the age of 25 has been proven to be effective in maintaining healthy skin.

Berries, nuts, and dark chocolate are some foods that you can regularly consume.

5. It is never too early to use anti-aging creams.

Black woman with towel applying cream on face. Photo by Sora Shimazaki on Pexels
Black woman with towel applying cream on face. Photo by Sora Shimazaki on Pexels

As it turns out, the pre-aging period occurs in the late 20s to mid-30s years.

At this stage, you may start to see lines around the eyes and mouth or dark spots caused by the sun.

Don’t worry, that’s what anti-aging cream is for.

So, it’s never too early to take anti-aging treatments because the age of 25 is the right time.

6. Retinol is key!

Woman in White Robe In Front of the Mirror. Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels.
Woman in White Robe In Front of the Mirror. Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels.

Retinol is another name for vitamin A and is the most effective ingredient that absorbs into the skin.

This ingredient can be in direct contact with any part of the skin cells and make the skin look healthier and younger at the same time.

Retinol is also an effective ingredient because when absorbed by the skin, its components are broken down and turned into retinoic acid, which can directly control skin cells.

Retinol is the key to all skincare products that are safe to use in your 20s. Usually, retinol is found in anti-aging care products.

So, if you are looking for an anti-aging cream, make sure it contains retinol.

Now it becomes more and more understandable if it turns out that taking care of the face to fight aging starts at a young age when most people think that at our age we don’t need those anti-aging creams.

That opinion is not true, because, for a future youthful appearance, preparations have been made since now. So, don’t wait until later.
