5 Ways You Need To Know About How To Use Banana Peel To Benefit Your Skin

Yellow banana peels. Photo by Julia Kuzenkov on Unsplash
Yellow banana peels. Photo by Julia Kuzenkov on Unsplash

How to use banana peel to benefit your skin

Don’t throw away the banana peels in a hurry, because this organic waste can be reused.

Apart from the benefits of banana peels for plants, the goodness of other banana peels is quite a lot.

Even the benefits of banana peels if consumed can lower cholesterol and boost your immune system!

You probably already know about processed banana peels, then what about banana peel masks?

It turns out that in addition to the benefits of banana peels for teeth, the benefits of banana peels for acne are no less effective.

No wonder banana peel masks are starting to be widely used to treat various skin problems.

In addition to making masks, how to use banana peels for the face is quite diverse.

Each of the benefits has a different method or way of use. For example, to get the benefits of banana peels for acne, just stick it on.

So that you can get the benefits of banana peels for the face, here’s an easy way to apply them.

Relax, it’s not as complicated as getting the benefits of banana peels for hair!

Although banana peels are ordinary organic waste, with proper processing and utilization, banana peels can be used for many things.

Of course, this cannot be separated from the various content in banana peels.

Nutritional content in banana peels

Banana peel. Photo by Louis Hansel on Unsplash
Banana peel. Photo by Louis Hansel on Unsplash

How to use banana peel to benefit your skin – although the nutritional content in banana peels is not as much as the fruit, this organic waste has no less interesting benefits.

In addition to the face, the benefits of banana peels for wounds and the benefits of banana peels for lips do not need to be doubted – although not many have practiced them.

In 100 grams of banana peel, it contains 0.12 mg of vitamin B, 17.05 mg of vitamin C, o protein, 32 grams, 715 mg of calcium, 1.60 mg of iron, and 117 mg of phosphorus.

Also, banana peels also contain other ingredients such as water, zinc, manganese, and carbohydrates, although the amounts are not that large, according to the Halo Doc page.

Thanks to the content in it, banana peels have begun to be widely used to treat various facial skin problems or even other health complaints.

That means the use of banana peels for fertilizer is only one of the many benefits that exist.

The benefits of banana peels for the face are not just for acne.

However, to minimize the side effects of banana peels on the face, how to use them must be correct.

How To Use Banana Peel To Benefit Your Skin

Here are some of the benefits of banana peels for the face and easy ways to apply them.

You don’t have to use it as a mask, just apply it to your facial skin and you can feel the benefits right away.

5 Ways You Need To Know

1. Banana peels can deflate pimples and remove scars

Banana peels can deflate pimples. Image from www.beautyvigour.com
Banana peels can deflate pimples. Image from www.beautyvigour.com

Thanks to the nutritional content in it, banana peels can help deflate pimples and make the scars disappear in just a matter of days.

Here’s how to use banana peels that Habiba often practices.

Take a few banana peels and apply them to the area of ​​the face with acne or in areas that may develop acne.

While rubbing it on the skin, press and rub the banana peel gently. Let stand for an hour then rinse using warm water.

Pat your face with a clean towel and then apply a natural moisturizer such as olive oil so that the pimples will disappear faster and the black marks will disappear.

If you want to use it to get rid of acne scars, banana peels mixed with turmeric are also quite effective!

Simply blender the banana peel with turmeric powder then apply as a mask as usual.

Let stand for 15 minutes then rinse with warm water and don’t forget to dry your face then apply a moisturizer to minimize side effects.

2. Signs of premature aging such as wrinkles can also be reduced by using banana peels!

Banana peel and honey. Image from beautyblog.data.blog
Banana peel and honey. Image from beautyblog.data.blog

To get more optimal benefits, banana peels can be mixed with a little honey.

With regular use twice a week, the wrinkles on your face will gradually improve and your skin will become a little firmer.

Even black spots can fade a little!

Take the inside of a banana peel then mash and mix with a teaspoon of honey.

Apply the mask to the face for 15 minutes then rinse with lukewarm water.

3. Banana peel masks can be used to hydrate dry skin.

Banana peels and lemon. Image from www.littlethings.com
Banana peels and lemon. Image from www.littlethings.com

The content of vitamin A in banana peels can lock facial skin moisture and restore its elasticity.

To use it, you can mix banana peels with a little lemon juice which contains lots of vitamin C and citric acid.

Blend the banana peel and add two to three tablespoons of lemon juice then apply it to the face.

Leave it on for 15 minutes until the mask starts to dry then wash it off with warm water.

Apply toner to minimize side effects.

4. Banana peel scrub to remove dead skin cells.

Banana peel and sugar scrub. Image from www.budgetbytes.com
Banana peel and sugar scrub. Image from www.budgetbytes.com

Before acne, it’s better to first clean dirt, dead skin cells, and sebum by using a banana peel scrub.

You can mix the banana peel that has been mashed with a little sugar then rub it on the surface of the skin while doing the massage slowly.

If so, let stand for 10 minutes then rinse with warm water. Make sure the skin is not inflamed when applying this natural scrub.

5. Protects the skin from free radicals and rejuvenates it.

Banana and oatmeal mask. Ingredients for homemade facial mask decorated with lavender, flat lay. Image from www.retikul.hu
Banana and oatmeal mask. Ingredients for homemade facial mask decorated with lavender, flat lay. Image from www.retikul.hu

Because it has a high enough antioxidant content, banana peels can protect the skin from free radical damage and rejuvenate it.

You can mix banana peels with oatmeal, sugar, and milk for optimal benefits.

Blend banana peels with two tablespoons of oatmeal, sugar, and milk. Apply a banana mask to your face and do a gentle massage for 5 minutes.

Leave the mask for about 20 to 30 minutes then rinse with lukewarm water.

Use one to two times a week for maximum results.

How to use banana peel to benefit your skin – The Side Effect

The Side Effect of banana peels. Image from www.stylecraze.com
The Side Effect of banana peels. Image from www.stylecraze.com

Unfortunately, banana masks have side effects if they are not used properly. Especially if your skin is sensitive enough.

Using banana peel masks that are too long and too often can cause skin irritation.

Not only that, but banana peels can also reduce the skin’s natural oils and make it drier if you use them too often.

Gradually, you may also experience allergic reactions such as red, itchy, and inflamed faces.

To avoid unwanted things, use a banana mask as needed, a maximum of two times a week and the application does not take more than 30 minutes.

When finished, make sure the banana peel mask is completely cleaned and does not leave marks on the face to minimize the risk.

Before use, banana peels must also be washed to avoid chemicals that might stick to the banana peels.

If your skin is sensitive and inflamed, it’s better not to use this banana peel mask.

Even though the benefits of banana peels are so tempting, they are not necessarily safe for all facial skin.

Instead of getting more problematic, it’s better to avoid side effects.
