8 Ways How To Redden Dark Lips Permanently, Even If Its Not Instant, The Important Thing Is Painstaking

How To Redden Black Lips Permanently | image from freepik.com
How To Redden Black Lips Permanently | image from freepik.com
How To Redden Dark Lips Permanently

Even though it can be disguised with lipstick, having bright red lips is still every girl’s dream. Not only does it make the appearance more leverage, but bright lips also indicate a health condition. Everyone has different genes for lip color, but outside of genes, many other factors can make lips turn black. For example, sun exposure or smoking habits.

It is not impossible to restore the lip color or redden the color as long as you can avoid the cause. So, what about the owner of black lips because of genetics? No need to worry, this way of reddened black lips from birth is fairly practical because you only need to use natural ingredients or get into good habits to prevent the black color from returning. Here’s how to redden black lips within a week that is worth a try.

Apart from smoking and genetic factors, black lips can also be caused by several other things, such as the following.

4 Causes of Dark lips

1. Rarely clean lipstick

Removing lipstick | Image from freepik.com
Removing lipstick | Image from freepik.com

If left on for too long, the chemicals from the lipstick can turn the lip color pigment darker. In particular, lipsticks containing isopalmityl diglyceryl sebacate, ricinoleic acid, and dipentaerythritol fatty acid.

Not only black lips, but this content can also trigger allergic reactions. Apart from cleaning lipstick, always check the packaging before buying lipstick and avoid these chemicals.

2. Consume too much caffeine

Woman hold cup on plate with hot latte coffee. Image from freepik.com
Woman hold cup on plate with hot latte coffee. Image from freepik.com

In caffeine, there are diuretic substances that can make you urinate more often. This condition can cause the body to become dehydrated because it has to secrete fluids constantly. Over time, dehydration can also cause chapped lips and turn dark colors.

3. The habit of licking and biting your lips

Funny cheerful glad young girl in a straw hat with a pink ribbon, looks playful, bit a lower lip, dressed lavender t-shirt, over white background
Funny cheerful glad young girl in a straw hat with a pink ribbon, looks playful, bit a lower lip, dressed lavender t-shirt, over white background

This trivial habit can make your lips drier. If allowed to continue, this habit can make the lip color darker and often experience chapped.

4. Sun exposure causes lip hyperpigmentation

Sun exposure causes lip hyperpigmentation | Photo by Alexander Stemplewski from Pexels
Sun exposure causes lip hyperpigmentation | Photo by Alexander Stemplewski from Pexels
Not only on the face, but hyperpigmentation can also occur on your lips! Usually, this melanin will form due to frequent exposure to sunlight, especially those who often do outdoor activities without using SPF lip balm.

No need to worry, dark lips can be brightened again. Here’s how to redden lips naturally. You don’t have to use special products, as long as you do this treatment regularly, reddening your lips is not impossible. Here are various natural and permanent ways to redden your lips that you can try.

How To Redden Dark Lips

1. Using sugar and honey

Honey dripping from a wooden spoon over white background | Food photo created by Racool_studio – www.freepik.com
Honey dripping from a wooden spoon over white background | Food photo created by Racool_studio – www.freepik.com

The rough texture of sugar can be used as an exfoliating lip so that it can exfoliate the dead skin cells that have accumulated on the surface. This exfoliant will not dry out your lips thanks to the moisturizing honey. Here’s how to redden your lips with sugar and honey.

Mix one tablespoon of sugar with honey to taste. Stir then smooth and massage lightly on the lips. Let stand for five minutes, then wash off with warm water.

2. Using honey

How to redden lips with honey | Photo by Art Rachen on Unsplash
How to redden lips with honey | Photo by Art Rachen on Unsplash

Even without sugar, honey can be used to redden your lips. The content of glucose and fructose in it can stimulate the epidermis to make new collagen. Just apply honey and let it dry so that the skin of the lips looks more natural red.

3. Using lemon

How to redden lips with lemon | Photo by Lisa from Pexels
How to redden lips with lemon | Photo by Lisa from Pexels
The vitamin C content in lemon can brighten and redden lips after several uses. Experts say that lemon can be a melanin inhibitor that causes dark lips. Apart from mixing it with sugar to make a scrub, lemon can also be applied to the surface of the lips overnight to brighten it.

4. Using lime

How to redden lips with lime | Photo by Anthony Shkraba from Pexels
How to redden lips with lime | Photo by Anthony Shkraba from Pexels
Not only lemons, other citrus fruits like limes also have the same benefits. In addition to removing dead skin cells, lip skin will also regenerate properly thanks to the vitamin C content in it.

Squeeze the lime, then rub it on your lips for 5 minutes. Let stand for 30 minutes until the lime juice begins to dry on the skin of the lips. Do this treatment regularly for two times a day for maximum benefits.

5. Using olive oil

How to redden lips with olive oil | image from Pexels.com
How to redden lips with olive oil | image from Pexels.com

The content of vitamins E and K in olive oil can be used to brighten lips naturally. No need to bother using it as a scrub, just apply olive oil at night before going to bed regularly to get a brighter lip color.

6. Using aloe vera

How to redden lips with aloe vera | Woman photo created by freepik – www.freepik.com
How to redden lips with aloe vera | Woman photo created by freepik – www.freepik.com
Apart from moisturizing the skin, aloe vera can also restore the natural color of the lips. Aloe vera can also redden black lips due to hyperpigmentation. How to use it is not difficult.

Scrape aloe vera from the stem then rub it thinly to the skin surface of the lips. After dry, rinse with warm water. For maximum results, do it at least twice a week.

7. Using turmeric

The curcumin in turmeric can trigger collagen production on the surface of the lips and make the color brighter. How to use it is easy. Turmeric powder can be mixed with honey or milk to rub on the lips. Or, apply turmeric powder directly without adding anything for 15 minutes on the surface of the lips then rinse with warm water.

8. Using toothpaste

How to redden lips with toothpaste, via www.dailydot.com
How to redden lips with toothpaste, via www.dailydot.com

Toothpaste is rich in magnesium, selenium, calcium, potassium, and various other minerals that can help accelerate the skin regeneration process of the lips. The use of toothpaste to brighten the lips is allowed, but not when the lips are chapped or canker sores. Here’s how to redden your lips with toothpaste.

Apply toothpaste on the lips. Let stand for 15 minutes or until dry then wash off with warm water. Use it twice a week so that the lip color returns faster.

Apart from the above treatments, also do the following things so that the lip color can return to red and brighter.

Ways To Permanently Redden Black Lips | image from Pexels.com
Ways To Permanently Redden Black Lips | image from Pexels.com

  1. Diligently drink water to avoid dehydration, which causes dry and dark lips. Especially after consuming caffeine.
  2. Make sure to always use an SPF lip balm every time you go outside to protect your lips from becoming hyperpigmented.
  3. Also avoid exposure to toxic substances, such as cigarette smoke or air pollution.
  4. Every time you wake up, try to always exfoliate your lips using a lip scrub or a mixture of honey and sugar. Also, use lip balm before going to bed and remove the remaining lipstick and other cosmetics.
  5. Avoid the habit of biting and licking your lips even if they are dry. Instead of licking it, it’s better to just apply lip balm.
  6. This last method is a bit of an effort, but it’s effective, namely by applying a vitamin E supplement or capsule to the surface of the lips to help replace dead skin cells with new ones.

Dark lips are annoying and hard to avoid, and even girls who don’t smoke often experience it. Instead of having to keep it covered with lipstick, it’s better to do the simple treatment above to restore the brightness of the color. Good luck!
