6 Powerful Natural Acne Medication Guaranteed To Make You Glowing

Woman in grey long sleeved shirt with glowing face. Photo by Ali Pazani from Pexels
Woman in grey long sleeved shirt with glowing face. Photo by Ali Pazani from Pexels

Natural Acne Medication

Acne is the most common scourge experienced by most people. Various ways to get rid of pimples and scars have been thoroughly taken to get rid of this culprit, from consulting a dermatologist to trying various acne medications in pharmacies. As a result, not all work as expected. The pimples were still showing up and it was even more comfortable stopping on the face.

Instead of experimenting with creams that you don’t know about their content and effects on your face, there’s nothing wrong with making the following most effective and proven natural acne medication. Guaranteed safe and economical in the pocket!

10 Natural Acne Medication To Make Your Face Became Acne-Free

1. Egg white plus honey, a powerful natural acne drug and quickly eradicate acne-causing bacteria.

Potato juice plus honey plus egg yolk face mask for dry and damaged hair on the wooden surface along with raw potato, egg and honey present on the surface. Photo from depositphotos.com
Potato juice plus honey plus egg yolk face mask for dry and damaged hair on the wooden surface along with raw potato, egg and honey present on the surface. Photo from depositphotos.com

Egg white is an effective natural ingredient for reducing excess oil on facial skin, removing dirt from pores, and eradicating acne-causing bacteria. Meanwhile, honey functions as an antibiotic and prevents inflammation of the skin.

Simply mix the egg white with two teaspoons of honey, then mix well until bubbly. Use this mixture as a face mask and let it sit for 15 minutes until it dries, then rinse it off with warm water until clean. Do this method regularly to deal with acne quickly.

2. A mixture of tea and basil, both of which contain antioxidants and antiseptics that make pimples never come back again.

Basil face mask isolated on white i.e. Basil leaves juice well mixed with honey and gram flour in a bowl and entire raw ingredients present on the surface.Used for instant acne and pimple free glow. Photo from depositphotos.com
Basil face mask isolated on white i.e. Basil leaves juice well mixed with honey and gram flour in a bowl and entire raw ingredients present on the surface.Used for instant acne and pimple free glow. Photo from depositphotos.com

Boil a handful of tea and a few basil leaves for about 15 minutes, remove from heat and let it cool. Apply it on the face with acne by soaking a cotton ball in the cooking water for a while. Take it and rub it on the pimples. Then wait until the liquid dries and then wash it using water.

You can store this natural acne medicine concoction for sensitive skin in the refrigerator and use it again the next day.

3. Acne and even stubborn scars will disappear instantly if you use the lemon and turmeric mixture regularly.

Lemon face mask on the wooden surface consisting lemon juice, gram flour or chickpea flour, turmeric or Haldi and milk in a glass bowl.For the treatment of tans. Photo from depositphotos.com
Lemon face mask on the wooden surface consisting lemon juice, gram flour or chickpea flour, turmeric or Haldi and milk in a glass bowl.For the treatment of tans. Photo from depositphotos.com

In addition to the natural aloe vera acne remedy, turmeric is a natural ingredient that contains antibacterial and fungal properties so it can control sebum and reduce acne growth.

Mix the lemon juice into the turmeric powder until it thickens and forms a paste. Apply turmeric paste on the affected areas of your face and let it sit for 10 to 15 minutes before washing it off.

If done regularly, this natural acne remedy for teenagers will get rid of even stubborn pimples, and get rid of acne scars effectively and quickly.

4. Because it is effective in removing dead skin cells, mixing oatmeal and yogurt will gradually get rid of your acne.

Mixing oatmeal and yogurt will gradually get rid of your acne. Photo from depositphotos.com
Mixing oatmeal and yogurt will gradually get rid of your acne. Photo from depositphotos.com

Oatmeal is good at fighting acne because it exfoliates the skin and helps to remove dead skin cells. Oatmeal is also an effective antibacterial and prevents the formation of new pimples on the skin. Meanwhile, yogurt will make your skin smooth and firm.

Rub the mixture of oatmeal and yogurt on the acne area and wait for it to dry. Next, rinse using warm water.

5. Get toned and acne-free skin with this lime juice plus milk mask!

Bathing day ingredients for spa soap with milk, citrus and cloves, square. Photo from depositphotos.com
Bathing day ingredients for spa soap with milk, citrus and cloves, square. Photo from depositphotos.com

The function of lime juice is to remove dead skin cells and fight acne-causing bacteria. Meanwhile, milk is very good for moisturizing and firming the skin. Also reduces oil production on the face.

Mix herbal natural acne medication from lime juice plus milk. Apply as a mask to remove stubborn pimples on your face. Rub it on the facial skin evenly and leave it for a while. Then wash it using warm water and cleaning soap.

6. The combination of apple and honey not only gets rid of acne but also maintains the PH value of your facial skin.

Combination of apple and honey for natural acne medication. depositphotos.com
Combination of apple and honey for natural acne medication. depositphotos.com

It is no secret that the vitamin and antioxidant content in honey is very good for treating the face, as well as maintaining its daily condition. Especially if you add apples that are rich in water content as a complement to natural acne remedies for sensitive skin, the results are more optimal.

It’s easy, you only need to prepare one grated apple and two tablespoons of honey. Combine the two ingredients, then apply on the face and let stand for 20 minutes. After that, wash your face with warm water. Easy, right?

How, easy right? The natural acne remedies above can’t get rid of your pimples instantly, but they give effect to the face slowly. How to get rid of acne overnight or how to get rid of pimples naturally in 1 day is almost impossible, unless you use skincare products from doctors that have proven efficacy. The plus is that it has minimal side effects and costs. So you have to be patient and painstaking!
